21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili" Robble, " literally oak, is the name given to the common large-leaved Chilian " Beech" (Nothofagus obliqua, Mirb.)
825. View of the Corcovado Mountain, near Rio de Janerio, BrazilThe vegetation comprises Bamboo, Royal Palms (Oreodora regia, H.B.IK.), &c
389. Cycads. Screw-pines and Bamboos, with Durban in the distancCultivated in the Durban Botanic Garden, though most of the plants are natives of the country. The Cycads are chiefly species of Zamia, with a small plant of the endemic Stangeria paradoxa, T
149. View over Port Royal, Jamaica, with Bamboos in the foregrou
Painting 619View of the Salak Volcano, Java, from Buitenzorg
218. Clump of Bamboo in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, CIt was planted about 1852, and is now probably sixty feet high. This is Dendrocalamus giganteus, Munro
Lopatherum grass (Lophatherum gracile), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Blocks of lacquer ware. ANACARDIACEAE Rhus sp. RBG Kew Economic Botany Collection ref: ref 67854
Phyllostachys stimulosaPOACEAE, Phyllostachys stimulosa, 19953997
619. View of the Salak Volcano, Java, from BuitenzorgLike most of the volcanoes in Java, it is clothed with the richest forest up to the very edge of the crater, interrupted here and there only by patches of Cinchona, Coffee, and Tobacco cultivation
304. Flowers of the Common Bamboo with Tufts of the Plants behinJungle fires are said to be caused by the dead stems rubbing together during high wind and thus kindling a flame. The waving plumes of these gigantic grasses form one of the most pleasing
181. View on the Flamsted Road, JamaicaMango tree in flower, Cabbage Palm, Bananas, and Bamboos
178. Snake Tree and Bamboos, on Spanish River, JamaicaThe botanical name of the Snake Tree has not been ascertained. It is so called on account of its twining aerial roots
148. Valley of Bamboos, near Bath, JamaicaThe arboreous grasses called Bamboos form a very prominent feature in the vegetation of most tropical countries, and more especially of tropical Asia, where the true Bamboos (i.e)
Arundina graminifolia, bamboo orchid, ORCHIDACEAE
130. Bamboos, Cocoa Nut Trees, and other vegetation in the Bath
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