Morchella esculenta, 1847-1855Illustration of Morchella esculenta, also known as common morel, from Illustrations of British Mycology by Anna Maria Hussy, 1847-1855
Macrolepiota procera, c. 1915-45Illustration of Macrolepiota procera, commonly known as parasol mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection c.1915-45
Seasons - Spring Palm House, 2017View of the Cherry Walk, leading to the Palm House at RBG Kew on a spring day, 2017
Lycoperdon excipuliforme, 1847-1855Illustration of Lycoperdon excipuliforme, also known as pestle puffball, from Illustrations of British Mycology by Anna Maria Hussey, 1847-1855
Calocybe gambosa, c. 1915-45Illustration of Calocybe gambosa, commonly known as St Georges mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Agaricus campestris, c. 1915-45Illustration of Agaricus campestris known as common field or meadow mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Agaricus arvensis, c. 1915-45Illustration of Agaricus arvensis, commonly known as horse mushroom, by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Marasmius oreades, c. 1915ÔÇô45Illustration of Marasmius oreades of commonly known as fairy ring mushroom or champignon by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Lepista nuda, c. 1915-1945Illustration of Lepista nuda, commonly known as wood blewit by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Leccinum versipelle, 1915-45Illustration of Leccinum versipelle, commonly known as orange birch bolete or rough bolete by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
28. Group of Sago-yielding Cycads in the Botanic Garden at Rio JBehind some Date Palms (Phoenix dactylifera, Linn.). In the right foreground is the trunk of a Camphor tree with Vanilla growing thereon. The cycad is Cycas circinalis, Linn
407. The Wool-Flower of South Africa and some othersLanaria plumosa, Ait. is the name of the densely woolly plant having small white flowers and grass-like leaves. Other conspicuous flowers in this painting are the orange Leonotis nepetaefolia, R. Br
320. A sacred GrassEragrostis cynosuroides, R. & S.; it is used for strewing the floors of temples
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