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Banana Collection

Background imageBanana Collection: 115. The Aqueduct of Morro Velho, Brazil

115. The Aqueduct of Morro Velho, Brazil
Coral Mountain in the background, and part of an inflorescence of banana, a Convolvulcea, and Amethystine Humming Birds (Calliphlox amethystina) in front

Background imageBanana Collection: 227. View from the top of the Waterfall at Ramboddy, Ceylon

227. View from the top of the Waterfall at Ramboddy, Ceylon
Datura arborea, Bananas and Ironwood tree (Mesua ferrea, L.) in the foreground, and Rice and Tea Plantations in the distance

Background imageBanana Collection: Musa x paradisiaca, 1863

Musa x paradisiaca, 1863
Illustration of Musa x paradisiaca, commonly as banana or French plantain, from Fleurs, Fruits et Feuillages Choisis de la Flore et de la Pomone de L Ile de Java by Berthe Hoola Van Nooten, 1863

Background imageBanana Collection: 696. Banana, American Aloe, and Cypress, in a Garden, Java

696. Banana, American Aloe, and Cypress, in a Garden, Java
This Banana, Musa coccinea, Roxb. does not bear an edible fruit. A gave americana, Linn. the American Aloe, is wholly different from the true Aloes of South Africa. See 383, 386, etc

Background imageBanana Collection: Musa velutina, self peeling banana, native to Assam, East Himalaya

Musa velutina, self peeling banana, native to Assam, East Himalaya
MUSACEAE, Musa, velutina, 1999588HOBB, Assam

Background imageBanana Collection: Musa acuminata subsp. acuminata

Musa acuminata subsp. acuminata
MUSACEAE, Musa acuminata subsp. acuminate syn. Musa zebrina, 19842223

Background imageBanana Collection: 543. View of Kuching and River, Sarawak, Borneo

543. View of Kuching and River, Sarawak, Borneo
The plant with Banana-like foliage on the left is the Madagascar Travellers Tree (Ravenala madagascariensis, Sonn.). It belongs to the same natural family as the Banana; but instead of yielding food

Background imageBanana Collection: 516. Abyssinian Ensete in a garden in Teneriffe

516. Abyssinian Ensete in a garden in Teneriffe
Musa Ensete, Gmel. is the most ornamental of the genus, but its fruit is not edible. It was first discovered by Bruce more than a century ago;

Background imageBanana Collection: 164. View over 0chos Rios, Jamaica

164. View over 0chos Rios, Jamaica
The beginning of a river flowing out of the limestone caves, beneath masses of bananas and Colocasia Antiquorum, Schott. and finding its way down through the terraces of Allspice

Background imageBanana Collection: 148. Valley of Bamboos, near Bath, Jamaica

148. Valley of Bamboos, near Bath, Jamaica
The arboreous grasses called Bamboos form a very prominent feature in the vegetation of most tropical countries, and more especially of tropical Asia, where the true Bamboos (i.e)

Background imageBanana Collection: 145. Study of Banana and Trumpet Tree, Jamaica

145. Study of Banana and Trumpet Tree, Jamaica
Consult the descriptions of 120 and 823

Background imageBanana Collection: 116. The Bog-walk, Jamaica, with Bread Fruit, Banana, Cocoanut

116. The Bog-walk, Jamaica, with Bread Fruit, Banana, Cocoanut

Background imageBanana Collection: 225. Flowers and Young Fruit of the Chinese Banana

225. Flowers and Young Fruit of the Chinese Banana
Musa chinensis, Sweet, differs little from the common Banana except in stature. See the description of 816

Background imageBanana Collection: 80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil

80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil
The Falm (Acrocomia sp.) is a favourite nesting-place of birds, as its trunk is so armed with prickles that no climbing enemies attempt to reach them

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