835. A climbing Plant of Old CalabarAristolochia Goldieana, Hook. f. is one of the most singular of the many species of its genus, , having the largest flowers of any yet known
Sir Peter Crane of RBG Kew on an expedition to Borneo, seen here climbing into the tree canopy of the Sabah rainforest, 2005
Wisteria floribunda Alba (white Japanese wisteria). Family: Papilionaceae
view through the pergolaRose pergola in summer
Pink roseRose pergola in summer
Rosa Hannah Gordon
Tree surgeons, RBG KewTree surgeons at work, RBG Kew
Pararistolochia ceropegioidesARISTOLOCHACEAE, Pararistolochia ceropegioides climbing plant with clusters of orange bijous flowers
ClematisRANUNCULACEAE, Clematis
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