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Flowering Plant Collection

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Victoria amazonica

Victoria amazonica
Detail of Victoria amazonica leaves, RBG Kew. This plant is the largest of the Nymphaeaceae family of water lilies

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Atropa belladonna - Deadly nightshade

Atropa belladonna - Deadly nightshade
Botanical illustration of deadly nightshade

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum

Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum
Illustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Buddleia colvilei, Smith M

Buddleia colvilei, Smith M
Vol 121, t. 7449, 1895, Buddleia colvilei, Smith M, Buddlejaceae

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Buddleia crispa, Fitch W

Buddleia crispa, Fitch W
Vol 80, t.4793, 1854, Buddleia crispa, Fitch Walter Hood, Buddlejaceae

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Cornus nuttallii x florida

Cornus nuttallii x florida
CORNACEAE, Cornus nuttallii x florida (1969-12748)

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea carpentariae, Andre Leu

Nymphaea carpentariae, Andre Leu

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea, Kew, Stowaway blues

Nymphaea, Kew, Stowaway blues

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum

Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum
SOLANACEAE Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum, 2006-1844 NZSI 192

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Heracleum mantegazzianum - Giant Hogweed

Heracleum mantegazzianum - Giant Hogweed

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Cyphomandra betacea - Tamarillo - Tree Tomato

Cyphomandra betacea - Tamarillo - Tree Tomato
19825155, SOLANACEAE, Cyphomandra betacea

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Abutilon Boule De Neige

Abutilon Boule De Neige
1997-6540, MALVACEAE, Abutilon Boule De Neige

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Rhododendron macgregoriae

Rhododendron macgregoriae
1967-44903 EDIN, ERICACEAE, Rhododendron macgregoriae, New Guinea

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Rosa Kew Gardens

Rosa Kew Gardens, in front of the Palm House

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Scadoxus multiflorus s. katherinae

Scadoxus multiflorus s. katherinae
1993-3006 CATO, AMARYLLIDACEAE, Scadoxus multiflorus s. katherinae

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Bougainvillea X buttiana Enid Lancaster

Bougainvillea X buttiana Enid Lancaster
1973-20495, NYTAGINACEAEA, Bougainvillea X buttiana Enid Lancaster

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Tibouchina urvilleana, Glory Bush

Tibouchina urvilleana, Glory Bush, Growing inside the Temperate house at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: 000-69-17231, MYRSINACEAE, Ardisia Humilis, Himalayas

000-69-17231, MYRSINACEAE, Ardisia Humilis, Himalayas

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Ananas bracteatus - (Pineapple relative)

Ananas bracteatus - (Pineapple relative)
1975-3130 DUBG, BROMELIACEAE, Ananas bracteatus, Brazil, Paraguay

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Ptilotus manglesii

Ptilotus manglesii
1969-51406, AMARANTHACEAE, Ptilotus manglesii, Western Australia

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: The Order Beds

The Order Beds

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: The Order Beds

The Order Beds

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea Piyalarp

Nymphaea Piyalarp
2008-933 PRWA, NYMPHACEAE. Nymphaea Piyalarp

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea Carlos Magdalena

Nymphaea Carlos Magdalena
2007-1802 KKNO - Nymphaea Carlos Magdalena, NYMPHAEACEAE

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea thermarum is the smallest waterlily in the world

Nymphaea thermarum is the smallest waterlily in the world, and the only Nymphaea to grow in damp mud rather than water - This ├ä├ÂÔêÜ├æÔêÜÔëñthermal├ä├ÂÔêÜ├æÔêÜa waterlily

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum

Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum
SOLANACEAE Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum, 2006-1844 NZSI 192

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Acacia retinodes

Acacia retinodes
1978-6209, FABACEAE, LEGUMINOSAE, MIMOSOIDEAE, Acacia retinodes, Australia

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Commidendrum rugosum

Commidendrum rugosum
1970-4387 KENR, COMPOSITAE, Commidendrum rugosum

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Tibouchina Urvilleana

Tibouchina Urvilleana
053-82-00274, MELASTOMATACEAE, Tibouchina Urvilleana, Brazil

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Encephalartos woodii

Encephalartos woodii
1899-31101 DUBG, Encephalartos woodii, ZAMIACEAE - Natal

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea Piyatarp

Nymphaea Piyatarp
2008-933, NYMPHAEACEAE, Nymphaea " Piyatarp"

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea carpentariae x violacea

Nymphaea carpentariae x violacea

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea Rattana Ubol

Nymphaea Rattana Ubol

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea Carlas Sonshine

Nymphaea Carlas Sonshine
2013-477 SUTIM, Nymphaea Carlas Sonshine, NYMPHAEACEAE

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea Bimini Twist

Nymphaea Bimini Twist
2013-474 SUTM, NYMPHAEACEAE, Nymphaea Bimini Twist

Background imageFlowering Plant Collection: Nymphaea violacea x colorata

Nymphaea violacea x colorata

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