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Natal Collection

Background imageNatal Collection: 368. Two Flowering Shrubs of: Natal and a Trogon

368. Two Flowering Shrubs of: Natal and a Trogon
The brilliant red Schotia speciosa, Jacq. is related to the gorgeous Indian Amnherstia (see 594). The fragrant white Gardenia Thunbergia Linn. f

Background imageNatal Collection: 351. View of the Mountains from the railway between Durban and M

351. View of the Mountains from the railway between Durban and M
This view is from the highest part of the railway; the undulating foreground is dotted with Cycas trees. See 366

Background imageNatal Collection: 386. Aloes at Natal

386. Aloes at Natal
In front is a portion of the inflorescence, natural size, of the arboreous one; to the left is a plant of a species which does not form a trunk. It is near, if not true, Aloe latifolia

Background imageNatal Collection: 383. A Remnant of the Past near Verulam, Natal

383. A Remnant of the Past near Verulam, Natal
This trio of grand old Aloes (Aloe Baines ii, Dyer) was about forty feet high at the time the painting was done, and the only ones in that neighbourhood

Background imageNatal Collection: 381. The Knobwood and Flowers of Natal

381. The Knobwood and Flowers of Natal
One of the most singular of South African trees is the Knobhout or Knobwood (Zanthoxylum capense, Harv.), the trunk of which is studded with massive pyramidal excrescences of the bark

Background imageNatal Collection: 371. Group of Natal Flowers

371. Group of Natal Flowers
In the top right hand corner Loranthus natalensis, Meissn. then clusters of the blue Pycnostachys reticulata, Benth. and the white and pink Dombeya Burgessiae, Gerard, the " Zulu Cherry

Background imageNatal Collection: 370. A Tree Euphorbia, Natal

370. A Tree Euphorbia, Natal
This is E. grandidens, Haw. very much like E. abyssinica, Rausch, which Bruce figures so faithfully in his " Travels" that there is no mistaking its genus, though he stoutly maintained

Background imageNatal Collection: 366. A Cycad in fruit in Mr. Hills Garden, Verulam, Natal

366. A Cycad in fruit in Mr. Hills Garden, Verulam, Natal
Behind on the left a plant of the same. This is Cycas circinalis, Linn. a species having a wide range in the tropics of the Old World, including many islands in Polynesia

Background imageNatal Collection: 357. Blue Lily and large Butterfly, Natal

357. Blue Lily and large Butterfly, Natal
Behind are large tufts of the plant (Agapanthus umbellatus, L Herit.) as it grows in its native haunts. There is a variety with white flowers

Background imageNatal Collection: 354. White Convolvulus and Kaffirboom, painted at Durban, Natal

354. White Convolvulus and Kaffirboom, painted at Durban, Natal
This massive Convolvulacea ( Ipomoea ventricosa, Choisy) is a native of the West Indies. Erythrina caffra Thunb. is the botanical name of the Kaffirboom. Panel 99

Background imageNatal Collection: 352. Clivia miniata and Moths, Natal

352. Clivia miniata and Moths, Natal
On the left is a cluster of the ripe fleshy seed-vessels. This plant is better known in gardens as Imantophyllum miniature, Hook. For another fine species of this genus, see 391

Background imageNatal Collection: 349. Male Inflorescence and Foliage of a Screw Pine, Natal

349. Male Inflorescence and Foliage of a Screw Pine, Natal
See 66 and 246

Background imageNatal Collection: 364. View of a Table Mountain from Bishop Colensos House, Natal

364. View of a Table Mountain from Bishop Colensos House, Natal
The Australian Gum-trees, Indian Bamboos, and other exotic plants in the garden were planted by the Bishop himself

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