816. Study of Chinese Bananas and Bamboos, TeneiffeThe Banana is essentially a tropical type of the vegetable kingdom, and a glance around this gallery will give an idea of how widely spread it now is in warm countries
817. View at Peradeniya, CeylonBamboos and Jak-fruit tree in the foreground. See 333
547. View of the River from the Rajahs Garden, SarawakCrinum august, Roxb. Costus speciosus, Sm. Bamboos (Dendrocalamus), Durian, Mango trees, &c. in the foreground
703. Small Hindu Temple of Kidel, JavaBananas, Bamboos, and Palms in the background
678. Bamboos and Cocoanut PalmCarrion Crows watching Malays in a Butchery, Java
656. Small Temple of Maruyama at Kioto, JapanCryptomeria japonica, Don, and bamboos in the background. The form of devotion practised at this temple consists in running round it one hundred times
612. Cobweb Bridge in Borneo, made by the Dyaks with Rattans andOnly one of the latter is provided for foot hold, but it is so cleverly fastened that even Europeans in shoes can cross it, if not too giddy from the swinging motion
553. The Istana, from the Slanting Bridge, SarawakGardenia, Crinum Northianum, Baker, Nipa fruticans, Betel-nut Palms and Bamboos (Dendrocalamus) in the foreground
71. Palm, Bamboos and India-rubber Trees in the, Botanic Garden
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