Stangeria eriopus
Romulea multisulcata
Plantago moorei
Trithrinax brasiliensis, Brazil, palm, IUCN Red List
Pritchardia elliptica
Gaussia gomez-pompae
Euphorbia neobosseri
Euphorbia humbertii, Madagascar, IUCN Red List Endangered
Diospyros ebenum
Coffea myrtifolia
Mammillaria rettigianaCACTACEAE, Mammillaria rettigiana, Mexico, IUCN Red List Vulnerable, grows among volcanic rocks in semi-desert, illegally collected
Mammillaria marcosiiCACTACEAE, Mammillaria marcosii, 20011787, Mexico, IUCN Red List Critically Endangered, illegally collected
Begonia salaziensis
Begonia salziensisBegonia salaziensis
Ballochia rotundifolia
Anthurium superbum ?n Ecuador, Vulnerable on IUCN Red List, epiphytic aroid threatened by habitat destruction
Sorbus eminensROSACEAE, Sorbus eminens, 19741404
Wahlenbergia angustifolia, 19794396, St Helena, small bellflower, endangered on IUCN Red List
Dracaena bueana, 19933430, Camaroon and Ghana, Data Deficient on IUCN Red List, possibly extinct in the wild
Carica jamaicensisCARICACEAE, Carica jamaicensis, 20041713, a yellow flowering plant from Jamaica
Drymophloeus subdistichus
Dalbergia abrahamii
Melocactus violaceus subsp. Ritteri
Mammillaria mathildae, Mexico, IUCN Red List Vulnerable, grows among volcanic rocks in semi-desert, illegally collected
Mkilua fragrans
Aloe leachii
Barleria observatrix
Pandanus microcarpus
Pyrus korshinskyROSACEAE, Pyrus korshinsky, 194915208
Picea maximowicziiPINACEAE, Picea maximowiczii, 1981
Cratageus ambiguaROSACEAE, Cratageus ambigua, 6903669001
Wercklea flavovirensMALVACEAE, Wercklea flavovirens
Phaedranassa schizanthaan IUCN listed vulnerable flowering bulb from Ecuador
Pararistolochia ceropegioidesARISTOLOCHACEAE, Pararistolochia ceropegioides climbing plant with clusters of orange bijous flowers
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