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Fruiting Body Collection

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Coffea arabica, 1789

Coffea arabica, 1789
Coffea arabica, commonly known as coffee by Icones Plantarum Medicinalium by Joseph Jacob Plenck, 1789, volume 2, 1789, plate 130

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Davidia involucrata Plantae Davidianae by Franchet, 1888

Davidia involucrata Plantae Davidianae by Franchet, 1888
Illustration of Davidia involucrata, commonly known as handkerchief tree from Plantae Davidianae: Plantes du Thibet Oriental by M.A Franchet, Part II, t.10. 1888

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Citrus hystrix, Kaffir lime

Citrus hystrix, Kaffir lime
Citrus hystrix (syn. Citrus torosa blanco). Francisco Manuel Blanco, Flora De Filipinas, 1877-1883, Barcelona. Citrus hystrix DC. Kaffir lime, (makrut lime)

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Solanum melongena, aubergine

Solanum melongena, aubergine
Solanum melungena (Solanum melongena), aubergine (eggplant). REGNAULT Nicolas Francois (1746-c.1810) and Genevive de Nangis REGNAULT (b.1746)

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Theobroma cacao, 1887

Theobroma cacao, 1887
Chromolithograph print on paper of Theobroma cacao, showing cocoa pod and beans, from Kohler's Medicinal Plants, vol 2, plate 183, 1887

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Ficus carica

Ficus carica or commonly known as common fig. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 2, 1886. Tab 181 T. 181

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum

Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum
Illustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Capsicum annuum, 1887

Capsicum annuum, 1887
Illustration of Capsicum annuum, commonly known as peppers, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1887, volume 2, plate 35

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Rubus idaeus, 1817

Rubus idaeus, 1817
Illustration of Rubus idaeus, commonly known as raspberry, from Pomona Britannica by George Brookshaw, 1817

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Ribes uva-crispa, 1817

Ribes uva-crispa, 1817
Illustration of Ribes uva-crispa, commonly known as gooseberry, from Pomona Britannica by George Brookshaw, 1817

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Juglans regia (walnut), 1887

Juglans regia (walnut), 1887
Illustration of Juglans regia from Kohlers Medicinal Plants, 1887

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Cucumis sativus, cucumber

Cucumis sativus, cucumber. Joseph Jacob Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinal, Vol. 7, 1803. Tab. 698 t. 698

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum

Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum
SOLANACEAE Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum, 2006-1844 NZSI 192

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Cyphomandra betacea - Tamarillo - Tree Tomato

Cyphomandra betacea - Tamarillo - Tree Tomato
19825155, SOLANACEAE, Cyphomandra betacea

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Punica granatum, pomegranate

Punica granatum, pomegranate. Joseph Jacob Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinal, Vol. 4, 1791, Tab. 376, t. 376

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Cocos nucifera (coconut), 1887

Cocos nucifera (coconut), 1887
Illustration of Cocos nucifera commonly known as coconut from Kohler; Kohlers Medicinal Plants, 1887, Plate 234

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Tamarindus indica, 1887

Tamarindus indica, 1887
Tamarindus indica, commonly known as tamarind, Köhler's Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887, volume 2, Plate 180

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Black truffle

Black truffle
Tuber melanosporum as Tuber cibarium. Black truffle, Perigord truffle, French black truffle. Illustration from Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms, London, 1797 - 1803 by James Sowerby

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: White truffle

White truffle
Tuber magnatum as Tuber album. White truffle or trifola d Alba. Illustration from Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms, London, 1797 - 1803 by James Sowerby. Vol. 3 - 1801 Tab. 310, t. 310

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: C W Anderson with Cannonball tree, Couroupita guianensis photographed at the Botanical Gardens

C W Anderson with Cannonball tree, Couroupita guianensis photographed at the Botanical Gardens, Georgetown
C W Anderson with Cannonball tree, Couroupita guianensis, photographed at the Botanical Gardens, Georgetown, Guyana (then British Guiana), early 20th century

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum

Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum
SOLANACEAE Poroporo, Bullibulli Solanum laciniatum, 2006-1844 NZSI 192

Background imageFruiting Body Collection: Himalayan_balsam


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