661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed PineThe Japanese delight in dwarfing normally big trees; and they have brought the art to such a degree of perfection that they can keep them down to the size of the one represented to a very
Coffea arabica, 1789Coffea arabica, commonly known as coffee by Icones Plantarum Medicinalium by Joseph Jacob Plenck, 1789, volume 2, 1789, plate 130
Fallopia japonica - Japanese KnotweedTab.6503. - Fallopia japonica as Polygonum cuspidatum the original illustration is by Anne Barnard, watercolour on paper, 1880; The plate, 6503, was published in Curtiss Botanical Magazine
793. Foliage, Flowers, and Seed-vessel of the Opium PoppyThis plant (Papaver somniferum, L.) has been cultivated in Eastern countries from the most remote time for the sake of the inspissated juice, called opium; it is largely grown in Asia Minor, Persia
776. Flowers of a West Australian Shrub and Kangaroo FeetAnigozanthus flavida, Red. is the name of the herb. The genus Callistemon comprises about ten species scattered nearly all over Australia, but C. speciosus, DC
405. A Medley of Flowers from Table Mountain, Cape of Good HopeOn the right, the scarlet Sutherlandia frutescens, R. Br. followed by the white balls of the minute flowers of a Brunia ? a blue and red Lobostermon(Boraginaceae)
368. Two Flowering Shrubs of: Natal and a TrogonThe brilliant red Schotia speciosa, Jacq. is related to the gorgeous Indian Amnherstia (see 594). The fragrant white Gardenia Thunbergia Linn. f
Cinera cum flore, 1613Illustration of Cinera cum flore, Cynara species, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basilius Besler, 1613, volume 2
Fructus artischochi, 1613Illustration of Fructus artischochi, currently accepted as Cynara cardunculus, commonly known as artichoke. Artwork from Hortus Eystettensis by Basilius Besler, 1613, volume 2
613. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Pepper plantThe pepper plant (Piper nigrum, L.) is a native of S. India. White and black pepper are from the same plant. Whole black pepper is the ripe fruit untouched
77. Wild Flowers at Morro Velho, BrazilBignonia venusta. Ker. and a Convolvulacea (Quamoclit Nationis Hook. ?), climbing over Luhea rufescens, St. Hil. a forest tree
Zingiber officinale, 1887Zingiber officinale, commonly known as ginger, from Köhler's Medizinal Pflanzen by Franz Eugen Köhler, 1887, volume 2, plate 202
766. Flowers of the Flame-tree and yellow and black twiner, West AustraliaIn the distance Flame -trees, Nuytsia floribunda, R. Br. (see description of 761). Kennedya nigricans, Lindl. is remarkable for the very dark purple, almost black, of its flowers
614. The Turong, or Pigeon Orchid in Borneo, and a purple-brownThe former (Dendrobium crumenatum, Lindl.) comes into blossom simultaneously on all the plants about every nine weeks, and the trees
577. Flowers and Fruit of the Mangosteen, and Singapore MonkeyThe Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana, Linn.) is a native of Malacca, and it is esteemed by many as the best of all tropical fruit
Victoria amazonicaDetail of Victoria amazonica leaves, RBG Kew. This plant is the largest of the Nymphaeaceae family of water lilies
527. Cherokee Rose with the Peak of Teneriffe in the distanceThe Cherokee Rose (R. laevigata, Michx.) although very common in the South- eastern States of North America is only a colonist there; its native country being China
790. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Queensland Tree, and BlackMacadamia ternifolia, F. Muell. belongs to the Proteaceae, and is closely allied to Helicia, which extends northward to India, China, and Japan
497. Native Vanilla hanging from the Wild Orange, . Praslin, SeycVanilla Phalaenopsis, Reichb. f. is endemic in the Seychelles, and, like several other species of the genus, it is leafless. The orange on which it grows is naturalised only in these islands
278. Michelia and Climber of Darjeeling, IndiaThe tree is Michelia excelsa, Wall. a lofty congener of the Champak, and the climber is Porana grandiflora, Wall. which is remarkable in its family (Convolvulaceae) for being sweetscented
Reynoutria japonica, 1880Illustration of Reynoutria japonica, commonly known as Japanese knotweed. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper after the original drawing by Anne Barnard, 1880
Citrus hystrix, Kaffir limeCitrus hystrix (syn. Citrus torosa blanco). Francisco Manuel Blanco, Flora De Filipinas, 1877-1883, Barcelona. Citrus hystrix DC. Kaffir lime, (makrut lime)
Solanum melongena, aubergineSolanum melungena (Solanum melongena), aubergine (eggplant). REGNAULT Nicolas Francois (1746-c.1810) and Genevive de Nangis REGNAULT (b.1746)
Solanum tuberosum, potato. REGNAULT Nicolas Francois (1746-c.1810) and Genevive de Nangis REGNAULT (b.1746). La Botanique mise a la portee de tout le Monde
Elettaria cardamomum, 1887Illustration of Elettaria cardamomum, commonly known as cardamom, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1887, volume 1, plate 74
Atropa belladonna - Deadly nightshadeBotanical illustration of deadly nightshade
Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarumIllustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut
783. View in the Botanic Garden, Brisbane, QueenslandFlowers of the Large Water Lily (Nymphaea gigantea, Hook.) with Screw Pines (Pandanus sp.) and a species of Aralia in the background. This Water Lily is peculiar to Australia
639. Japanese FlowersForsythia viridissima, Lindl (yellow), Azalea, Camellia, and Paeonia Moutan, Sims. The variegated foliage at the top is of Cleyera Fortunei, Hook. f
520. Orange Flowers and Fruits, painted in TenerifeThe Orange (Citrus Aurantium, Risso) is cultivated in many parts of the South of Europe, and in other countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea
430. Water-Lily and surrounding vegetation in Van Staadens KlooNymphaea stellata, Willd. the Water-Lily in this painting, is very widely spread in Africa and India, and there are white, blue, purple, and rose varieties
419. Not one Flower, but many in one, Van Staadens KloofAs mentioned in the description of 410, there are numerous flowers in the separate inflorescences of the Proteaceae, surrounded by coloured leaves or bracts. This is Protea cynaroides, Linn
343. Foliage and Flowers of a Madagascar tree at SingaporeA tree of the same (Poinciana regia, Boj.) in the distance
221. Foliage, flowers and fruit of a common Indian forest tree, 1878Foliage, flowers and fruit of a common Indian forest tree (Phanera variegata). Oil on board by Marianne North, 1878
Corylus avellana, hazelCorylus avellana. Common hazel. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 2, 1886. Tab. 163 T. 163
772. West Australian VegetationFlowers and fruiting cones in various stages of development, of Banksia coccinea. R. Br.; and flowers of a climbing Papilionacea (Gompholobium polymorphum, R)
641. Japanese Chrysanthemums, cultivated in this country
Epidendrum vanille, 1774Illustration of Epidendrum vanille, currently accepted as Vanilla mexicana. The illustration is from La Botanique mise a la portee de tout le Monde by Nicolas Francois Regnault (1746-c.1810)
Capsicum annuum, 1887Illustration of Capsicum annuum, commonly known as peppers, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1887, volume 2, plate 35
Coriandrum sativum, 1887Illustration of Coriandrum sativum, commonly known as coriander, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen by Franz Eugen Köhler, 1887, volume 1, plate 45
Curcuma longa, 1887Illustration of Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen by Franz Eugen Köhler, 1887, volume 2, plate 178
Sinapis alba, 1887Sinapis alba, commonly known as white mustard, from Köhler's Medizinal Pflanzen by Franz Eugen Köhler, 1887, vol 3, plate 276
Myristica fragrans, nutmeg, 1887Illustration of Myristica fragrans, commonly known as nutmeg. from Köhlers Medicinal Plants, 1887, plate 125
Buddleia colvilei, Smith MVol 121, t. 7449, 1895, Buddleia colvilei, Smith M, Buddlejaceae
Buddleia crispa, Fitch WVol 80, t.4793, 1854, Buddleia crispa, Fitch Walter Hood, Buddlejaceae
683. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Malayan TreeThis is Saraca declinata, Miq. a member of the Leguminosae
640. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Eugenia, Sarawak, BorneoFlowers of E. grandis, Wight, fruit of E. aquea, Burm. f
552. Flowers and Fruit of the Pomelo, a branch of Hennah, and FlHennah (Lawsonia inermis, Linn.) yields a dye much used by Eastern ladies to dye their hair, eyelids, finger nails, &c. The Pomelo is a variety of Shaddock (Citrus decumana, Linn.)
489. A Native Orchid and Butterflies, Mahe, SeychellesAngraecum eburneum, Thouars, is an Orchid of a genus characteristic of the Mascarene Islands and Tropical and South Africa. See 356
435. Protea and Golden-breasted Cuckoo, of South AfricaThis magnificent Protea (P. speciosa, Linn.) grows about as tall as a man, and is remarkable alike for its thick, red-margined leaves, and its elegantly fringed bracts
247. Foliage and Flowers of the Red Cotton Tree and a pair of LoThis tree (Bombax malabaricnm, DC.) is very large and it is common in the forests of South India and Burma. Like the White Cotton Tree (632)
740. West Australian Flowers" Kangaroo Feet " (Anigozanthus), of which five species are depicted, are peculiar to West Australia, and are remarkable for the uncommon hues of their very hairy flowers. A. Manglesii
Punica granatum, 1791Illustration of Punica granatum, commonly known as pomegranate, from Icones Plantarum Medicinalium by Joseph Jacob Ritter von Plenck, 1791. Illustration from volume 4, plate 376
Leccinum versipelle, 1915-45Illustration of Leccinum versipelle, commonly known as orange birch bolete or rough bolete by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
The Broadwalk, RBG KewVisitors enjoy the hot colours in the summer Broadwalk bedding displays, RBG Kew
Davidia involucrata, 1912Illustration of Davidia involucrata var. Vilmoriniana by Matilda Smith, 1912. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 138, plate 7283
Lobelia cardinalis Queen VictoriaLobelia cardinalis " Queen Victoria" (cardinal flower). Family: Campanulaceae
Coffea plant, Company ArtFlowers and beans of Coffea arabica: coffee plant. Watercolour by Manu Lall, an example of Company Art, 19th century commissioned from Indian artists by British East India Company employees
American Bog Plants. Fetid pothos. Sarracenia flava, Dionaea muscipula. I Fetid pothos. II Pitcher plant. III Venuss fly trap
Cornus nuttallii x floridaCORNACEAE, Cornus nuttallii x florida (1969-12748)
Juglans regia (walnut), 1887Illustration of Juglans regia from Kohlers Medicinal Plants, 1887
Thymus vulgaris, 1887Illustration of Thymus vulgaris, commonly known as thyme, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen by Franz Eugen Köhler, 1887, volume 2, plate 185
Cucumis sativus, cucumber. Joseph Jacob Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinal, Vol. 7, 1803. Tab. 698 t. 698
Lavandula officinalis (lavender), 1889Illustration of lavender, currently accepted plant Lavandula angustifolia subsp. angustifolia. from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 4, 1889
Foeniculum officinale, fennelFoeniculum officinale as Foeniculum vulgare, commonly known as sweet fennel. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 3, 1888
Nymphaea carpentariae, Andre Leu
Nymphaea, Kew, Stowaway blues
Heracleum mantegazzianum - Giant Hogweed
Abutilon Boule De Neige1997-6540, MALVACEAE, Abutilon Boule De Neige
Rhododendron macgregoriae1967-44903 EDIN, ERICACEAE, Rhododendron macgregoriae, New Guinea
Ipomoea horsfalliae var. briggsii1969-17744, CONVOVULACEAE, Ipomoea horsfalliae var. briggsii
Anemone hupehensis2009-1220 JOFW, RANUNCULACEAE, Anemone hupehensis
Rosa Kew Gardens, in front of the Palm House
Tibouchina urvilleana, Glory Bush, Growing inside the Temperate house at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
000-69-17231, MYRSINACEAE, Ardisia Humilis, Himalayas
Ananas bracteatus - (Pineapple relative)1975-3130 DUBG, BROMELIACEAE, Ananas bracteatus, Brazil, Paraguay
Ptilotus manglesii1969-51406, AMARANTHACEAE, Ptilotus manglesii, Western Australia
813. Plants of the Sandy-shore at Port Alfred, South AfricaThe shrub with shining leaves and white flowers is Scaeuola Koenigii (see 469); the hoary plant with yellow flowers, Microstephium niveum, Less. with Statice scabra, Thunb
789. Flowers and Seed-vessels of a West Australian Gum Tree andThis (Eucalyptus, . ficifolia, F. Muell) is perhaps the most beautiful of all the Gum Trees. It is a small tree nearly allied to E. calophylla, R. Br. (see 757), but the latter has white flowers
784. West Australian ShrubsFoliage and flowers of Banksia grandees, Willd. with a blue-flowered species of Comesperma (perhaps C.volubile, Labill.) climbing over it
738. View in the Brisbane Botanic GardenA Moreton Bay Pine (Araucaria Cunninghami, .Ait.) in the foreground and an American Tacsonia in front
684. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Sacred Lotus in JavaThe roots and seeds of Nelumbium speciosum, Willd. were eaten by the Egyptians in the time of Herodotus, as they are at the present time in India; but it long ago disappeared from Egypt-how long ago
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