Aloe mitriformis, 1810Original illustration of Aloe mitriformis, from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1270, 1st March 1810. The currently accepted plant name is Aloe perfoliata
Aloe volkensiiALOACEAE, Aloe volkensii, 195323302
528. Aloe and Cochineal Cactus in Flower, TeneriffeAloe vera L. and A. barbadensis, Mill. and Cochineal Cactus, Opuntia coccinellifera, Steud
421. Tree Aloes and Mesembryanthemums above Van Staadens KlooAloe saponaria, Haw. is the stemless species, and the arboreous one is A. africana, Mill. or an allied species. Trailing on the ground is a species of Mesembryanthemurn; behind the Aloe
401. Vegetation of the Addo Bush with Kaffirs and their HabitationHanging from the trees in front are nests of a species of social finch different from that on the bullrushes in 400. On the right is an Aloe
387. Aloe and Passionflower, South AfricaThe Aloe flowers in this painting belong to the trunkless species in 386; and the Passionflower (Passiflora edulis, Sims.) is a plant of American origin cultivated and colonised in South Africa
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