12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue ChiliBeginning at the top on the right are the tufted leaves and hanging orange-red flowers of Lobelia salicifolia, Don, and intermingling with the foliage the graceful blue Conanthera bifolia
16. Wild Flowers of Chanleon, ChiliFuchsia macrostemon, Ruiz et Pav. on the right, is the wild parent of our hardy varieties; above it is the blue Puya with orange anthers, the orange balls of the not unfamiliar Buddleia globosa, Lam
27. Chilian Lilies and other Flowers in Black Jug and ornamentedBehind is a yellow Calceolaria and a blue Heliotrope, with the beautiful striped Placea ornata, Miers, in the centre, and three varieties or species of Leucocoryne below
18. Chilian Flowers in Twin Mate Pot, and Chilian StrawberriesBehind, the heath-like Fabiana imbricata, Ruiz et Pav. and a miniature irid (Tigridia sp ?), with the deep blue Pasithaea coerulea, Don, yellow Mimulus luteus Linn. pink Eyrthraea chilensis, Pers
186. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Citron, and ButterflyThe native country of the Citron (Citrus Medica, Risso) is not -known with certainty, though there is little doubt that it is some part of tropical Asia
99. Flowers of a Twiner, BrazilThese flowers (Mucuna sp. ?) are sweet and of a waxy consistency, and were found growing at the mouth of the Cave of Curvelho, where Dr.Lund found the teeth of a " nut-eating man."
53. View of the Piedade Mountains, from Congo, Brazil
169. Two Tropical American FlowersThe one having white flowers (Utricularia montana, Jacq.) is a congener of the Bladderworts of our ponds and ditches. It has a wide range of distribution
22. Chilian Ground Orchids and other FlowersHere are three species of the large, peculiarly South American, and mainly Chilian, genus of ground orchids, Chloraea; the orange-coloured one matching Alstroemeria aurantiaca in 12
106. Brazilian FlowersOn the left the elegant, feathery leaves and crimson flowers of Ipomoea Quamoclit, L.; above, a scarlet and white Acanthacea; in the centre a species of Tabernaemontana ()
102. A Brazilian 0rchidThis is Laelia purpurata. Lindl. one of the handsomest orchids known. It was first cultivated in this country about the year Th52, when Messrs
29. Some Fruits and Vegetables used in BrazilIn front the Ochro (Hibiscus esculentus, L.), the seed-vessels of which are used in thickening soups; the Guianga, a myrtaceous fruit, with a kind of Pumpkin called Borbora
168. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Lignum Vitae, JamaicaLignum Vitae (Guaiacum officinale, L.) is an exceedingly hard wood, used for making pulley blocks, rulers, pestles, &c.; and the resin called gum guaiacum is an exudation from the stem
165. Cultivated and Wild Flowers, JamaicaLarge inflorescence of Spathodea campanulata, Beauv. a West African Bignoniacea, with flowers of Cordia spp. a Rubiacea, and of the blue Clitorica ternatea, L
151. Flowers of a Brazilian Coral Tree and Vegetable MercuryErythrina sp. and Brunjelsia Hopoeana, Benth. (syn. F rqniscea loeana, Hook.). The latter is used medicinally, hence the popular name
142. Ground Orchid, Carqueja and Giant Snail, BrazilEpistephium sclerophyllum, Lindl. Baccharis trimera, DC. and a Bulimus. The Carqueja, or Carqueja amargosa, is a curious member of the Compositae having wing like expansions on the stem in lieu of
134. Group of Epiphytal Orchids and Bromeliads, BrazilSpecies of Tillandsia, Oncidiurm divaricatum, Lindl. &c
107. Foliage, Flowers, and Seed Vessels of Cotton, and Fruit ofCotton was cultivated and cotton fabrics were made as far back as records go in the Old World; and when America was discovered cotton was in general use there
103. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Poma de Lupa, . BrazilA species of Solanum, which genus numbers at least 700 species, 160 of them inhabiting Brazil
93. Brazilian Orchids and other EpiphytesThe Orchids in flower are Cattleya intermedia, Grah. and Oncidium concolor, Hook. the latter below
84. Brazilian 0rchidsThe rosy-purple flowers are those of Cattleya Loddigesii, Lindl. which magnificent genus has its headquarters in Brazil; the other is Zygopetalulm intermedium, Lodd
78. Brazilian OrchidsA species of Zygopetalum ( Z. brachypetalum, Lindl.), with the orange-scarlet Comparettia coccinea, Lindl. in front
76. Group of Wild Meadow Flowers, of Brazil. Golden Banana and EAmong the flowers are a species of white Clusica (?), a Pleroma and Thunbergia alata, Boj. yellow with dark centre
70. Palma de Santa Rita, and Atlas Moth, BrazilThe inflorescences of the Marica are so heavy that they fall to the ground on all sides; and the seeds germinate before they leave the pod, and send down their roots therefrom
38. A Tropical American Water PlantEichornia azurea, Kunthi. This was found growing in the Lake of Lagoa Santa, Brazil, where it was planted by Dr. Lunid, a Danish Naturalist
143. Brazilian Wild FlowersIn front on the bottom is the orange and red inflorescence of a species of Aphelandra; above it the lilac flowers of Lisianthus inflatus, Mart
125. Selection of cultivated Flowers, painted in JamaicaIn the vase, associated with the crimson flowers of one of the Coral trees (Erythrina sp.), is a panicle of the sweet-scented lilac and white flowers of Melia Azedarach, L
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