99 Items
Ophrys tenthredinifera (Saw-fly Ophrys, Bee Orchid), 1930Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1930, 1st September 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of Barbary and Sicily
Watsonia marginata var. minor, 1813Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1530, 1st February 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Cymbidium hookerianum orchid. Curtis, ??s Botanical Magazine, vol. 92 [ser. 3, vol. 22]: t. 5574 (1866) Artist: W.H. Fitch
Angraecum sesquipedale, 1870Watercolour illustration depicting botanical details of Angraecum sesquipedale, and notes relating to the species, by John Day, 1870. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook volume 16 page 40
Vanilla planifolia (Vanilla orchid), 1839-1845Illustration of Vanilla planifolia from L horticulteur Universel: Journal G├®n├®ral des Amateurs et Jardiniers Pr├®sentant L analyse Raison├®e des Travaux Horticoles Fran├ºais et Etrangersl
Vanilla planifolia, 1888Fertilisation of Vanilla flower (Delteil). Kew Bull. 1888, p. 79
Vanilla planifolia (Vanilla orchid), 1880Lithograph of Vanilla planifolia by David Blair. Artwork from Medicinal Plants: Being Description with Original Figures of the Principal Plants Employed in Medicine and an Account of the Characters
Vanilla planifolia, 1835-1848Illustration from Rumphia: sive, Commentationes botanicae imprimis de plantis Indae Orientalis, tum penitus incognitis tum quae in libris Rheodii Rumphii, Roxburghii
Vanilla planifolia, 1805-1807Illustration of Vanilla planifolia from The Paradisus Londinensis, 1805-1807, volume 2; t.82
Vanilla planifoliaIllustration from Darstellung und Beschreibung sämmtlicher in der Pharmacopoea borussica aufgeführten offizinellen Gewächse, etc. vol 3, plate 23a
Vanilla planifolia, 1858-1863Illustration from Darstellung und Beschreibung sämmtlicher in der Pharmacopoea borussica aufgeführten offizinellen Gewächse, 1858-1863, volume 3, plate 23b
Vanilla planifolia, 1805-1846Illustration of Vanilla planifolia from Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung Der in Der Arzneykunde Gebr├ñuchlichen Gew├ñchse : Wie Auch Aolcher, Welche mit Inhen Verwechselt Werden K├Ânnen
Vanilla planifolia, 1887Illustration from K├Âhlers Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen, 1887. Artwork from volume 2, plate 12
Vanilla planifolia, 1808Illustration from The Botanical Cabinet Consisting of Coloured Delineations of Plants, 1808. Artwork from volume 8 plate 733
Aerides quinquevulnera, 1838Original drawing for plate XXX in John Lindleys Sertum orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; selected by John Lindley, published in 1838
Aeranthus arachnites, 1873Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6034, 1st May 1873. The medium used is watercolour and pencil on paper
Ophrys speculum, 1870Watercolour and pencil on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1870. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 96, plate 5844
Orchis foliosa, 1838Watercolour on paper. Original drawing for plate XLIV in John Lindleys Sertum orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; selected by John Lindley, published in 1838
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