21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili" Robble, " literally oak, is the name given to the common large-leaved Chilian " Beech" (Nothofagus obliqua, Mirb.)
3. Burning Bush and Emu Wren of ChiliThe Burning Bush (Embothriumn coccineum, Forst.) belongs to the same family as the South African genera Protea and Leucaden-dron and the Australian Banksia and Grevillea
25. Inflorescence of the Blue Puya, and Moths, ChiliCommon inhabitants of the Cordilleras are two noble representatives of the Pine-Apple Order, the Bromeliaceae, namely Puya Whytei, Hook. the present, and P. chilensis (see 19)
19. View near Quilpue, ChiliOn the rocks in front a gigantic species of Calceolaria, with Puya chilensis, Molina, above, and Boldo trees and Columnar Cacti in the distance
17. View of Concon, Chili, with its two Palms
Trochetiopsis ebenusSt Helena ebony
Oenocarpus distichus, 1823-53Illustration of Oenocarpus distichus, commonly known as babaca palm from Martius Historia Naturalis Palmarum, 1823-53
787. A Bush Fire at Sunset, QueenslandVast areas of country are devastated by periodical fires
35. View of the Jesuit College of Caracas, Minas Geraes, BrazilCoral Trees (Erythrina sp.) in flower in the foreground. The College is at an elevation of about 3000 feet above the sea level
487. Flowers of a bush and Pitcher Plant, MaheThe Pitcher plant is shown growing in a tangled mass on the huge granite boulder below; and beyond is the harbour of Mahe
453. Yellow-wood Trees and Creepers in the Perie BushThe Yellow Wood, Podocarpus Thunbergii, Hook. is one of the largest and most valuable of South African timber-trees; see panel of it below
424. View of Table Mountain, looking from Groat Post
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