502. Flowers of the Pomegranate, painted in TeneriffeThe Pomegranate (Punica Granatum, L.) is believed to be a native of North-Western India; but, as in the case of most plants that have been cultivated from remote times
6. Seven Snowy Peaks seen from the Araucaria Forest, ChiliA view of the Cordilleras near Angole, with Burning Bush (Embothirium coccineum), an orange-coloured Ground Orchid (Chloraea sp.), the white-flowered Libertia ixioides, Spreng
Coffea arabica, 1789Coffea arabica, commonly known as coffee by Icones Plantarum Medicinalium by Joseph Jacob Plenck, 1789, volume 2, 1789, plate 130
Fallopia japonica - Japanese KnotweedTab.6503. - Fallopia japonica as Polygonum cuspidatum the original illustration is by Anne Barnard, watercolour on paper, 1880; The plate, 6503, was published in Curtiss Botanical Magazine
602. A Bornean CrinumThis plant (Crinum Northianum, Baker), is common enough in Borneo, yet it was not previously known to botanists. Around the doorway, beginning on the left, are Cissus discolor, Blume, from Borneo
12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue ChiliBeginning at the top on the right are the tufted leaves and hanging orange-red flowers of Lobelia salicifolia, Don, and intermingling with the foliage the graceful blue Conanthera bifolia
Corypha taliera, c 1795 - 1804Illustration of Corypha taliera, by unknown Indian artist, 1795 - 1804. Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh, Kew Collection, c. 1795 - 1804
Spider Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Cinera cum flore, 1613Illustration of Cinera cum flore, Cynara species, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basilius Besler, 1613, volume 2
Fructus artischochi, 1613Illustration of Fructus artischochi, currently accepted as Cynara cardunculus, commonly known as artichoke. Artwork from Hortus Eystettensis by Basilius Besler, 1613, volume 2
212. North American Carnivorous PlantsPainted from plants grown in this garden. Behind, on the left, is Darlingtonia californica, Torr. with Sarracenia purpurea, L.. in front of it; S. fiara, L
185. Vegetation of the Desert of ArizonaThere are various Cacti, including the Suarrow or Suguaro of the Mexicans (Cereus giganteus, Englm.), the largest and most striking member of the family, sometimes as much as sixty feet high
170. Flowers of Jasmine Mango or Frangipani, BrazilA species of Plumeria, whose flowers come before the leaves, and when the latter appear a large caterpillar also often comes and eats them all up
119. Foliage, flowers and fruit of the Nutmeg tree, and HummingThis Humming Bird (Mellisugaminima) is the smallest known. The genus Myristica is rather numerous in species, widely scattered in tropical regions, including America; but the present species
114. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Pitanga, and Sulphur ButtPitanga is the name applied to more than one myrtaceous fruit in the West Indies and Brazil; this is apparently a species of Eugenia. The butterfly is Callidyasphilea
25. Inflorescence of the Blue Puya, and Moths, ChiliCommon inhabitants of the Cordilleras are two noble representatives of the Pine-Apple Order, the Bromeliaceae, namely Puya Whytei, Hook. the present, and P. chilensis (see 19)
488. Mandrinette and mountain home of the Pitcher Plant in the distanceA view from the artists window at Mr Estridges house; the harbour of Mahe below. The showy shrub here represented is Hibiscus liliiflorus, Cav
Davidia involucrata Plantae Davidianae by Franchet, 1888Illustration of Davidia involucrata, commonly known as handkerchief tree from Plantae Davidianae: Plantes du Thibet Oriental by M.A Franchet, Part II, t.10. 1888
Zingiber officinale, 1887Zingiber officinale, commonly known as ginger, from Köhler's Medizinal Pflanzen by Franz Eugen Köhler, 1887, volume 2, plate 202
Crocus sativus, 1887Crocus sativus or commonly known as saffron from Iridaceae family. Illustration from Kohlers Medicinal Plants, Kohler Med. Pfl. (i) t. 60, 1887
658. Distant View of Mount Fujiyama, Japan, and WistariaThis beautiful, hardy, climbing shrub Wistaria chinensis, DC. is a native of China and Japan, and was introduced into this country about the year 1816
294. The Sacred Lotus or PudmaNelumbium speciosum, Willd. is the most beautiful and graceful of all the Water Lilies, its leaves and flowers usually rising considerably above the surface of the water;
285. The Great Lily of Nainee Tal, in North IndiaThis fine Lily (Lilium Wallichianurn, R. & S.) grows six or seven feet high, and is here associated with Chirita urticaefolia, Ham. and a species of Begonia
192. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New YorkThe plant in front resembling our native Cuckoo Pint, or Lords-and-Ladies, is the Indian Turnip of the Americans (Arisaematriphylla)
47. Flowers of Datura and Humming Birds, BrazilDatura arborea, Linn. is a native of tropical America, and is commonly cultivated in other countries, as it grows like a rank weed
37. Flowers and Fruit of the Maricojas Passion Flower, BrazilThe fruit of this (Passiflora alata, Ait.) and several other species of the genus are edible. See 112
Foliage, Flowers, and Seed-vessels of a rare West Australian Shrub, 1880Foliage, Flowers, and Seed-vessels of a rare West Australian Shrub by Marianne North, 1880. Painting number 751
Chionadoxa in front of the Orangery
Mesembryanthemum simplex, 1793Watercolour and pencil on paper by Francis Masson, 1793. Field sketch made by Masson in the Cape of Good Hope
Iris bulbosa latifolia, 1757Gouache painting on vellum of Iris latifolia with a moth by Georg Dionysius Ehret (1708-1770), signed and dated 1757. The painting is from the Tankerville Collection, purchased 1934
Victoria amazonicaDetail of Victoria amazonica leaves, RBG Kew. This plant is the largest of the Nymphaeaceae family of water lilies
505. Common Aloe in Flower, TeneriffeThe rocky slope covered with a dense thicket of the same plant, (Aloe vera, L.) which is a native of South Africa. Aloes or Bitter Aloes is the dried juice of this and other species of the genus
276. Road up to Nainee Tal, India, in Spring timeThe tree in flower is Ougeinia dalbergioides, Benth
123. Foliage and Flowers of Alpinia nutans, and a pair of DoctorThe Alpinia is a native of Tropical Asia
7. A Chilian Stinging Nettle and Male and Female BeetlesThe Loasaceae, to which the present plant (Loasa acanthi-folia, Juss.) belongs, are a small family of about a dozen genera and 100 species, which, with the exception of one African species
Amaryllis belladonna, 1804Illustration of Amaryllis belladonna, commonly known as belladonna lily or Jersey lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1804
Atropa belladonna - Deadly nightshadeBotanical illustration of deadly nightshade
273. Flowers of Darjeeling, IndiaHydrangea altissima, Wall. and yellow Thunbergia lutea, T. And. The large flowers in the circumference of the inflorescence of the Hydrangea are sterile
Dracula chimaera (Vampire orchid), 1882-1897Illustration of Dracula chimaera by John Nugent Fitch from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants, 1882- 1897; t. 203
Roses (Rosa multiflora or Rosa polyantha), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Poppy (Papaver), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Iris (Iris sanguinea), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated Manual of Medicinal Plants
Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Rhododendron Dalhousiae (frontispiece), 1849Frontispiece of a Rhododendron dalhousieae Hook. f. in its native locality, 1849
Reynoutria japonica, 1880Illustration of Reynoutria japonica, commonly known as Japanese knotweed. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper after the original drawing by Anne Barnard, 1880
Citrus hystrix, Kaffir limeCitrus hystrix (syn. Citrus torosa blanco). Francisco Manuel Blanco, Flora De Filipinas, 1877-1883, Barcelona. Citrus hystrix DC. Kaffir lime, (makrut lime)
Solanum melongena, aubergineSolanum melungena (Solanum melongena), aubergine (eggplant). REGNAULT Nicolas Francois (1746-c.1810) and Genevive de Nangis REGNAULT (b.1746)
Solanum tuberosum, potato. REGNAULT Nicolas Francois (1746-c.1810) and Genevive de Nangis REGNAULT (b.1746). La Botanique mise a la portee de tout le Monde
Elettaria cardamomum, 1887Illustration of Elettaria cardamomum, commonly known as cardamom, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1887, volume 1, plate 74
Papaver somniferum, opium poppyWatercolour of a red opium poppy, Papaver somniferum from Sebastian Schedels Calendarium (1610)
Benary - Mendelss peas - Tab XXIII - t. 23Benary - Mendelss peas - Tab XXIII - t.23
Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarumIllustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut
794. Temple at Almorah, Kumaon, North-west IndiaA Yucca in flower on the left
783. View in the Botanic Garden, Brisbane, QueenslandFlowers of the Large Water Lily (Nymphaea gigantea, Hook.) with Screw Pines (Pandanus sp.) and a species of Aralia in the background. This Water Lily is peculiar to Australia
638. Foliage and Fruit of Sterculia parvifloraThe lower seed-vessels ripe and open, exposing the seeds to view. Each cluster of seed-vessels is the product of a single flower. See 281
385. Some grotesque plants from the Karroo, South AfricaIn front on the right the singularly-formed and coloured flowers of Gomphocarpus grandiflorus, Benth. & Hook. f. a member of the Asclepiadaceae. On the left,
258. Foliage and Flowers of an Indian Forest Tree of great beautIt is the Pterospermum acerifolium, Willd. a member of the Sterculiaceae. The texture of the buds is like velvet and of the leaves like satin
252. Blue Poppy growing on Mt. Tonglo, Sikkim-HimalayaThis ornamental plant (Meconopsis Wallichii, Hook.) has several times been introduced and cultivated in this country, where, however, it does not develop its full beauty, owing, doubtless
231. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of an African Tree painted in IThis tree (Kigelia pinnata, DO.), inhabits both the east and west sides of tropical Africa, and presents a most singular appearance when in fruit, the pods being sometimes two feet or more in length
217. The South Indian RhododendronThis (Rhododendron nidagiricum, Zenk.) is the only species found in the Peninsula of India. Some botanists have regarded itas distinct from the Himalayan R
356. Angraecum and Urania Moth of MadagascarThe genus Angraecum numbers about 250 species, inhabiting the Mascarene Islands and Tropical and South Africa; and their flowers vary in size from less than a quarter of an inch long in A
186. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Citron, and ButterflyThe native country of the Citron (Citrus Medica, Risso) is not -known with certainty, though there is little doubt that it is some part of tropical Asia
136. Pancratium caribaeum and a Passion Flower, Jamaica
127. Foliage and Flowers of the Cinnamon TreeThis tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, B1.), whose fragrant aromatic bark is the cinnamon of commerce, is a native of Ceylon, but it is cultivated and has become wild in Jamaica
99. Flowers of a Twiner, BrazilThese flowers (Mucuna sp. ?) are sweet and of a waxy consistency, and were found growing at the mouth of the Cave of Curvelho, where Dr.Lund found the teeth of a " nut-eating man."
49. Trees laden with Parasites and Epiphytes in a Brazilian Gard
2. Common TobaccoA plant belonging to the same-family as the Potato. Several other kinds of tobacco are culti-vated, but this kind (Nicotiana Tabacum)
53. View of the Piedade Mountains, from Congo, Brazil
Trochetiopsis ebenusSt Helena ebony
Xanthoceras sorbifoliumyellowhorn
spring flowers beside the Lake at Kew
Allium sphaerocephalon, 1794Illustration of Allium sphaerocephalon, commonly known as ornamental onion. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1794. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 7, plate 251
Allium senescens, 1808Illustration of Allium senescens, commonly known as ornamental onion. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1808. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 29, plate 1150
Lilium henryi, 1891Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 117, plate 7177
Dendrobium kingianum, 1834-1849Illustration of Dendrobium kingianum engraved by Samuel Holden from Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants by Joseph Paxton, vol 12, 1834-1849
Cypripedium reginae (Showy orchid), 1876Watercolour illustration of Cypripedium reginae (Showy orchid) by John Day, 12 June 1876. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 19, page 57
Corylus avellana, hazelCorylus avellana. Common hazel. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 2, 1886. Tab. 163 T. 163
718. The Australian Parrot FlowerThis brilliantly coloured flower, also called Sturts Pea or Glory Pea (Clianthus Dampieri. A. Cunn.), if not very common, has a wide range, occurring in New South Wales, South Australia
534. Orchid and Ferns of Sarawak, BorneoThe Orchid is Eria ornata, Lindl. and the ferns are Polypodium Phymatodes and P. drynaria
386. Aloes at NatalIn front is a portion of the inflorescence, natural size, of the arboreous one; to the left is a plant of a species which does not form a trunk. It is near, if not true, Aloe latifolia
380. A common Plant on sandy sea-shores in the TropicsThis lovely trailer (Ipomoea blob, Forsk, is found on almost all sandy sea-shores in the tropics as well as in some subtropical regions, including many of the most remote oceanic islands)
376. Male Papaw with Flowers and Imperfect FruitUsually the male and female flowers of the Papaw (Carica Papaya, Linn.) are borne on separate plants, the former on long hanging branches, the latter on very short stalks
190. Foliage and Flowers of the Californian Dogwood, and HummingAt first sight the inflorescence of the Dogwood (Cornus Nuttalii, Audubon), seems so like the flowers of a Clematis that one might take it to be a flower
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