124. Leonotis nepetaefolia and Doctor Humming Birds, JamaicaThe noble herb here represented is a native of South Africa, and now a common " weed " in some tropical countries. Aithurus polytmus is the name of the bird in this and 123
170. Flowers of Jasmine Mango or Frangipani, BrazilA species of Plumeria, whose flowers come before the leaves, and when the latter appear a large caterpillar also often comes and eats them all up
119. Foliage, flowers and fruit of the Nutmeg tree, and HummingThis Humming Bird (Mellisugaminima) is the smallest known. The genus Myristica is rather numerous in species, widely scattered in tropical regions, including America; but the present species
114. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Pitanga, and Sulphur ButtPitanga is the name applied to more than one myrtaceous fruit in the West Indies and Brazil; this is apparently a species of Eugenia. The butterfly is Callidyasphilea
30. The Wild Tamarind of Jamaica with scarlet Pod and BarbetThis showy Leguminous tree is Cojoba arborea var. arborea (synonym Pithecellobium filicifolium) which ranges through the West Indies and Central America
Painting 132, Valley behind the Artist ss house at Gordontown, JamacaPainting 132, Datura arborea. L. is the plant in the foreground
149. View over Port Royal, Jamaica, with Bamboos in the foregrou
123. Foliage and Flowers of Alpinia nutans, and a pair of DoctorThe Alpinia is a native of Tropical Asia
136. Pancratium caribaeum and a Passion Flower, Jamaica
127. Foliage and Flowers of the Cinnamon TreeThis tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, B1.), whose fragrant aromatic bark is the cinnamon of commerce, is a native of Ceylon, but it is cultivated and has become wild in Jamaica
179. View in the Fernwalk, JamaicaThis is at an elevation of 5000 feet above the sea, and it is nearly always bathed in a mist
161. View over Kingston and Port Royal from Craigton, JamaicaStar Apple Trees (Chrysophyllum Cainito, L.) intshe foreground, the fruit of which is represented in 107
177. Coffee Plantation at Clifton Mount, and the Blue MountainsMarianne North painting 177
132. Valley behind the Artists House at Gordontown, JamaicaDatura arborea, L. is the plant in the foreground
110. Night-Flowering Lily and Ferns, JamaicaThe " Lily" is a species of Crinum, of which there are many in tropical regions, growing chiefly on sandy sea-shores though this inhabits stony hills
118. Foliage and Flowers of the Mahoe, JamaicaThe dark-coloured wood of this tree (Paritium elatum, G. Don) is most valuable. If not a variety of P. tiliaceum, Juss. it is very closely allied to it;
Carica jamaicensisCARICACEAE, Carica jamaicensis, 20041713, a yellow flowering plant from Jamaica
820. Spring Gardens, Jamaica, with its Cocoanut Palms
182. Study of the Plant of Life. 182. Study of the Plant of LifeThis is Bryophyllum calycinum, Salisb. with Ipomoea purpurea, L. and Thunbergia alata, Boj. plants naturalised in Jamaica
181. View on the Flamsted Road, JamaicaMango tree in flower, Cabbage Palm, Bananas, and Bamboos
178. Snake Tree and Bamboos, on Spanish River, JamaicaThe botanical name of the Snake Tree has not been ascertained. It is so called on account of its twining aerial roots
172. View from Spring Gardens, Buffs Bay, JamaicaCocoanut Palms, Bread Fruit Trees, and Trumpet Tree in the foreground
168. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Lignum Vitae, JamaicaLignum Vitae (Guaiacum officinale, L.) is an exceedingly hard wood, used for making pulley blocks, rulers, pestles, &c.; and the resin called gum guaiacum is an exudation from the stem
166. One of the Sources of the Roaring River, Jamaica. 166. One of the Sources of the Roaring River, JamaicaTrees of Grias cauliflora, L. embedded in stalagmites
164. View over 0chos Rios, JamaicaThe beginning of a river flowing out of the limestone caves, beneath masses of bananas and Colocasia Antiquorum, Schott. and finding its way down through the terraces of Allspice
158. Flowers of a Shrubby Convolvulus, Jamaica
Date Palm and Hut, near Craigton, Jamaica, 1882Marianne North painting no 157. Alpinia nutans, Roscoe, in the foreground.This showy plant is represented natural size in 123
153. Foliage, flowers, and fruit of the Coffee, JamaicaThis is a small tree or shrub, native of the mountains of eastern tropical Africa, now cultivated and naturalised in the lower mountainous regions of many other tropical countries
152. The Bilimbi or Blimbing, JamaicaAverrhoa Bilimbi, L. is a small tree, native of the Malayan Islands, cultivated for its fruit, which makes good tarts; a cooling drink is also prepared from it
147. Cultivated Flowers; painted in JamaicaBelow on the left is a white-flowered Gardenia, and the showy scarlet Passiflora quadriglandulos, Rodsch. (syn. Tacsaonia sanquinea, DC.); above, Datura sanguinea, L. and Broughtonia sasnguinea, R
146. The Garden of Kings House, Spanish Town, JamaicaA tree of Spathodea campanulata, Beauv. &c. An inflorescence of the Spathodea, which is a native of west tropical Africa, is represented natural size in 165
145. Study of Banana and Trumpet Tree, JamaicaConsult the descriptions of 120 and 823
144. Bermuda Mount, JamaicaA Calabash Tree (Crescentia Cujete, L.) covered with Epiphytes, in the foreground, see 111
133. Distant View of Newcastle, JamaicaNative Huts, Date Palms, &c. and a Mango in flower in front, on the left
131. Tree Fern and Whish-whish in the Punch Bowl Valley, Jamai 131. Tree Fern and Whish-whish in the Punch Bowl ValleyThe Fern is Cyathea Serra, Willd. and the flower Ipomoea purpurea, Linn
129. An Old Cotton Tree at the Ford, Morants Bay, JamaicaEriodendron anfractuosum, DC. Consult the description of 176
126. View from the Artists House in Jamaica, with Double RainboRose-Apple, and Bananas in the foreground
116. The Bog-walk, Jamaica, with Bread Fruit, Banana, Cocoanut
113. Road near Bath, Jamaica, with Cabbage Palms, Bread Fruit, CSome account of the Cocoa and Bread Fruit trees will be found in the descriptions of 532 and 536 respectively. The palm is probably a species of Euterpe
Wercklea flavovirensMALVACEAE, Wercklea flavovirens
167. View of the Sandy River at Spanish Town, Jamaica
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