Urania speciosa, Willd. (Ravenala madagascariensis, Travellers Palm )Watercolour on paper, undated (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Ananas champaca, ornamental pineappleOrnamental pineapple, Ananas comosus Champaca, at RBG Kew. The ornamental pineapple is not edible. Part of the Bromeliad plant family native to Tropical America it has swordlike spiny green leaves
72. Flowers of Hedychium, Botanic Gardens, BrazilThe species of Hedychium are mostly very ornamental plants and their flowers are fragrant. They inhabit tropical Asia. That on the left is H. chrysoleucum, Hook. a species cultivated in, this country
Acer palmatum Bloodgood
Brassica oleracea Kamome Redornamental kale
red horse chestnut
Burrageara (Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium Stephan Isler )orchid hybrid
Ampelodesmos mauritanicamediterranean grass growing in the Grass Garden
Ophiopogon planiscapus (lilyturf). Family: Asparagaceae
Brassica oleraceaornamental kale Kamome Red
Magnolia heptapetawhite ornamental magnolia
Liquidambar styracifluasweet gum tree
Hovenia dulcisJapanese raisin tree
Arbutus andrachneCyprus strawberry tree
ornmental grassesGrass Garden
Acer shirasawanum aureumfull moon maple
white phalaenopsisorchid on display
Mokaradisplay of orchids
PhalaenopsisWhite moth orchid
orchid hybridorchid on display
Cattleyashowy orchid
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