Vriesea splendens. Family: Bromeliaceae
Dryadorchis dasystele Schuit. & de Vogel. Orchid. Orchidaceae
Ansellia africanaAnsellia Africana, leopard orchid or African ansella. Orchidaceae
Angraecum sesquipedale of Madagascar, and his hypothesis that it was pollinated by a bizzareDarwins orchid, Comet orchid, The genus Angraecum is best known for Darwins study of the comet orchid, Angraecum sesquipedale of Madagascar, and his hypothesis that it was pollinated by a bizzare
542. View of Matang, BorneoAn Epiphyte (Ficus) twined around one of the trees in the foreground. These stranglers often survive alter their victims (the trees upon which they germinated and commenced life having rotted away)
Rhipsalis baccifera (mistletoe cactus). Family: Cactaceae. An epiphytic cactus which originates from Central and South America, the Caribbean and Florida
Pennilabium struthio Carr. Orchid. Orchidaceae. Distribution: Pen. Thailand to Pen. Malaysia
Grosourdya appendiculata (Blume) Rchb. fGrosourdya appendiculata (Blume) Rchb.f. Orchid. Orchidaceae. Distribution: Hainan to Indo-China and Malesia. Epiphytic cham
Glomera montana Rchb. fGlomera montana Rchb.f. Orchid. Orchidaceae. Distribution: New Guinea to SW. Pacific. Epiphytic cham
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