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Fruit Collection (#3)

Background imageFruit Collection: 286. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Millingtonia hortensis

286. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Millingtonia hortensis
This tree is a native of the Malay Peninsula, cultivated in South India for its ornamental character. Bark used for the same purposes as cork

Background imageFruit Collection: 275. Custard Apple, Native Gooseberry of Sarawak, and Leaf Lo 275

275. Custard Apple, Native Gooseberry of Sarawak, and Leaf Lo 275. Custard Apple, Native Gooseberry of Sarawak
Anona squamosa, L. is a tropical American fruit, commonly cultivated in the tropics. In the West Indies the fruit of A. reticulata is called Custard Apple

Background imageFruit Collection: 257. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Forest Tree of India

257. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Forest Tree of India
A tree of the same in the distance. This (Lagerstroemnia Flos-reginae, Retz.) is one of the showiest of Indian forest trees when in blossom

Background imageFruit Collection: 254. Foliage and Fruit of the Cherimoyer

254. Foliage and Fruit of the Cherimoyer
Anona Cherimnolia, Mill. is a delicious fruit of Peru. Several other species of the same genus yield excellent fruits, as A. reticulata, L. See 275

Background imageFruit Collection: 176. Great Cotton Tree, Jamaica

176. Great Cotton Tree, Jamaica
Before the discovery of the Californian Big Tree and the larger Gum Trees of Australia, this (Eriodendron anfractuosum, DC.) -was one of the tallest trees known

Background imageFruit Collection: 172. View from Spring Gardens, Buffs Bay, Jamaica

172. View from Spring Gardens, Buffs Bay, Jamaica
Cocoanut Palms, Bread Fruit Trees, and Trumpet Tree in the foreground

Background imageFruit Collection: 168. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Lignum Vitae, Jamaica

168. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Lignum Vitae, Jamaica
Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum officinale, L.) is an exceedingly hard wood, used for making pulley blocks, rulers, pestles, &c.; and the resin called gum guaiacum is an exudation from the stem

Background imageFruit Collection: 162. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a variety of Guava

162. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a variety of Guava

Background imageFruit Collection: 160. Foliage and Fruit of Arnatto and Foliage and J lowers of

160. Foliage and Fruit of Arnatto and Foliage and J lowers of
These are both dye plants indigenous in tropical America. Arnatto, Bixa Orellana, Linn. is used for dyeing silks an orange-yellow and colouring cheese

Background imageFruit Collection: 155. Foliage and Fruit of the Loquat, or Japanese Medlar, Bra

155. Foliage and Fruit of the Loquat, or Japanese Medlar, Bra
Eriobotrya japonica, Lindl. is a native of Japan, cultivated in Brazil and elsewhere. The flowers are represented in 128

Background imageFruit Collection: 153. Foliage, flowers, and fruit of the Coffee, Jamaica

153. Foliage, flowers, and fruit of the Coffee, Jamaica
This is a small tree or shrub, native of the mountains of eastern tropical Africa, now cultivated and naturalised in the lower mountainous regions of many other tropical countries

Background imageFruit Collection: 152. The Bilimbi or Blimbing, Jamaica

152. The Bilimbi or Blimbing, Jamaica
Averrhoa Bilimbi, L. is a small tree, native of the Malayan Islands, cultivated for its fruit, which makes good tarts; a cooling drink is also prepared from it

Background imageFruit Collection: 148. Valley of Bamboos, near Bath, Jamaica

148. Valley of Bamboos, near Bath, Jamaica
The arboreous grasses called Bamboos form a very prominent feature in the vegetation of most tropical countries, and more especially of tropical Asia, where the true Bamboos (i.e)

Background imageFruit Collection: 147. Cultivated Flowers; painted in Jamaica

147. Cultivated Flowers; painted in Jamaica
Below on the left is a white-flowered Gardenia, and the showy scarlet Passiflora quadriglandulos, Rodsch. (syn. Tacsaonia sanquinea, DC.); above, Datura sanguinea, L. and Broughtonia sasnguinea, R

Background imageFruit Collection: 145. Study of Banana and Trumpet Tree, Jamaica

145. Study of Banana and Trumpet Tree, Jamaica
Consult the descriptions of 120 and 823

Background imageFruit Collection: 120. Bananas and Orange Trees, a Palm and a Bush of Noche Buena

120. Bananas and Orange Trees, a Palm and a Bush of Noche Buena
As mentioned under 816 the Banana is one of the most striking types of tropical vegetation; and it is also one of the most important

Background imageFruit Collection: 112. Foliage, flowers, and fruit of the Granadilla, Jamaica

112. Foliage, flowers, and fruit of the Granadilla, Jamaica
The fruit of several species and varieties of Passion Flower is edible; this is Passiflora macrocarpa, Mast. Seeds and pulp-in fact all the inside is eaten

Background imageFruit Collection: 111. Jamaica Orchids growing on a branch of the Calabash tree

111. Jamaica Orchids growing on a branch of the Calabash tree
The most interesting of these orchids is the one hanging from the top, Dendrophylax funalis, Benth. (syn. Aeranthes funalis, Rchb. f)

Background imageFruit Collection: 107. Foliage, Flowers, and Seed Vessels of Cotton, and Fruit of

107. Foliage, Flowers, and Seed Vessels of Cotton, and Fruit of
Cotton was cultivated and cotton fabrics were made as far back as records go in the Old World; and when America was discovered cotton was in general use there

Background imageFruit Collection: 104. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Soursop, Brazil

104. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Soursop, Brazil
Anona muricata, L. is a native of the West Indies, where, as well as in continental America and other countries, it is cultivated for its excellent fruit

Background imageFruit Collection: 103. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Poma de Lupa, . Brazil

103. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Poma de Lupa, . Brazil
A species of Solanum, which genus numbers at least 700 species, 160 of them inhabiting Brazil

Background imageFruit Collection: 91. Papaw Trees at Gongo, Brazil

91. Papaw Trees at Gongo, Brazil
The Papaw (carica Papaya, L.) is a tropical American tree now commonly cultivated in warm countries. Its stem is usually unbranched and grows about twenty feet high, bearing a crown of foliage

Background imageFruit Collection: 89. Peaches and Humming Birds, Brazil

89. Peaches and Humming Birds, Brazil
The peach is an introduced fruit in Brazil. It is here represented growing against a mat fence instead of a wall. Petasophora serrirostris is the name of the Humming Bird

Background imageFruit Collection: 54. Cabazina Pears, Brazil

54. Cabazina Pears, Brazil
One of the many varieties of Psidium Guayava, Raddi (syn. P.pyriforme, Linn.); a some-what bitter fruit having a peach-like skin

Background imageFruit Collection: Pyrus korshinsky

Pyrus korshinsky
ROSACEAE, Pyrus korshinsky, 194915208

Background imageFruit Collection: Leptospermum continentale

Leptospermum continentale
prickly tea-tree, fruits - Australia

Background imageFruit Collection: Maclura pomifera

Maclura pomifera
Osage orange, immature fruit - native North America

Background imageFruit Collection: Melocactus cf. zehntneri

Melocactus cf. zehntneri
melon cactus, fruits emerging from the cephalium - South America

Background imageFruit Collection: Mimosa cf. lacerata

Mimosa cf. lacerata
fruits - Mexico

Background imageFruit Collection: Platanus orientalis

Platanus orientalis
plane tree - unripe fruits

Background imageFruit Collection: Trapa bicornis

Trapa bicornis
devils pod, horn nut - Asia

Background imageFruit Collection: Banksia aemula

Banksia aemula
Wallum banksia, fruit - Australia

Background imageFruit Collection: Arbus unedo

Arbus unedo
strawberry tree - W Europe & Mediterranean

Background imageFruit Collection: Canna indica

Canna indica
Indian shot - unripe fruits

Background imageFruit Collection: Harpagophytum procumbens

Harpagophytum procumbens
devils claw - Africa & Madagascar

Background imageFruit Collection: Allium christophii

Allium christophii
star of Persia - fruit

Background imageFruit Collection: Aesculus indica

Aesculus indica
Indian horse chestnut, fruit (loculicidal capsule) - Himalaya

Background imageFruit Collection: phoenix reclinata

phoenix reclinata

Background imageFruit Collection: Broussonetia papyrifera

Broussonetia papyrifera
paper mulberry

Background imageFruit Collection: Diospyros kaki

Diospyros kaki

Background imageFruit Collection: Chionanthus retusus

Chionanthus retusus
Chinese fringetree

Background imageFruit Collection: Aesculus flava

Aesculus flava
sweet buckeye

Background imageFruit Collection: Fruit of Tapinanthes oleiifolius, LORANTHACEAE

Fruit of Tapinanthes oleiifolius, LORANTHACEAE
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageFruit Collection: Trichosanthes heteroclita, R

Trichosanthes heteroclita, R
Watercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)

Background imageFruit Collection: Willughbeia edulis, R

Willughbeia edulis, R
Watercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)

Background imageFruit Collection: Luffa pentandra, Roxb

Luffa pentandra, Roxb
Watercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)

Background imageFruit Collection: Luffa acutangula Roxb, 1795-1804

Luffa acutangula Roxb, 1795-1804
Watercolour on paper, 1795-1804. Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)

Background imageFruit Collection: Momordica mixta, Roxb

Momordica mixta, Roxb
Watercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)

Background imageFruit Collection: Mangifera sylvatica, R

Mangifera sylvatica, R
Watercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh

Background imageFruit Collection: Bombax Malabaricum, no 1403

Bombax Malabaricum, no 1403
Illustration of Bombax ceiba from the Roxburgh Collection

Background imageFruit Collection: Cherry (Prunus glandulosa Plena, left, Prunus japonica, right)

Cherry (Prunus glandulosa Plena, left, Prunus japonica, right), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828
Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants

Background imageFruit Collection: Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828

Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828
Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants

Background imageFruit Collection: Peach (Prunus persica), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828

Peach (Prunus persica), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828
Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants

Background imageFruit Collection: Flowering almond (Prunus dulcis), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828

Flowering almond (Prunus dulcis), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828
Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants

Background imageFruit Collection: Citrus (Citrus aurantium), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828

Citrus (Citrus aurantium), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828
Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants

Background imageFruit Collection: Fruit of Coffea arabica, coffee

Fruit of Coffea arabica, coffee
Coffea arabica fruit (known as cherries or berries). The pit inside the fruit is the coffee bean, which is roasted and ground for coffee. Order: Gentianales. Family: Rubiaceae.Subfamily:Ixoroideae

Background imageFruit Collection: Vitis vinifera, grapes

Vitis vinifera, grapes. Vitaceae family. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, plate 453

Background imageFruit Collection: Theobroma cacao pods

Theobroma cacao pods
Theobroma cacao, cocoa. STERCULIACEAE

Background imageFruit Collection: 702. Flowers and Fruit of the Palmyra, and the Palm seen through

702. Flowers and Fruit of the Palmyra, and the Palm seen through
It is recorded that the parts of this Palm (Borassus flabelliformis. L.) are applied to such a number of purposes that a poem in the Tamil language although enumerating 801 uses

Background imageFruit Collection: 687. Foliage and Fruit of a small Screw Pine, Java

687. Foliage and Fruit of a small Screw Pine, Java

Background imageFruit Collection: 574. A climber in flower and fruit, Sarawak

574. A climber in flower and fruit, Sarawak
The flowers, although green in colour, are very sweet-scented. It is an Artabotrys (Anonaceae)

Background imageFruit Collection: 550. Durian Fruit from a large tree, Sarawak

550. Durian Fruit from a large tree, Sarawak
The Durian (Durio zibethinus, L.) is regarded as the king of fruits by the Malays, and most persons agree that it has a very delicious flavour; but it likewise has a very unpleasant smell

Background imageFruit Collection: 531. Flowers of Tacca and bristly Fruit of the Rambutan

531. Flowers of Tacca and bristly Fruit of the Rambutan
The long thread-like organs of Tacca cristata, Jack, are bracts which proceed from below the flowers. A favourite fruit in the Malay Archipelago is the Rambutan or Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)

Background imageFruit Collection: 485. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a common tree of the sea-sho

485. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a common tree of the sea-sho
A view from the rocks, with Ile Aride and a part of Curieuse in the distance. This tree (Cordia subcordata, Lam.) is common on the tropical shores of the Old World and throughout Polynesia

Background imageFruit Collection: 477. Female Coco de Mer bearing Fruit covered with small Green L

477. Female Coco de Mer bearing Fruit covered with small Green L
Study of perfect and imperfect nuts much reduced from the natural size

Background imageFruit Collection: 225. Flowers and Young Fruit of the Chinese Banana

225. Flowers and Young Fruit of the Chinese Banana
Musa chinensis, Sweet, differs little from the common Banana except in stature. See the description of 816

Background imageFruit Collection: 64. Foliage and fruit of mammae apple, or South American Apricot, 1880

64. Foliage and fruit of mammae apple, or South American Apricot, 1880
A tropical American tree (Mammea americana, L.) of the Guttiferae, cultivated for its fruit, the outer rind of which is bitter; but the flesh is sweet and aromatic, and is made into preserves

Background imageFruit Collection: 62. Foliage, Flowers, and fruit of False Tomato, painted in Braz

62. Foliage, Flowers, and fruit of False Tomato, painted in Braz
This plant, Cyphomnandra betacea, Sendt. (syn. Solanum betaceum, Cav.), is a native of Western and Central America, and is cultivated in some countries for its fruit

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Background imageFruit Collection: 003901PL081107057


Background imageFruit Collection: 003901PL081107047


Background imageFruit Collection: 003901PL081107045


Background imageFruit Collection: Allocasuarina tesselata

Allocasuarina tesselata
she oak, cone-like compound fruit - Australia

Background imageFruit Collection: Calocedrus decurrens

Calocedrus decurrens
incense cedar

Background imageFruit Collection: Ehretia dicksonii

Ehretia dicksonii

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