661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed PineThe Japanese delight in dwarfing normally big trees; and they have brought the art to such a degree of perfection that they can keep them down to the size of the one represented to a very
6. Seven Snowy Peaks seen from the Araucaria Forest, ChiliA view of the Cordilleras near Angole, with Burning Bush (Embothirium coccineum), an orange-coloured Ground Orchid (Chloraea sp.), the white-flowered Libertia ixioides, Spreng
21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili" Robble, " literally oak, is the name given to the common large-leaved Chilian " Beech" (Nothofagus obliqua, Mirb.)
124. Leonotis nepetaefolia and Doctor Humming Birds, JamaicaThe noble herb here represented is a native of South Africa, and now a common " weed " in some tropical countries. Aithurus polytmus is the name of the bird in this and 123
12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue ChiliBeginning at the top on the right are the tufted leaves and hanging orange-red flowers of Lobelia salicifolia, Don, and intermingling with the foliage the graceful blue Conanthera bifolia
185. Vegetation of the Desert of ArizonaThere are various Cacti, including the Suarrow or Suguaro of the Mexicans (Cereus giganteus, Englm.), the largest and most striking member of the family, sometimes as much as sixty feet high
77. Wild Flowers at Morro Velho, BrazilBignonia venusta. Ker. and a Convolvulacea (Quamoclit Nationis Hook. ?), climbing over Luhea rufescens, St. Hil. a forest tree
16. Wild Flowers of Chanleon, ChiliFuchsia macrostemon, Ruiz et Pav. on the right, is the wild parent of our hardy varieties; above it is the blue Puya with orange anthers, the orange balls of the not unfamiliar Buddleia globosa, Lam
Kniphofia rooperi, MooreOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6116, 1st August 1874. Watercolour and pencil on paper. The species is a native of British Kaffraria in South Africa
Capsicums or Chilli PeppersCapsicums, or Chilli Peppers. Illustration from Ernst Benarys Album Benary - Tab. XVII, 1876-82. Chromolithograph. Album Benary, 1877
497. Native Vanilla hanging from the Wild Orange, . Praslin, SeycVanilla Phalaenopsis, Reichb. f. is endemic in the Seychelles, and, like several other species of the genus, it is leafless. The orange on which it grows is naturalised only in these islands
13. Two Climbing Plants of Chili and ButterfliesHanging above Tacsonia pinnatistipula, Juss. (syn. T. chilensis, Miers); below the dull purple flowers and green fleshy edible fruit of Lardizabala biternata, Ruiz et Pav
11. Mexican Poppies, Chilian Schizanthus and InsectsThe Mexican Poppy (Argemone mexicana, Linn.) colonisesfreely, and is now widely spread in warm countries of both hemispheres
Epidendrum vitellinum, 1838Watercolour on paper. Original drawing for plate XLV in John Lindleys Sertum orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; selected by John Lindley, published in 1838
Citrus x aurantium orange, ancient cultivar of the mandarin-pomelo hybrid complex, Honzo Zufu, 1828Citrus x aurantium orange, ancient cultivar of the mandarin-pomelo hybrid complex, Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height
520. Orange Flowers and Fruits, painted in TenerifeThe Orange (Citrus Aurantium, Risso) is cultivated in many parts of the South of Europe, and in other countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea
137. Foliage and Fruit of the Akee, JamaicaBlighia sapida, Kon. is a tree, native of Guinea and other parts of tropical Africa, and was conveyed to Jamaica in 1778 in a Slave ship under the name Akee
Acer opalusItalian maple
Haemanthus coccineus, L. (Salmon-coloured Blood-flower)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1075, 1st January 1808. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Lilium henryi, 1891Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 117, plate 7177
641. Japanese Chrysanthemums, cultivated in this country
534. Orchid and Ferns of Sarawak, BorneoThe Orchid is Eria ornata, Lindl. and the ferns are Polypodium Phymatodes and P. drynaria
87. Group of Brazilian Forest Wild Flowers and BerriesLying in front, on the left, is a head of the handsome orange-red Amarantacea (Gomphrena officinalis, Mart.); above it a Melastomacea in fruit; the azure-blue flowers of a Stachytarpheta; the crimson
22. Chilian Ground Orchids and other FlowersHere are three species of the large, peculiarly South American, and mainly Chilian, genus of ground orchids, Chloraea; the orange-coloured one matching Alstroemeria aurantiaca in 12
14. Some Flowers of the Sterile Region of Cauquenas, ChiliHere is represented a portion of the inflorescence of the Pitcairnia to be seen in the foreground of 10, which is probably the same as one formerly in cultivation under the name of P. rubricaulis
Curcuma longa, 1887Illustration of Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen by Franz Eugen Köhler, 1887, volume 2, plate 178
Myristica fragrans, nutmeg, 1887Illustration of Myristica fragrans, commonly known as nutmeg. from Köhlers Medicinal Plants, 1887, plate 125
683. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Malayan TreeThis is Saraca declinata, Miq. a member of the Leguminosae
Eriobotrya japonica, 1825Illustration of Eriobotrya japonica, commonly known as loquat. Watercolour on paper by Jean Gabriel Pretre from the Kew Collection, 1825
The Broadwalk, RBG KewVisitors enjoy the hot colours in the summer Broadwalk bedding displays, RBG Kew
Cherry tree - Autumn colour1993-604. ROSACEAE, Prunus Imose
Rhododendron macgregoriae1967-44903 EDIN, ERICACEAE, Rhododendron macgregoriae, New Guinea
Taxodium distichum, Swamp Cypress1972-10972, TAXODIACEAE, Taxodium distichum, Swamp Cypress, SE USA - Deciduous conifer making a medium-sized tree with a conical crown, fibrous red-brown bark and soft, feathery
Scadoxus multiflorus s. katherinae1993-3006 CATO, AMARYLLIDACEAE, Scadoxus multiflorus s. katherinae
Bougainvillea X buttiana Enid Lancaster1973-20495, NYTAGINACEAEA, Bougainvillea X buttiana Enid Lancaster
263. A Darjeeling Oak, festooned with a climberQuercus lamellosa, Sm. and Thunbergia coccinea, Roxb
118. Foliage and Flowers of the Mahoe, JamaicaThe dark-coloured wood of this tree (Paritium elatum, G. Don) is most valuable. If not a variety of P. tiliaceum, Juss. it is very closely allied to it;
29. Some Fruits and Vegetables used in BrazilIn front the Ochro (Hibiscus esculentus, L.), the seed-vessels of which are used in thickening soups; the Guianga, a myrtaceous fruit, with a kind of Pumpkin called Borbora
191 Autumn tints in the White Mountains, New Hampshier, United StatesThe leaf-shedding trees of North AMerica assume more brilliant colours in autumn than the tree of Europe. This is jnot altogether due to climate
Azalea Garden at Kew
Dimorphorchis rossii var. graciliscapaSpectacular orchid from Borneo
Burrageara (Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium Stephan Isler )orchid hybrid
Rudbeckia hirta Marmalade. Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Mammillaria laui subs dasyacanthaMammillaria laui. Family: Cactaceae
Cymbidium hookerianum orchid. Curtis, ??s Botanical Magazine, vol. 92 [ser. 3, vol. 22]: t. 5574 (1866) Artist: W.H. Fitch
Maxillaria luteo grandiflora
Rhododendron macgregoriaeERICACEAE, Rhododendron macgregoriae, 196744903
711. Berry-bearing Tasmanian ShrubsIn front the foliage and inflorescence of Richea dracophylla, R. Br. which reminds one rather of the Pine Apple than the beautiful genus Epacris, to which, however, it is closely allied
692. Ripe Fruit of Screw Pine, and sprig of sandal WoodPandanus tectorius, Sol. No. 571 shows the habit of growth of the Screw Pine. Consult the description of 246
672. A Javan Rhododendron and IpomoeaThe genus Rhododendron has a wide range in the Old World, from the Alps of Europe to China and Japan, and southward to Java, Borneo
669. Japanese Persimmon or Kaki FruitSeveral varieties of this fruit (Diospyros Kaki, Linn f.) are cultivated both in China and Japan; and some of them have been imported, and are now cultivated in the South of Europe
593. Orchids of Sarawak, BorneoDendrobium superbum, Rchb.f. having purple flowers with a darker lip; and Calanthe vestita, Wall. white and orange
504. Group of Flowers, painted in TeneriffeThe cactus (Opuntia Dillenii, Haw.) lying in front of the vase is cultivated for its spines, which are used to fasten the bags of cochineal insects to another kind of cactus
498. A Selection of Flowers. Wild and Cultivated, with Puzzle NuCrimson Russelia ]uncea, Zuce. from Mexico, on the right, then whitish Moringa pterygosperma, Gaertn. or Horse-radish Tree of tropical countries, and a yellow-brown Stoplzanthus (from Madagascar)
452. Flowers of Tulbagh, South AfricaQuaking Grass (Briza maxima, Linn.), a crimson Babiana blue Lapeyrousia corymbosa, Ker, small yellow Rochea on the right, pale yellow Homeria collina, orange Ornithogalum
438. Wild Flowers of Ceres, South AfricaIn the centre the yellow " Tea Plant, " Rafnia amplexicaulis, Thunb. the leaves of which are commonly used either alone or with ordinary tea to make a beverage
436. Flowers of the Sandy Flats, near Cape TownA root-parasite, Hyobanche sanguinea, Linn. at the bottom, on the right, with white Freesia Leichtlinii, Klatt, dark purple and yellow, Sparaxis tricolor, Ker
422. south African Sundews and other FlowersAbove, a plant of the elegant and beautiful Monsonia speciosa, Linn. (Geraniaeae) with Babiana rubro-coerulea, Reichb. ? on the right, and Homeria miniata, Sweet, on the left
409. Old Dutch Vase and South African FlowersThis painting done at Groot Post gives some idea of the astonishing wealth in variety exhibited by the bulbous plants of South Africa
407. The Wool-Flower of South Africa and some othersLanaria plumosa, Ait. is the name of the densely woolly plant having small white flowers and grass-like leaves. Other conspicuous flowers in this painting are the orange Leonotis nepetaefolia, R. Br
398. The Hottentot Fig and other Succulents from the KarrooMesembryanthemun edule, , Linn. is the name of one of the plants which yield the fruit called, " Hottentot Fig, " represented hanging down on the left in this painting, with white, yellow
391. Clivia and Grapnel Plant, South AfricaThe grapnel plant (Harpagophytumn procumbens, DC.) produces one of the most singular seed-vessels known. Its long claw-like appendages terminate in sharp recurved prickles
375. Flowers of St. Johns in Pondo BasketBeginning on the right at the top, there is the dark blue Coleotrype natalensis, C. B. Clarke, a purplish red Balsam (Impatiens, sp)
353. Cork Trees at Cintra, near LisbonA scene in Da Castros garden, where, according to tradition, the first orange tree in Europe was planted. The Cork-tree is a species of Oak (Quercus suber, Linn.) and the cork is the bark
328. Limestone Mountains of Sarawak. BorneoLeafless flowering branches of a tree (Sterculia sp.) of the region in front, and tree of the same glittering in the distance. Below, on the left, remains of its old seed-vessels
312. The AsokaSaraca indica, L. is an evergreen tree commonly planted in India for the beauty of its foliage and flowers, the latter reminding one at first sight of a Clerodendron or an Ixora rather than of a
310. Foliage of Betel Pepper and Areca NutsPiper Betle, Linn. and Areca Catechu, Linn. are favourite masticatories of the Indian races. The nuts are cut into narrow pieces and rolled up with a little lime in the leaves of the Pepper
299. The Bael FruitAegle Marmelos, Corr. is a member of the same family as the orange. Its leaves, which are divided into three separate leaflets, are sacred to the Hindoo
233. Foliage and Flowers of an Indian TreeTecoma undulata, G. Don, is a most beautiful tree when its hanging branches are laden with flowers
194. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New YorkIn front, on the left, is the singular Cancer Root, or Naked Broomrape (Aphyllon uniflorum, Torr. & Gr.), a root-para- site allied to our Broomrapes
160. Foliage and Fruit of Arnatto and Foliage and J lowers ofThese are both dye plants indigenous in tropical America. Arnatto, Bixa Orellana, Linn. is used for dyeing silks an orange-yellow and colouring cheese
134. Group of Epiphytal Orchids and Bromeliads, BrazilSpecies of Tillandsia, Oncidiurm divaricatum, Lindl. &c
98. Flowers of a Coral Tree and King of the Flycatchers BrazilErythrina sp. and Muscivora Swainsoni
78. Brazilian OrchidsA species of Zygopetalum ( Z. brachypetalum, Lindl.), with the orange-scarlet Comparettia coccinea, Lindl. in front
76. Group of Wild Meadow Flowers, of Brazil. Golden Banana and EAmong the flowers are a species of white Clusica (?), a Pleroma and Thunbergia alata, Boj. yellow with dark centre
67. Flannel Flower of Casa Branca and Butterflies, BrazilThe Flannel Flower (Macrosiphonia longiflora, Muell.) is so called on account of the plant being densely clothed with woolly hairs
Oriental poppies
fraxinus americana
Floral gardensKew B2B The Gardens: Floral gardens
maridolds in the pizza garden displayPizza garden display
Crocus carpet at Kew
Dendrobium orchidivory and yellow orchid
Aleuria aurantia, orange peel fungusPhoto of Aleuria aurantia, orange peel fungus
orange alpine flower from collectionFritillaria eduardii
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