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Birds Collection

Background imageBirds Collection: 190. Foliage and Flowers of the Californian Dogwood, and Humming

190. Foliage and Flowers of the Californian Dogwood, and Humming
At first sight the inflorescence of the Dogwood (Cornus Nuttalii, Audubon), seems so like the flowers of a Clematis that one might take it to be a flower

Background imageBirds Collection: 734. Australian Sandal Wood with Mistletoe and Emu Wren, West Au

734. Australian Sandal Wood with Mistletoe and Emu Wren, West Au
In this case the leaves of the parasite (Loranthus pendulus, Sieb.) and the nurse plants (Fusanus spicatus, R. Br.) are so much alike as not to be easily distinguishable

Background imageBirds Collection: 435. Protea and Golden-breasted Cuckoo, of South Africa

435. Protea and Golden-breasted Cuckoo, of South Africa
This magnificent Protea (P. speciosa, Linn.) grows about as tall as a man, and is remarkable alike for its thick, red-margined leaves, and its elegantly fringed bracts

Background imageBirds Collection: 282. A. Himalayan Oak and Birds, Nainee Tal, India

282. A. Himalayan Oak and Birds, Nainee Tal, India
This oak is Quercus incana, Roxb. and the bird a species of Erythrospiza

Background imageBirds Collection: 247. Foliage and Flowers of the Red Cotton Tree and a pair of Lo

247. Foliage and Flowers of the Red Cotton Tree and a pair of Lo
This tree (Bombax malabaricnm, DC.) is very large and it is common in the forests of South India and Burma. Like the White Cotton Tree (632)

Background imageBirds Collection: The Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea

The Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
The Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), is a wading bird of the heron family Ardeidae, native throughout temperate Europe and Asia and also parts of Africa

Background imageBirds Collection: swan and cygnets

swan and cygnets

Background imageBirds Collection: 789. Flowers and Seed-vessels of a West Australian Gum Tree and

789. Flowers and Seed-vessels of a West Australian Gum Tree and
This (Eucalyptus, . ficifolia, F. Muell) is perhaps the most beautiful of all the Gum Trees. It is a small tree nearly allied to E. calophylla, R. Br. (see 757), but the latter has white flowers

Background imageBirds Collection: Large Flowering Sensitive Plant

Large Flowering Sensitive Plant. Mimosa pigra. Illustration from New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus by Robert J. Thornton, London, 1799, Publ. Dr. Thornton. Tab. 17 T.017

Background imageBirds Collection: 797. Street in Ajmere, and Gate of the Daghar Mosque

797. Street in Ajmere, and Gate of the Daghar Mosque
Benevolence to Bulls and Birds by Hindus

Background imageBirds Collection: 720. Foliage and Flowers of the Blue Gum, and Diamond & Birds, T 720

720. Foliage and Flowers of the Blue Gum, and Diamond & Birds, T 720. Foliage and Flowers of the Blue Gum
The Blue Gum (Eucalyptus Globulus, Labill.) grows to a large size, occasionally exceeding 300 feet; it inhabits Tasmania and Victoria

Background imageBirds Collection: 562. Honeysucker at work, Sarawak, Borneo

562. Honeysucker at work, Sarawak, Borneo
Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Vahl. The genus is numerous in species, all of them native of America, but this species is now common in the tropics of the Old World

Background imageBirds Collection: 469. Veloutier Blanc and pair of Martins, Seychelles

469. Veloutier Blanc and pair of Martins, Seychelles
Scaevola Koenigii, Vahl, the Veloutier Blanc of the Seychelles is a common littoral shrub in the tropics of the Old World and Polynesia, including many of the very remote islands

Background imageBirds Collection: 415. Honeyflowers and Honeysuckers, South Africa

415. Honeyflowers and Honeysuckers, South Africa
The Sugar Bush (Protect mellifera, Thunb.) is one of a numerous genus of South African shrubs remarkable for their large showy flower-heads. See description of 410

Background imageBirds Collection: 400. Social Birds and Social Herbs at Malmesbury, South Africa

400. Social Birds and Social Herbs at Malmesbury, South Africa
Here is the familiar Richardia aethiopica, Kuth, of our windows and conservatories, growing gregariously in its native swamps, associated with the almost cosmopolitan bullrush (Typha latifolia)

Background imageBirds Collection: 108. Foliage and Flowers of a Brazilian Climbing Shrub and Hummi

108. Foliage and Flowers of a Brazilian Climbing Shrub and Hummi
There are three or four species varieties of Bougainvillea, to which genus the climber belongs, all of them endemic in Brazil, though one or two are now commonly cultivated in warm countries

Background imageBirds Collection: 401. Vegetation of the Addo Bush with Kaffirs and their Habitation

401. Vegetation of the Addo Bush with Kaffirs and their Habitation
Hanging from the trees in front are nests of a species of social finch different from that on the bullrushes in 400. On the right is an Aloe

Background imageBirds Collection: 80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil

80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil
The Falm (Acrocomia sp.) is a favourite nesting-place of birds, as its trunk is so armed with prickles that no climbing enemies attempt to reach them

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