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Artist Collection

Background imageArtist Collection: 115. The Aqueduct of Morro Velho, Brazil

115. The Aqueduct of Morro Velho, Brazil
Coral Mountain in the background, and part of an inflorescence of banana, a Convolvulcea, and Amethystine Humming Birds (Calliphlox amethystina) in front

Background imageArtist Collection: 114. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Pitanga, and Sulphur Butt

114. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Pitanga, and Sulphur Butt
Pitanga is the name applied to more than one myrtaceous fruit in the West Indies and Brazil; this is apparently a species of Eugenia. The butterfly is Callidyasphilea

Background imageArtist Collection: 77. Wild Flowers at Morro Velho, Brazil

77. Wild Flowers at Morro Velho, Brazil
Bignonia venusta. Ker. and a Convolvulacea (Quamoclit Nationis Hook. ?), climbing over Luhea rufescens, St. Hil. a forest tree

Background imageArtist Collection: 50. Landscape at Morro Velho, Brazil

50. Landscape at Morro Velho, Brazil
In the foreground is a colony of Butterflies (Helicon phyllis) going to roost on a single segment of a palm leaf, from which they will never move until the suns rays reach them in the morning

Background imageArtist Collection: 552. Flowers and Fruit of the Pomelo, a branch of Hennah, and Fl

552. Flowers and Fruit of the Pomelo, a branch of Hennah, and Fl
Hennah (Lawsonia inermis, Linn.) yields a dye much used by Eastern ladies to dye their hair, eyelids, finger nails, &c. The Pomelo is a variety of Shaddock (Citrus decumana, Linn.)

Background imageArtist Collection: 99. Flowers of a Twiner, Brazil

99. Flowers of a Twiner, Brazil
These flowers (Mucuna sp. ?) are sweet and of a waxy consistency, and were found growing at the mouth of the Cave of Curvelho, where Dr.Lund found the teeth of a " nut-eating man."

Background imageArtist Collection: 79. View of the Old Gold Works at Morro Velho, Brazil

79. View of the Old Gold Works at Morro Velho, Brazil

Background imageArtist Collection: 47. Flowers of Datura and Humming Birds, Brazil

47. Flowers of Datura and Humming Birds, Brazil
Datura arborea, Linn. is a native of tropical America, and is commonly cultivated in other countries, as it grows like a rank weed

Background imageArtist Collection: 1. Victoria regia

1. Victoria regia
This majestic plant and largest off all Water Lilies inhabits many of the rivers of the north-eastern part of South America

Background imageArtist Collection: 97. Foliage and Flowers of a Coral tree and double-crested Hummi

97. Foliage and Flowers of a Coral tree and double-crested Hummi
The Chorisia is probably C. speciosa, St. Hil. and the birds Trochilus cornutus

Background imageArtist Collection: 101. Palma Christi or Castor Oil, painted in Brazil

101. Palma Christi or Castor Oil, painted in Brazil
Behind are some leafless stems bearing clusters of the prickly seed-vessels at the top. The castor-oil tree (Ricinus com munis, L.) is a native of India

Background imageArtist Collection: 44. Some Brazilian Flowers

44. Some Brazilian Flowers
A white-flowered Convolvulacea, associated with a species of Dipteracanthus-a shrub smelling like onions, and a yellow-flowered Composita (As-pilia ?) that smells like vanilla

Background imageArtist Collection: 809. View at Morro Velho, Brazil

809. View at Morro Velho, Brazil
A Yucca and the candelabrum-like American Aloe (A gave americana, L.) in flower in the foreground. This should not be confounded with any of the species of the genus Aloe (see 505 and 528)

Background imageArtist Collection: 151. Flowers of a Brazilian Coral Tree and Vegetable Mercury

151. Flowers of a Brazilian Coral Tree and Vegetable Mercury
Erythrina sp. and Brunjelsia Hopoeana, Benth. (syn. F rqniscea loeana, Hook.). The latter is used medicinally, hence the popular name

Background imageArtist Collection: 142. Ground Orchid, Carqueja and Giant Snail, Brazil

142. Ground Orchid, Carqueja and Giant Snail, Brazil
Epistephium sclerophyllum, Lindl. Baccharis trimera, DC. and a Bulimus. The Carqueja, or Carqueja amargosa, is a curious member of the Compositae having wing like expansions on the stem in lieu of

Background imageArtist Collection: 139. A Brazilian Epiphyto or Air Plant

139. A Brazilian Epiphyto or Air Plant
This most gorgeous plant (Billbergia zebrina, Lindl.) is a member of the Brormeliaceae, a family that includes the Pine Apple, and that was originally restricted to America

Background imageArtist Collection: 134. Group of Epiphytal Orchids and Bromeliads, Brazil

134. Group of Epiphytal Orchids and Bromeliads, Brazil
Species of Tillandsia, Oncidiurm divaricatum, Lindl. &c

Background imageArtist Collection: 120. Bananas and Orange Trees, a Palm and a Bush of Noche Buena

120. Bananas and Orange Trees, a Palm and a Bush of Noche Buena
As mentioned under 816 the Banana is one of the most striking types of tropical vegetation; and it is also one of the most important

Background imageArtist Collection: 108. Foliage and Flowers of a Brazilian Climbing Shrub and Hummi

108. Foliage and Flowers of a Brazilian Climbing Shrub and Hummi
There are three or four species varieties of Bougainvillea, to which genus the climber belongs, all of them endemic in Brazil, though one or two are now commonly cultivated in warm countries

Background imageArtist Collection: 98. Flowers of a Coral Tree and King of the Flycatchers Brazil

98. Flowers of a Coral Tree and King of the Flycatchers Brazil
Erythrina sp. and Muscivora Swainsoni

Background imageArtist Collection: 95. View of the Old Gold Works from the verandah at Morro Velho

95. View of the Old Gold Works from the verandah at Morro Velho
North American Magnolia grandiftora, L. and pet animals in the foreground

Background imageArtist Collection: 78. Brazilian Orchids

78. Brazilian Orchids
A species of Zygopetalum ( Z. brachypetalum, Lindl.), with the orange-scarlet Comparettia coccinea, Lindl. in front

Background imageArtist Collection: 70. Palma de Santa Rita, and Atlas Moth, Brazil

70. Palma de Santa Rita, and Atlas Moth, Brazil
The inflorescences of the Marica are so heavy that they fall to the ground on all sides; and the seeds germinate before they leave the pod, and send down their roots therefrom

Background imageArtist Collection: 61. Organ Peak at Theresoplis and Bay of Rio below

61. Organ Peak at Theresoplis and Bay of Rio below

Background imageArtist Collection: 58. Study of the Travellers Tree of Madagascar in the Botanic G

58. Study of the Travellers Tree of Madagascar in the Botanic G
This tree (Ravenala madagascariensis, Sonn.), is called the Travellers Friend, as its broad leaves collect the precipitated moisture which filters into its tightly-plaited sheaths;

Background imageArtist Collection: 51. Foliage and Flowers of a Madagascar Plant

51. Foliage and Flowers of a Madagascar Plant
This is Amomum magnificum, Benth, (syn. A1ipinia magnifier, Roscoe). For a long time it was supposed to be a native of Mauritius, where, however, it is only naturalised

Background imageArtist Collection: 88. Flowers of a Brazilian Forest Tree

88. Flowers of a Brazilian Forest Tree
Pachira margqinata, A. Juss. is related to the Baobab and the genera Bombax (247) and Eriodendron (632)

Background imageArtist Collection: 80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil

80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil
The Falm (Acrocomia sp.) is a favourite nesting-place of birds, as its trunk is so armed with prickles that no climbing enemies attempt to reach them

Background imageArtist Collection: 62. Foliage, Flowers, and fruit of False Tomato, painted in Braz

62. Foliage, Flowers, and fruit of False Tomato, painted in Braz
This plant, Cyphomnandra betacea, Sendt. (syn. Solanum betaceum, Cav.), is a native of Western and Central America, and is cultivated in some countries for its fruit

Background imageArtist Collection: 6. Seven Snowy Peaks seen from the Araucaria Forest, Chili

6. Seven Snowy Peaks seen from the Araucaria Forest, Chili
A view of the Cordilleras near Angole, with Burning Bush (Embothirium coccineum), an orange-coloured Ground Orchid (Chloraea sp.), the white-flowered Libertia ixioides, Spreng

Background imageArtist Collection: 661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed Pine

661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed Pine
The Japanese delight in dwarfing normally big trees; and they have brought the art to such a degree of perfection that they can keep them down to the size of the one represented to a very

Background imageArtist Collection: 10. The Baths of Cauquenas in the Cordilleras South of, Santiago

10. The Baths of Cauquenas in the Cordilleras South of, Santiago
Columnar Cacti, Pitcairnia, Alstroemeria, Echinocactus, calandrinia, etc. in the foreground on the right. These plants are all represented life size in the paintings around

Background imageArtist Collection: 830. Vegetation on a stream at Chanleon, Chili

830. Vegetation on a stream at Chanleon, Chili
Lomaria procera, Spr. in front with Gunnera scabra, Ruiz. et Pay. and Fabiana imbricata, Ruiz. et Pay. on the right; Araucaria imbricata, Pavon, behind; on the left, yellow Bueddleia globosa, Lam

Background imageArtist Collection: 624. Curious Plants from the Forest of Matang, Sarawak, Borneo

624. Curious Plants from the Forest of Matang, Sarawak, Borneo
On the left, attached to a trunk, are the bladder-like leaves of Dischidia Collyris, Wall. (Asclepiadaceae); and the red ribbon-like bodies bearing numerous small flowers are the inflorescences of

Background imageArtist Collection: 476. Male and Female Trees of the Coco de Mer in Praslin

476. Male and Female Trees of the Coco de Mer in Praslin
On the right the taller male trees, which some- times attain a height of 100 feet, but the female is always shorter. The feather-leaved palm in front may be Deckenia

Background imageArtist Collection: 21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili

21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili
" Robble, " literally oak, is the name given to the common large-leaved Chilian " Beech" (Nothofagus obliqua, Mirb.)

Background imageArtist Collection: 4. Puzzle -Monkey Trees and Guanacos, Chili

4. Puzzle -Monkey Trees and Guanacos, Chili
Pehuen is the Chilian name of the familiar Araucaria imbricata, Pav. here represented in full development at home close under the Cordilleras of Chili, where there are no monkeys

Background imageArtist Collection: 818. Red Water Lily of Southern India

818. Red Water Lily of Southern India
This is the Nymphaea Lotus, L. (N. rubra, Roxb.), and was painted at Cochin

Background imageArtist Collection: 793. Foliage, Flowers, and Seed-vessel of the Opium Poppy

793. Foliage, Flowers, and Seed-vessel of the Opium Poppy
This plant (Papaver somniferum, L.) has been cultivated in Eastern countries from the most remote time for the sake of the inspissated juice, called opium; it is largely grown in Asia Minor, Persia

Background imageArtist Collection: 776. Flowers of a West Australian Shrub and Kangaroo Feet

776. Flowers of a West Australian Shrub and Kangaroo Feet
Anigozanthus flavida, Red. is the name of the herb. The genus Callistemon comprises about ten species scattered nearly all over Australia, but C. speciosus, DC

Background imageArtist Collection: 671. Foliage of a Cinnamon and Atlas Moth

671. Foliage of a Cinnamon and Atlas Moth
The pea-like flower is Clitoria Ternatea, Linn. Observe the Caterpillar and Chrysalis of the Moth (Attacus sp)

Background imageArtist Collection: 602. A Bornean Crinum

602. A Bornean Crinum
This plant (Crinum Northianum, Baker), is common enough in Borneo, yet it was not previously known to botanists. Around the doorway, beginning on the left, are Cissus discolor, Blume, from Borneo

Background imageArtist Collection: 561. A new Pitcher Plant from the limestone mountains of Sarawak

561. A new Pitcher Plant from the limestone mountains of Sarawak
This, Nepenthes Northiana, Hook. f. has one of the largest pitchers of any known species. In consequence of seeing this painting, Messrs

Background imageArtist Collection: 481. Moon reflected in a turtle pool, Seychelles

481. Moon reflected in a turtle pool, Seychelles
A view of St. Annes Island from the artists window at Mahe with an unbroken reflection of the moon in the turtle pool below, and a cocoanut palm in the foreground

Background imageArtist Collection: 405. A Medley of Flowers from Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope

405. A Medley of Flowers from Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope
On the right, the scarlet Sutherlandia frutescens, R. Br. followed by the white balls of the minute flowers of a Brunia ? a blue and red Lobostermon(Boraginaceae)

Background imageArtist Collection: 368. Two Flowering Shrubs of: Natal and a Trogon

368. Two Flowering Shrubs of: Natal and a Trogon
The brilliant red Schotia speciosa, Jacq. is related to the gorgeous Indian Amnherstia (see 594). The fragrant white Gardenia Thunbergia Linn. f

Background imageArtist Collection: 251. Cocoanut Palms on the River Bank near Galle, Ceylon

251. Cocoanut Palms on the River Bank near Galle, Ceylon
For some information respecting this Palm the reader is referred to the descriptions of 156 and 229

Background imageArtist Collection: 124. Leonotis nepetaefolia and Doctor Humming Birds, Jamaica

124. Leonotis nepetaefolia and Doctor Humming Birds, Jamaica
The noble herb here represented is a native of South Africa, and now a common " weed " in some tropical countries. Aithurus polytmus is the name of the bird in this and 123

Background imageArtist Collection: 12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue Chili

12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue Chili
Beginning at the top on the right are the tufted leaves and hanging orange-red flowers of Lobelia salicifolia, Don, and intermingling with the foliage the graceful blue Conanthera bifolia

Background imageArtist Collection: 3. Burning Bush and Emu Wren of Chili

3. Burning Bush and Emu Wren of Chili
The Burning Bush (Embothriumn coccineum, Forst.) belongs to the same family as the South African genera Protea and Leucaden-dron and the Australian Banksia and Grevillea

Background imageArtist Collection: 613. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Pepper plant

613. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Pepper plant
The pepper plant (Piper nigrum, L.) is a native of S. India. White and black pepper are from the same plant. Whole black pepper is the ripe fruit untouched

Background imageArtist Collection: 832. Distant View of Santiago, Chili, from Apoquindo

832. Distant View of Santiago, Chili, from Apoquindo
Acacia bushes in the foreground

Background imageArtist Collection: 613. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Pepper plant

613. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Pepper plant
The pepper plant (Piper nigrum, L.) is a native of S. India. White and black pepper are from the same plant. Whole black pepper is the ripe fruit untouched

Background imageArtist Collection: 365. Strelitzia and Sugar Birds, South Africa

365. Strelitzia and Sugar Birds, South Africa
The genus Strelitzia, of which four or five species are known, is peculiar to South Africa, and its botanical affinity is with the Banana (Musa) and with the travellers tree of Madagascar (Ravenala)

Background imageArtist Collection: 271. A View in the Royal Botanic Garden, Peradeniya, Ceylon

271. A View in the Royal Botanic Garden, Peradeniya, Ceylon
An iron-wood tree (Mesua ferrea, L.) clothed with a young growth of rosy leaves, and a yellow-flowered climber (Bignonia sp. B. unguis ?) with the Directors house on the left

Background imageArtist Collection: 212. North American Carnivorous Plants

212. North American Carnivorous Plants
Painted from plants grown in this garden. Behind, on the left, is Darlingtonia californica, Torr. with Sarracenia purpurea, L.. in front of it; S. fiara, L

Background imageArtist Collection: 185. Vegetation of the Desert of Arizona

185. Vegetation of the Desert of Arizona
There are various Cacti, including the Suarrow or Suguaro of the Mexicans (Cereus giganteus, Englm.), the largest and most striking member of the family, sometimes as much as sixty feet high

Background imageArtist Collection: 170. Flowers of Jasmine Mango or Frangipani, Brazil

170. Flowers of Jasmine Mango or Frangipani, Brazil
A species of Plumeria, whose flowers come before the leaves, and when the latter appear a large caterpillar also often comes and eats them all up

Background imageArtist Collection: 119. Foliage, flowers and fruit of the Nutmeg tree, and Humming

119. Foliage, flowers and fruit of the Nutmeg tree, and Humming
This Humming Bird (Mellisugaminima) is the smallest known. The genus Myristica is rather numerous in species, widely scattered in tropical regions, including America; but the present species

Background imageArtist Collection: 20. The Permanent Snows from Santiago; Patagua in front with Humming Bird and Nest

20. The Permanent Snows from Santiago; Patagua in front with Humming Bird and Nest
Tricuspidaria dependens, Ruiz et Pav. the Patagua, is of the same family as our lime-tree. On the left, near the Patagua tree, and on the right, beyond the building

Background imageArtist Collection: 16. Wild Flowers of Chanleon, Chili

16. Wild Flowers of Chanleon, Chili
Fuchsia macrostemon, Ruiz et Pav. on the right, is the wild parent of our hardy varieties; above it is the blue Puya with orange anthers, the orange balls of the not unfamiliar Buddleia globosa, Lam

Background imageArtist Collection: 30. The Wild Tamarind of Jamaica with scarlet Pod and Barbet

30. The Wild Tamarind of Jamaica with scarlet Pod and Barbet
This showy Leguminous tree is Cojoba arborea var. arborea (synonym Pithecellobium filicifolium) which ranges through the West Indies and Central America

Background imageArtist Collection: 25. Inflorescence of the Blue Puya, and Moths, Chili

25. Inflorescence of the Blue Puya, and Moths, Chili
Common inhabitants of the Cordilleras are two noble representatives of the Pine-Apple Order, the Bromeliaceae, namely Puya Whytei, Hook. the present, and P. chilensis (see 19)

Background imageArtist Collection: 19. View near Quilpue, Chili

19. View near Quilpue, Chili
On the rocks in front a gigantic species of Calceolaria, with Puya chilensis, Molina, above, and Boldo trees and Columnar Cacti in the distance

Background imageArtist Collection: 15. Armed Birds Nest in Acacia Bush, Chili

15. Armed Birds Nest in Acacia Bush, Chili
Trabajor, that is labourer, is the name given to this bird (Izuallaxis: sordida), a delicate creature that builds an impregnable nest off the spiny branchlets of Acacia cavenia, Molina

Background imageArtist Collection: Painting 132, Valley behind the Artist ss house at Gordontown, Jamaca

Painting 132, Valley behind the Artist ss house at Gordontown, Jamaca
Painting 132, Datura arborea. L. is the plant in the foreground

Background imageArtist Collection: 825. View of the Corcovado Mountain, near Rio de Janerio, Brazil

825. View of the Corcovado Mountain, near Rio de Janerio, Brazil
The vegetation comprises Bamboo, Royal Palms (Oreodora regia, H.B.IK.), &c

Background imageArtist Collection: 766. Flowers of the Flame-tree and yellow and black twiner, West Australia

766. Flowers of the Flame-tree and yellow and black twiner, West Australia
In the distance Flame -trees, Nuytsia floribunda, R. Br. (see description of 761). Kennedya nigricans, Lindl. is remarkable for the very dark purple, almost black, of its flowers

Background imageArtist Collection: 658. Distant View of Mount Fujiyama, Japan, and Wistaria

658. Distant View of Mount Fujiyama, Japan, and Wistaria
This beautiful, hardy, climbing shrub Wistaria chinensis, DC. is a native of China and Japan, and was introduced into this country about the year 1816

Background imageArtist Collection: 614. The Turong, or Pigeon Orchid in Borneo, and a purple-brown

614. The Turong, or Pigeon Orchid in Borneo, and a purple-brown
The former (Dendrobium crumenatum, Lindl.) comes into blossom simultaneously on all the plants about every nine weeks, and the trees

Background imageArtist Collection: 609. Tea Gathering in Mr. Holles Plantation at Garoet, Java

609. Tea Gathering in Mr. Holles Plantation at Garoet, Java
The volcano of Goentoen in the distance. In the right foreground Coffee bushes, a Cypress, and some trees of Canarium commune, L

Background imageArtist Collection: 577. Flowers and Fruit of the Mangosteen, and Singapore Monkey

577. Flowers and Fruit of the Mangosteen, and Singapore Monkey
The Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana, Linn.) is a native of Malacca, and it is esteemed by many as the best of all tropical fruit

Background imageArtist Collection: 568. View down the river at Sarawak, Borneo

568. View down the river at Sarawak, Borneo
Boathouse and Palms (Areca Catechu, L.) in the foreground

Background imageArtist Collection: 389. Cycads. Screw-pines and Bamboos, with Durban in the distanc

389. Cycads. Screw-pines and Bamboos, with Durban in the distanc
Cultivated in the Durban Botanic Garden, though most of the plants are natives of the country. The Cycads are chiefly species of Zamia, with a small plant of the endemic Stangeria paradoxa, T

Background imageArtist Collection: 723. View of Mount Earnshaw from the Island in Lake Wakatipe, New Zealand

723. View of Mount Earnshaw from the Island in Lake Wakatipe, New Zealand
The trees in the foreground having dense tufts of narrow leaves at the ends of the branches, and large clusters of dirty-white flowers, belong to the Liliaceous genus Cordyline

Background imageArtist Collection: 294. The Sacred Lotus or Pudma

294. The Sacred Lotus or Pudma
Nelumbium speciosum, Willd. is the most beautiful and graceful of all the Water Lilies, its leaves and flowers usually rising considerably above the surface of the water;

Background imageArtist Collection: 285. The Great Lily of Nainee Tal, in North India

285. The Great Lily of Nainee Tal, in North India
This fine Lily (Lilium Wallichianurn, R. & S.) grows six or seven feet high, and is here associated with Chirita urticaefolia, Ham. and a species of Begonia

Background imageArtist Collection: 261. View of Kinchinjunga from Tonglo

261. View of Kinchinjunga from Tonglo
View of Kinchinjunga from Tonglo

Background imageArtist Collection: 237. Gardening at Nainee Tal, India

237. Gardening at Nainee Tal, India
On the other side of the lake, below the Oak Trees, the Willows (Salix babylonica, L.) are seen that formerly shaded the Temple of a Goddess, now covered by a landslip

Background imageArtist Collection: 228. The Taj Mahal at Agra, North-West India

228. The Taj Mahal at Agra, North-West India
This magnificent mausoleum was built by the Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Arjamand Benu Begum, who died in 1629. The Taj was finished in 1648

Background imageArtist Collection: 204. View in a Redwood Forest, California

204. View in a Redwood Forest, California
The Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens, Endl.) is the most valuable tree of the Californian forests, and is almost equal in size to the Big Tree or Mammoth Tree

Background imageArtist Collection: 193. The American Fall from Pearl Island, Niagara

193. The American Fall from Pearl Island, Niagara

Background imageArtist Collection: 192. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New York

192. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New York
The plant in front resembling our native Cuckoo Pint, or Lords-and-Ladies, is the Indian Turnip of the Americans (Arisaematriphylla)

Background imageArtist Collection: 149. View over Port Royal, Jamaica, with Bamboos in the foregrou

149. View over Port Royal, Jamaica, with Bamboos in the foregrou

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