Vitis vinifera, 1846Illustration of Vitis vinifera, commonly known as grape vine or cultivated grape, from Pomologie Francaise by Antoine Poiteau, 1846
Citrus x limon, 1846Illustration of Citrus x limon, commonly known as lemon, from Pomologie Francaise vol 2 by Antoine Poiteau, 1846
Momordica charantia, 1854Illustration of Momordica charantia, commonly known as bitter melon, bitter gourd or balsam pear, from Flore des serres et des jardins de l Europe, 1854
Citrus x aurantium, 1782Illustration of commonly known as Citrus x aurantium, Seville orange, bigarade, bitter orange, marmalade orange or sour orange, from Histoire et Culture des Orangers by Antoine Risso
Cucumis melo, 1737Illustration of Cucumis melo, commonly known as melon, by Elizabeth Blackwell, from A Curious Herbal by Elizabeth Blackwell, 1737. Artwork from volume 2, plate 329
Litchi chinensis, 1816ÔÇô1827Illustration of Litchi chinensis, commonly known as lychee, litchee or alligator strawberry, from Herbier General de l Amateur, volume 7, by Jean Claude Mien Mordant de Launay, 1816-1827
Eriobotrya japonica, 1825Illustration of Eriobotrya japonica, commonly known as loquat. Watercolour on paper by Jean Gabriel Pretre from the Kew Collection, 1825
Annona mucosa, 1808-1827Illustration of Annona mucosa, commonly known as lemon meringue pie fruit, plate 28 from Flore des Antilles by Francois Richard de Tussac, 1808-1827
Ribes uva-crispa, 1817Illustration of Ribes uva-crispa, commonly known as gooseberry, from Pomona Britannica by George Brookshaw, 1817
Blighia sapida, 1821ÔÇô1829Illustration of Blighia sapida, commonly known as akee or ackee from Flore Medicale des Antilles by Michel Etienne Descourtilz, 1821-1829
Prunus armeniaca, 1910Illustration of Prunus armeniaca, commonly known as apricot, by J. Guillot from Revue Horticole, 1910
Kirkes Scarlet Admirable Apple, 1829Hand coloured engraving of a variety of Malus domestica (Kirkes Scarlet Admirable Apple) by E. D. Smith, from Flora and Pomona by Charles McIntosh, 1829
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