Rubus idaeus, 1817Illustration of Rubus idaeus, commonly known as raspberry, from Pomona Britannica by George Brookshaw, 1817
Crataegus germanica, 1856Illustration of Crataegus germanica, commonly known as medlar, 1856. Artwork from La Belgique Horticole, volume 6, plate 63, page 255
Eriobotrya japonica, 1825Illustration of Eriobotrya japonica, commonly known as loquat. Watercolour on paper by Jean Gabriel Pretre from the Kew Collection, 1825
Annona mucosa, 1808-1827Illustration of Annona mucosa, commonly known as lemon meringue pie fruit, plate 28 from Flore des Antilles by Francois Richard de Tussac, 1808-1827
Syzygium cumini, 1863Illustration of Syzygium cumini, commonly known as jambolan, Java plum or black plum, from Fleurs, Fruits et Feuillages Choisis de la Flore et de la Pomone de L Ile de Java by Berthe Hoola Van
Ribes uva-crispa, 1817Illustration of Ribes uva-crispa, commonly known as gooseberry, from Pomona Britannica by George Brookshaw, 1817
Ficus carica, 1885Illustration of Ficus carica, commonly known as fig from Flora von Deutschland by Otto Wilhelm Thome, volume 2, plate 181, 1885
Cullenia species, 1863Illustration of Cullenia species, commonly known as durian from Fleurs, Fruits et Feuillages Choisis de la Flore et de la Pomone de L Ile de Java by Berthe Hoola Van Nooten, 1863
Prunus avium, 1853Illustration of Prunus avium, commonly known as cherry or sweet cherry, from La Belgique Horticole, 1853
Artocarpus incisa, 1788-1812Current accepted plant name is Artocarpus altilis, commonly known as breadfruit. Illustration made on hand-coloured copper engraving on laid-paper from Icones Plantarum Medicinalium by Joseph Jacob
Blighia sapida, 1821ÔÇô1829Illustration of Blighia sapida, commonly known as akee or ackee from Flore Medicale des Antilles by Michel Etienne Descourtilz, 1821-1829
Musa x paradisiaca, 1863Illustration of Musa x paradisiaca, commonly as banana or French plantain, from Fleurs, Fruits et Feuillages Choisis de la Flore et de la Pomone de L Ile de Java by Berthe Hoola Van Nooten, 1863
Persea americana, 1900Illustration of Persea americana, commonly known as avocado, from Revue Horticole, 1900
Prunus armeniaca, 1910Illustration of Prunus armeniaca, commonly known as apricot, by J. Guillot from Revue Horticole, 1910
Kirkes Scarlet Admirable Apple, 1829Hand coloured engraving of a variety of Malus domestica (Kirkes Scarlet Admirable Apple) by E. D. Smith, from Flora and Pomona by Charles McIntosh, 1829
Tafeln 4, 1831-1846Illustration of fungi, Tafeln 4 from Naturgetreue abbildungen und beschreibungen der essbaren, schadlichen und verdachtigen schwamme by J. V. Krombholz, 1831-1846
Tafein 6, 1831-1846Illustration of fungi, Tafein 6 from Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Essbaren, Schadlichen und Verdachtigen Schwamme, by J. V. Krombholz, 1831-1846
Pholiota squarrosa, 1795-1815Illustration of Pholiota squarrosa, commonly known as shaggy scalycap from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Myriostoma coliforme, 1795-1815Illustration of Myriostoma coliforme, commonly known as salt-shaker earthstar or pepperpot from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Hydnoporia tabacina, 1795-1815Illustration of Hydnoporia tabacina, commonly known as reddish-brown crust from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Crucibulum laeve, 1795-1815Illustration of Crucibulum laeve, commonly known as white-egg birds nest from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Calvatia gigantea, c. 1915-45Illustration of Calvatia gigantea, commonly known as giant puffball by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Coprinopsis atramentaria, c. 1915-45Illustration of Coprinopsis atramentaria, known as common ink cap by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Lactarius deliciosus, c. 1915-45Illustration of Lactarius deliciosus, commonly known as saffron milk cap or red pine mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Clitocybe nebularis, c. 1915-45Illustration of Clitocybe nebularis, commonly known as clouded grey agaric, agaric or cloud funnel by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Chlorophyllum rhacodes, c. 1915-45Illustration of Chlorophyllum rhacodes, commonly known as shaggy parasol by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Calocybe gambosa, c. 1915-45Illustration of Calocybe gambosa, commonly known as St Georges mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Amanita rubescens, c. 1915-45Illustration of Amanita rubescens, commonly known as the blusher by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Inosperma erubescens, c. 1915-45Illustration of Inosperma erubescens, commonly known as red-staining inocybe by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Amanita phalloides, c. 1915-45Illustration of Amanita phalloides, commonly known as death cap by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Fistulina hepatica, c. 1915-45Illustration of Fistulina hepatica, commonly known as beef-steak fungus or tongue mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Illustration of Cantharellus cibarius, c. 1915-45Illustration of Cantharellus cibarius, commonly known as golden chanterelle or girolle by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Lepista personata, c. 1915-45Illustration of Lepista personata, commonly known as field blewit or blue-leg by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Agaricus campestris, c. 1915-45Illustration of Agaricus campestris known as common field or meadow mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Pleurotus ostreatus, c. 1915-45Illustration of Pleurotus ostreatus, commonly known as oyster mushroom or hiratake by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Leccinum scabrum, c. 1915-45Illustration of Leccinum scabrum, commonly known as brown rough-stalked bolete or brown birch bolete by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Agaricus arvensis, c. 1915-45Illustration of Agaricus arvensis, commonly known as horse mushroom, by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Marasmius oreades, c. 1915ÔÇô45Illustration of Marasmius oreades of commonly known as fairy ring mushroom or champignon by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Lepista nuda, c. 1915-1945Illustration of Lepista nuda, commonly known as wood blewit by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Leccinum versipelle, 1915-45Illustration of Leccinum versipelle, commonly known as orange birch bolete or rough bolete by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Giant cereus, 1854Illustration of Giant cereus, 1854. Artwork from Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua by J.R. Bartlett, volume 2, plate 189
Carnegiea gigantea, 1854Illustration of Carnegiea gigantea, commonly known as saguaro, 1854. Artwork from Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua by J.R
Mammillaria rhodantha, 1830Illustration of Mammillaria rhodantha, commonly known as rainbow pincushion, by M. Hart, 1830. Artwork from Edwardss Botanical Register by John Lindley, volume 16, plate 1329
Consolea moniliformis, 1821Illustration of Consolea moniliformis, 1821. Artwork from Flore medicale des Antilles by Michel Etienne Descourtilz, volume 1, plate 68
Harrisia divaricata, 1821Hand-coloured lithograph on paper, 1821. Artwork from Flore medicale des Antilles by Michel Etienne Descourtilz, volume 1, plate 66. Current accepted plant name is Harrisia divaricata
Cleistocactus baumannii, 1850Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1850. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 76, plate 4498
Copiapoa marginata, 1851Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1851. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 77, plate 4562. Current accepted plant name is Copiapoa marginata
Pseudorhipsalis alata, 1828Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by William Jackson Hooker, 1828. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 55, plate 2820. Current accepted plant name is Pseudorhipsalis alata
Echinocactus platyacanthus, 1850Illustration of Echinocactus platyacanthus, commonly known as giant barrel cactus, 1850. Artwork from Flore des serres et des jardins de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, volume 6, page 264-265
Thelocactus buekii, 1853Illustration of Thelocactus buekii, 1853. Artwork from Gartenflora by Eduard Regel, volume 8, plate 266
Echinocereus scheeri, 1906Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1906. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 132, plate 8096. Current accepted plant name is Echinocereus scheeri
Cylindropuntia imbricata, 1909Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1909. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 135, plate 8290
Leuenbergeria bleo, 1836Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by William Jackson Hooker, 1836. Current accepted plant name is Leuenbergeria bleo, commonly known as rose cactus or leaf cactus
Echinopsis oxygona, 1835Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1835. Current accepted plant name is Echinopsis oxygona, commonly known as pink Easter lily cactus
Pseudorhipsalis amazonica, 1919Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1919. The current accepted plant name is Pseudorhipsalis amazonica. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 145, plate 8799
Pereskia aculeata, 1890Hand-coloured lithograph on paper of Pereskia aculeata by Matilda Smith, 1890. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 116, plate 7147
Carnegiea gigantea, 1878Illustration of Carnegiea gigantea, commonly known as saguaro, from Reports upon the Botanical Collections Made in Portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona
Carnegiea gigantea, 1862-1865Illustration of Carnegiea gigantea, commonly known as saguaro, from Flore des Serres by Louis Van Houtte, vol 15, 1862-1865
Selenicereus grandiflorus, 1799ÔÇô1810Mezzotint of Selenicereus grandiflorus, commonly known as night-blooming cereus or queen of the night, by Joseph Constantine Stadler from Temple of Flora by Robert John Thornton, 1799-1810
Ferocactus hamatacanthus, 1852Lithograph of Ferocactus hamatacanthus, commonly known as Mexican fruit cactus or Texas barrel cactus, by Walter Hood Fitch, from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1852. Artwork from volume 78, plate 4632
Mammillaria mammillaris, 1697-1701Hand-coloured engraving of Mammillaria mammillaris, commonly known as woolly nipple cactus, from Horti medici Amstelodamensis rariorum tam Orientalis by Johannes Commelin, 1697-1701
Echinocactus rhodophthalmus, 1850Lithograph of Echinocactus rhodophthalmus by Walter Hood Fitch from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1850. Artwork from volume 76, plate 4486
Coryphantha octacantha, 1848Lithograph of Coryphantha octacantha by Walter Hood Fitch from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1848. Artwork from volume 74, plate 4358
Echinocereus cinerascens, 1848Illustration of Echinocereus cinerascens by Walter Hood Fitch from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1848. Artwork from volume 74, plate 4373
Astrocaryum aculeatum, 1823-53Illustration of Astrocaryum aculeatum, commonly known as tucuma, Bactris hirta var. pectinata, Bactris hirta from Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53
Hyphaene thebaica, 1823-53Illustration of Hyphaene thebaica, commonly known as doum palm or gingerbread tree from Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53
Oenocarpus distichus, 1823-53Illustration of Oenocarpus distichus, commonly known as babaca palm from Martius Historia Naturalis Palmarum, 1823-53
Hyospathe elegans, 1823-53Illustration of Hyospathe elegans Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53
Ptychosperma elegans, 1823-53Illustration of Ptychosperma elegans, commonly known as solitaire palm by Ferdinand Bauer from Martius Historia Naturalis Palmarum, 1823-53
Raphia taedigera, 1823-53Illustration of Raphia taedigera, commonly known as yolilla from Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53
Salacca affinis, 1850Illustration of Salacca affinis, commonly known as red salak, by unknown Indian artist from Palms of British East India by William Griffith and John McClelland, 1850
Actinorhytis calapparia, 1850Illustration of Actinorhytis calapparia, commonly known as calappa palm, by unknown Indian artist from Palms of British East India by William Griffith and John McClelland, 1850
Licuala triphylla, 1850Illustration of Licuala triphylla, commonly known as fan palm, by unknown Indian artist from Palms of British East India by William Griffith and John McClelland, 1850
Oncosperma horridum, 1850Illustration of Oncosperma horridum, commonly known as Mountain Nibong palm, by unknown Indian artist from Palms of British East India by William Griffith and John McClelland, 1850
Pinanga gracilis, 1850Pinanga gracilis by unknown Indian artist from Palms of British East India by William Griffith and John McClelland, 1850
Livistona jenkinsiana, 1850Illustration of Livistona jenkinsiana, commonly known as Major Jenkins fan palm, by unknown Indian artist from Palms of British East India by William Griffith and John McClelland, 1850
Drunken date palm from Gerard The Herball, 1636Illustration of palm, possibly Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as drunken date. From The Herball; or Generall historie of plantes by John Gerard, 1636
Bactris guineensis, 1780-81Illustration of Bactris guineensis, commonly known as Guinea bactris or Tobago cane, from Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Historia by Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin, 1780-81
Elaeis guineensis, 780-1781Illustration of Elaeis guineensis or commonly known as African oil palm from Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Historia by Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin, 1780-81
Trillium erectum, ca. 1807" Original illustration by Sydenham Edwards, ca. 1807. This artwork was used in Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1807; volume 26, plate 1027
Areca catechu, 1636Illustration of Areca catechu, commonly known as betel palm or The Drunken Date from John Gerard The Herball; or Generall Historie of Plantes, 1636
A cinchona forest in Latin America, 1880A cinchona forest in Latin America, from Illustrated Travels: A Record of Discovery, Geography, and Adventure, edited by H.W. Bates, 1880
Moraea tricuspidata, 1804Illustration of Moraea tricuspidata, commonly known as moraea or Cape tulip. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1804
Leucojum aestivum, 1809Illustration of Leucojum aestivum, commonly known as snowflake, spring snowflake, summer snowflake or Lodden lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1809
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