Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarumIllustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut
Buddleia colvilei, Smith MVol 121, t. 7449, 1895, Buddleia colvilei, Smith M, Buddlejaceae
Buddleia crispa, Fitch WVol 80, t.4793, 1854, Buddleia crispa, Fitch Walter Hood, Buddlejaceae
Showy plant on display at Kews Tropical ExtravaganzaAnthurium
Quercus castaneifolia acornsAcorns of Quercus castaneifolia (chestnut-leaved oak). Family: Fagaceae. An extremely rare sight in Britain, the chestnut-leaved oak is native to the mountains of the Caucasus and Iran
Ginkgo leaves in autumn
Door to the Palm HouseDetail view of the door
Close up of the Palm House Door
Seeds of Tripteris microcarpaGuanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007
Drosera auriculataclose up of a sundew carniverous plant with a fly
Davies Alpine House at Kew Gardens
Wisteria at Wakehurst MansionWisteria covering Wakehurst Mansion, RBG Kews estate in Sussex
Crataegus intricata, Copenhagen hawthorn or thicket hawthorn. Family ROSACEAE. Photographed at Wakehurst Place, West Sussex. Ref: 31793, North America
Planting out bedding, RBG Kew
Vegetable plotDetail of horticulture students vegetable plot, with pansies, RBG Kew
Arbutus menziessii
Crataegus prunifoliahawthorn
Catalpa bignonioidesIndian bean tree
Broussonetia papyriferapaper mulberry
Ilex aquifoliumcommon holly and red berries
Crataegus laevigatamidland hawthorn
Ailanthus altissimatree of heaven
Eucalyptus dalrympleanaMountain Gum
Catalpa fargesiibark of the Golden Indian bean tree
display at Kews Tropical ExtravaganzaBromiliad
orange alpine flower from collectionFritillaria eduardii
Salvia uliginosablue flowers of bog sage
Crocus carpet at Kew
Amorphophallus titanum, Titan arumAmorphophallus titanum, Titan Arum at RBG Kew. Family: Araceae. Also known as corpse flower or carrion flower
Alocasia brisbanensis, detail of leaf. Family: Araceae
Aphelandra flava Nees. Family: Acanthaceae
Pennilabium struthio Carr. Orchid. Orchidaceae. Distribution: Pen. Thailand to Pen. Malaysia
Grosourdya appendiculata (Blume) Rchb. fGrosourdya appendiculata (Blume) Rchb.f. Orchid. Orchidaceae. Distribution: Hainan to Indo-China and Malesia. Epiphytic cham
Glomera montana Rchb. fGlomera montana Rchb.f. Orchid. Orchidaceae. Distribution: New Guinea to SW. Pacific. Epiphytic cham
Dilochia wallichii Lindl. Orchid. Orchidaceae
Ancistrorhynchus cephalotes (Rchb. f. ) SummerhAncistrorhynchus cephalotes (Rchb.f.) Summerh. Orchid. Orchidaceae
Scilla madeirensis. Hyacinthaceae family
Planting out a lettuce, RBG KewPlanting out a plug plant of lettuce, RBG Kew
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp pauciflorasnow gum
Fraxinus pensylvanica, Oleaceaegreen ash
Pink Orchidorchid on display at Kews orchid festival
Amorphophallus titanumclose up of the titan arum
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