Spider Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Amaryllis belladonna, 1804Illustration of Amaryllis belladonna, commonly known as belladonna lily or Jersey lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1804
Dracula chimaera (Vampire orchid), 1882-1897Illustration of Dracula chimaera by John Nugent Fitch from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants, 1882- 1897; t. 203
Iris (Iris sanguinea), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated Manual of Medicinal Plants
Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Poppy (Papaver), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants
Rhododendron Dalhousiae (frontispiece), 1849Frontispiece of a Rhododendron dalhousieae Hook. f. in its native locality, 1849
Allium sphaerocephalon, 1794Illustration of Allium sphaerocephalon, commonly known as ornamental onion. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1794. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 7, plate 251
Allium senescens, 1808Illustration of Allium senescens, commonly known as ornamental onion. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1808. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 29, plate 1150
Lilium henryi, 1891Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 117, plate 7177
Dendrobium kingianum, 1834-1849Illustration of Dendrobium kingianum engraved by Samuel Holden from Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants by Joseph Paxton, vol 12, 1834-1849
Cypripedium reginae (Showy orchid), 1876Watercolour illustration of Cypripedium reginae (Showy orchid) by John Day, 12 June 1876. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 19, page 57
Coelogyne cristata, 1877Watercolour illustration of Coelogyne cristata by John Day, 19 January 1877. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 20, page 69
Vanilla planifolia, 1805-1846Illustration of Vanilla planifolia from Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung Der in Der Arzneykunde Gebr├ñuchlichen Gew├ñchse : Wie Auch Aolcher, Welche mit Inhen Verwechselt Werden K├Ânnen
Nectaroscordum siculum, 1836Illustration of Nectaroscordum siculum, current accepted plant name Allium siculum, commonly known Sicilan honey garlic, Sicilian honey lily or Mediterranean bells
Muscari szovitsianum, 1886Current accepted plant name is Muscari armeniacum, commonly known as grape hyacinth. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1886
Zygopetalum mackayi, 1882-1897Illustration of Zygopetalum mackayi from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants by Robert Warner and Benjamin Samuel Williams
Vanda coerulea (Blue vanda), 1862Illustration of Vanda coerulea by Walter Hood Fitch, 1862. Artwork from Select Orchidaceous Plants by Robert Warner, 1862; t. 18
Rhynchostylis retusa (Foxtail orchid), 1885-1906Illustration of Rhynchostylis retusa by Pieter de Pannemaeker. Artwork from Lindenia: Iconographie des Orchid├®es, 1885-1906; volume 15, plate 691
Psychopsis kramerianum (Butterfly orchid), 1845-1883Illustration of Psychopsis kramerianum (Butterfly orchid), 1845-1883. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, volume 19; p. 40-41
Prosthechea cochleata (aka. Cockleshell orchid, black orchid, clamshell orchid, octopus orchid), 1802-1816Illustration of Prosthechea cochleata by Pierre Joseph Redout├®, 1802-1816. Artwork from Les Liliac├®es, volume 6, plate 346
Phalaenopsis schilleriana, 1864Watercolour illustration of Phalaenopsis schilleriana by John Day, 9 March 1864. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 7, page 58
Paphiopedilum niveum (Asian slipper orchid), 1883Watercolour illustration of Paphiopedilum niveum by John Day, 26 April 1883. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 35, page 5
Ophrys apifera (Bee orchid), 1886Illustration of Ophrys apifera from Flora von Deutschland : Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild für Schule und Haus, 1886. Artwork from volume 1, plate 148
Cymbidium lowianum, 1882-1897Illustration of Cymbidium lowianum from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants by Robert Warner, 1882-1897; t. 471
Calochortus splendens, 1835Illustration of Calochortus splendens, commonly known as Mariposa lily, fairy lantern, globe lily, star tulip. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sarah Anne Drake, 1835
Amaryllis belladonna, 1760-1790Illustration of Amaryllis belladonna, commonly known as belladonna lily or Jersey lily. Mounted watercolour on vellum by Peter Brown, 1760-1790
Agapanthus africanus, 1800Illustration of Agapanthus africanus, commonly known as African lily, lily of the Nile or blue lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1800
Amaryllis Divers, 1845 - 1883Current accepted plant name is Hippeastrum sp. commonly known as amaryllis. Hand-finished lithograph from Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, 1845-1883, volume 16
Camassia quamash, 1832Current accepted plant name is Camassia quamash, commonly known as Indian hyacinth. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sarah Anne Drake, 1832
Tulbaghia violacea, 1837Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1837. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 64, plate 3555
Chionodoxa luciliae, 1879Current accepted plant name is Scilla luciliae, commonly known as squill or glory-of-the-snow. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1879
Nerine bowdenii, 1907Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1807. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 113, plate 8117
Sobralia macrantha, 1845-1883Illustration of Sobralia macrantha, 1845-1883. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, volume 7; t. 669, p. 69
Rhynchostylis gigantea, 1888Illustration of Rhynchostylis gigantea by A.H. Loch, 1888. Artwork from Reichenbachia: Orchids Illustrated and Described by Frederick Sander and William Dallimore, volume 1, plate 22
Phragmipedium longifolium (South American slipper orchid), 1873Lithograph from from La Belgique Horticole: Annales de Botanique et D horticulture, 1873; volume 23, plate 4
Phalaenopsis schilleriana, 1862Illustration of Phalaenopsis schilleriana by Walter Hood Fitch. Artwork from Select Orchidaceous Plants by Robert Warner, 1862; t.1
Ophrys apifera (Bee orchid), 1894Illustration of Ophrys apifera from Die Orchidaceen : Deutschlands, Deutschlands-Oesterreichs und der Schweiz, 1894; t. 31
Oncidium alexandra (Princess Alexandras oncidium), 1882-1897Lithograph on paper by John Nugent Fitch from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants
Miltoniopsis vexillaria (Colombian pink pansy orchid), 1874Illustration of Miltoniopsis vexillaria by Walter Hood Fitch from A Monograph of Odontoglossum by James Bateman, 1874; t. 29
Maxillaria tenuifolia, 1839Illustration by Sarah Anne Drake, 1839. Artwork from Edwardss Botanical Register, volume 25, plate 8
Masdevallia hybrids, 1882Lithograph by P Stroobant, 1882. Artwork from La Belgique horticole: annales de botanique et d horticulture, volume 32, plate 3
Lycaste aromatica, 1827Illustration of Lycaste aromatica by Robert Kaye Greville and engraved by Joseph Swan. Artwork from Exotic flora: containing figures and descriptions of new
Laelia anceps, 1882-1897Illustration of Laelia anceps by John Nugent Fitch from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants, 1882-1897; t. 44
Disa uniflora (Pride of Table Mountain), 1885-1906Illustration of Disa uniflora by A Gossens pinx. from Lindenia: Iconographie des Orchid├®es, 1885-1906; vol 2, t. 308
Disa uniflora (Pride of Table Mountain), 1841Illustration of Disa Uniflora by Sarah Ann Drake, December 1841. Artwork from Sertum Orchidaceum: A Wreath of the Most Beautiful Orchidaceous Flowers, 1838 (1837-1842); t. 49
Dendrobium nobile (Noble orchid), 1837Illustration of Dendrobium nobile by Sarah Ann Drake, 1 September 1837. Artwork from Sertum Orchidaceum: A Wreath of the Most Beautiful Orchidaceous Flowers, 1838 (1837-1842); t. 3
Dendrobium bigibbum, 1877Watercolour illustration of Dendrobium bigibbum by John Day, 18 September 1877. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 22, page 59
Cypripedium reginae (Showy orchid), 1849Illustration of Cypripedium reginae (Showy orchid), 1849. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, volume 5; p. 430
Cattleya cernua aka Sophronitis cernua, 1896-1907Illustration of Cattleya cernua aka Sophronitis cernua from Dictionnaire Iconographique des Orchid├®es by Alfred Cogniaux, 1896-1907. Artwork from volume 11, plate 3
Brassia verrucosa (Spider orchid), 1879Watercolour illustration of Barkeria spectabilis by John Day, 22 November 1879. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 26, page 1
Anguloa clowesii (Tulip orchid), 1866Watercolour illustration of Anguloa clowesii by John Day, 4 August 1866. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, vol 5, p. 11. Accompanying notes state that the specimen was " from a plant imported
Cattleya trianae, 1882Lithograph on paper from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants, conducted by Robert Warner and Benjamin Samuel Williams, 1882
Convallaria majalis, 1887Coloured plate of Convallaria majalis, commonly known as lily of the valley, May bells or May lily, 1887. Artwork from Kohler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz
Acis autumnalis, 1806Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1806. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 24, plate 960
Oxalis versicolor, 1791Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 5, plate 155
The Dragon Arum, ca 1801-1807Current accepted plant name is Dracunculus vulgaris, commonly known as dragons tongue or dragon lily. Mezzotint and aquatint by Peter Henderson, ca 1801-1807
Roscoea humeana, 1824Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1824. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 151, plate 9075
Roscoea purpurea, 1852Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1852. Artwork from Curtis's Botanical Magazine, volume 78, plate 4630
Scilla amoenula, 1823Current accepted plant name is Scilla siberica subsp. siberica, commonly known as squill or glory-of-the-snow. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1823
Amaryllis lutea, 1795Current accepted plant name is Sternbergia lutea, commonly known as winter daffodil or fall daffodil. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by unknown artist, 1895
Milla uniflora, 1834Current accepted plant name is Ipheion uniflorum, commonly known as Tristagma uniflorum, spring starflower or springstar. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by James MacNab, 1834
Tritonia rosea, 1893Current accepted plant name is Tritonia disticha. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1893. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 119, plate 7280
Tulipa gregii, 1875Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1875. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 101, plate 6177
Ornithogalum nutans, 1794Illustration of Ornithogalum nutans, commonly known as drooping star-of-Bethlehem. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by unknown artist, 1794
Puschkinia scilloides, 1821Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by John Curtis, 1821. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 48, plate 2244. Curtiss Botanical Magazine is the longest running botanical periodical
Brodiaea ixioides, 1823Current accepted plant name is Leucocoryne ixioides, commonly known as glory of the sun. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by John Curtis, 1823
Leucojum vernum, 1818Hand-coloured lithograph on paper engraved by Weddell Sc, 1818. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 45, plate 1993
Iris reticulata, 1866Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1866. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 92, plate 5577
Fritillaria graeca, 1858Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1858. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 84, plate 5052
Gladiolus papilio, 1866Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 92, plate 5565. This is a Cape species and was received at Kew, in 1861, from D. Arnot of Colesberg. It has also been found by W
Erythronium hendersonii, 1888Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1888. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 114, plate 7017
Eucomis bicolor, 1885Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1885. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 111, plate 6816
Habenaria medusa, 1885-1906Illustration of Habenaria medusa by C. De Bruyne from Lindenia: Iconographie des Orchid├®es, 1885-1906; vol 17, t. 783
Cuitlauzina pendula, 1878Illustration of Cuitlauzina pendula by Walter Hood Fitch. Artwork from Select Orchidaceous Plants by Robert Warner, 1878; t. 28
Cuitlauzina pendula, 1845-1883Illustration of Cuitlauzina pendula from Flore des Serres et Des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, 1845-1883; vol. 6: p. 307
Calanthe vestita (Tropical calanthe), 1845-1883Illustration of Calanthe vestita, 1845-1883. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, vol. 13, page 32-33
Vanda ampullacea, 1834-1849Illustration of Vanda ampullacea engraved by Samuel Holden from Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants by Joseph Paxton, vol 13, 1834-1849
Barkeria spectabilis, 1877Watercolour illustration of Barkeria spectabilis by John Day, 19 June 1877. Artwork from John Days Scrapbook, volume 22, page 1
Colchicum autumnale, 1887Coloured plate of Colchicum autumnale, commonly known as meadow saffron, naked ladies or autumn crocus, 1887. Artwork from K├Âhlers Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz
Allium nigrum, 1808Illustration of Allium nigrum, commonly known as ornamental onion. Watercolour and pencil on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1808. Original artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 29, plate 1148
Galanthus elwesii, 1875Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1875. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 101, plate 6166
Miltonia spectabilis (Pansy orchid), 1882-1897Lithograph on paper from The Orchid Album, Comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants, conducted by Robert Warner and Benjamin Samuel Williams
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