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Orange Flower Collection

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Lilium henryi, 1891

Lilium henryi, 1891
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 117, plate 7177

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Psychopsis kramerianum (Butterfly orchid), 1845-1883

Psychopsis kramerianum (Butterfly orchid), 1845-1883
Illustration of Psychopsis kramerianum (Butterfly orchid), 1845-1883. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, volume 19; p. 40-41

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Opuntia tuna, 1848

Opuntia tuna, 1848
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Teast Edwards, 1848. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 38, plate 1557

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Fritillaria imperialis, 1805-1816

Fritillaria imperialis, 1805-1816
Illustration of Fritillaria imperialis commonly known as crown imperial, illustrated by Pierre Joseph Redout├®, 1805-1816. Artwork from Les Liliac├®es, volume 3, plate 131

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Cattleya cernua aka Sophronitis cernua, 1896-1907

Cattleya cernua aka Sophronitis cernua, 1896-1907
Illustration of Cattleya cernua aka Sophronitis cernua from Dictionnaire Iconographique des Orchid├®es by Alfred Cogniaux, 1896-1907. Artwork from volume 11, plate 3

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Cleistocactus baumannii, 1850

Cleistocactus baumannii, 1850
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1850. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 76, plate 4498

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Ixia polystachya, 1805

Ixia polystachya, 1805
Illustration of Ixia polystachya, commonly known as African corn lily, corn lily or wandflower. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, June 1st 1805

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828

Tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum), woodblock print and manuscript on paper, 1828
Wood block print and manuscript on paper, Japan, 1828. The wood block prints meassure approximately 25 cm in height. The wood block print is from Honzo Zufu or Illustrated manual of medicinal plants

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Echinocereus klapperi

Echinocereus klapperi. Family: Cactaceae

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Rhododendron macgregoriae

Rhododendron macgregoriae
ERICACEAE, Rhododendron macgregoriae, 196744903

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Rhododendron unique

Rhododendron unique

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Rhododendron, golden eagle

Rhododendron, golden eagle

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: BORAGINACEAE, Echium, pininana

BORAGINACEAE, Echium, pininana
20041480KRBG, Canary island, BORAGINACEAE, Echium, pininana

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: Aphelandra flava Nees

Aphelandra flava Nees. Family: Acanthaceae

Background imageOrange Flower Collection: BIGNONIACEAE, Pyrostegia, venusta, 19783837RHSW

BIGNONIACEAE, Pyrostegia, venusta, 19783837RHSW

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