Iris stocksiiIRIDACEAE, Iris stocksii
Nymphaea thermarum is the smallest waterlily in the world, and the only Nymphaea to grow in damp mud rather than water - This ├ä├ÂÔêÜ├æÔêÜÔëñthermal├ä├ÂÔêÜ├æÔêÜa waterlily
Encephalartos woodii1899-31101 DUBG, Encephalartos woodii, ZAMIACEAE - Natal
RUBIACEAE_Ramosmania, rodriguesii, 19862514STRW
PASSIFLORACEAE, Passiflora, lindeniana, 19952630VAND
Mellissia, begoniifolia, 1999993CLFA
MEDUSAGYNACEAE, Medusagyne, oppositifolia, 19812059WHHD
Charianthus, purpureus, seedling
Adewia, cladosepala, 20061432SNGF
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