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Rocks Collection

Background imageRocks Collection: 497. Native Vanilla hanging from the Wild Orange, . Praslin, Seyc

497. Native Vanilla hanging from the Wild Orange, . Praslin, Seyc
Vanilla Phalaenopsis, Reichb. f. is endemic in the Seychelles, and, like several other species of the genus, it is leafless. The orange on which it grows is naturalised only in these islands

Background imageRocks Collection: 24. Sea-shore near Valparaiso, Chili

24. Sea-shore near Valparaiso, Chili
The vegetation on the rocks consists largely of Puya, Cereus and Mesembryan-thermum chilense, Molin. This is the only species of the last named genus in Chili

Background imageRocks Collection: 201. View of Lake Donner, Sierra Nevada

201. View of Lake Donner, Sierra Nevada
The Great Pacific Railway on the right

Background imageRocks Collection: 827. View in the Salinas, Chili

827. View in the Salinas, Chili
The principal plants on the rocks are the yellow and blue Puyas and the Cereus represented natural size in Nos. 23, 26, and 19

Background imageRocks Collection: 190. Foliage and Flowers of the Californian Dogwood, and Humming

190. Foliage and Flowers of the Californian Dogwood, and Humming
At first sight the inflorescence of the Dogwood (Cornus Nuttalii, Audubon), seems so like the flowers of a Clematis that one might take it to be a flower

Background imageRocks Collection: Livistona inermis, 1823-53

Livistona inermis, 1823-53
Illustration of Livistona inermis from Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53

Background imageRocks Collection: Carnegiea gigantea, 1862-1865

Carnegiea gigantea, 1862-1865
Illustration of Carnegiea gigantea, commonly known as saguaro, from Flore des Serres by Louis Van Houtte, vol 15, 1862-1865

Background imageRocks Collection: Astrocaryum aculeatum, 1823-53

Astrocaryum aculeatum, 1823-53
Illustration of Astrocaryum aculeatum, commonly known as tucuma, Bactris hirta var. pectinata, Bactris hirta from Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53

Background imageRocks Collection: Hyphaene thebaica, 1823-53

Hyphaene thebaica, 1823-53
Illustration of Hyphaene thebaica, commonly known as doum palm or gingerbread tree from Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53

Background imageRocks Collection: Moss on the roots of trees at the Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst Place. This is

Moss on the roots of trees at the Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst Place. This is the first nature reserve devoted to cryptogams (mosses, lichens and ferns)

Background imageRocks Collection: Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst

Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst
Moss on the roots of trees at the Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst Place. This is the first nature reserve devoted to cryptogams (mosses, lichens and ferns)

Background imageRocks Collection: 462. Screw-Pines in Praslin, Seychelles

462. Screw-Pines in Praslin, Seychelles
Various species of Pandanus or Screw-Pine constitute a prominent feature in the vegetation of the Seychelles, see 473 and 495

Background imageRocks Collection: 513. View of Sitio del Pardo, 0rotava, Teneriffe

513. View of Sitio del Pardo, 0rotava, Teneriffe
The succulent plants on the rocks in the foreground belong to the genera Kleinia, Aloe, Euphorbia, Opuntia, &c. Plants having thick

Background imageRocks Collection: 509. Houseleek and Canary-birds in Teneriffe

509. Houseleek and Canary-birds in Teneriffe
Several kinds of Houseleek (Sempervivum) are very common on roofs and rocks and other dry situations, in the Canaries. Serinus canarius is the scientific name of the canary-bird

Background imageRocks Collection: 484. Life on the coast of Praslin, Seychelles

484. Life on the coast of Praslin, Seychelles
A view from among the crabs on the rocks. The vegetation on the shore consists of cocoanut, Casuarina equisetifolia, Forst

Background imageRocks Collection: 207. An old Red Cedar on the rocks near West Manchester, Massach

207. An old Red Cedar on the rocks near West Manchester, Massach
This is one of the " Pencil Cedars, " though actually a Juniper(Junipersvirginiana, Linn.), which ranges from the West Indies and Florida to Hudsons Bay

Background imageRocks Collection: 206. Another View of Lake Tahoe and Nevada Mountains, California

206. Another View of Lake Tahoe and Nevada Mountains, California
See 195 and 202

Background imageRocks Collection: 197. On the Rocks, near West Manchester, Massachusetts

197. On the Rocks, near West Manchester, Massachusetts

Background imageRocks Collection: 188. Old Cypress or Juniper Tree, Nevada Mountains, California

188. Old Cypress or Juniper Tree, Nevada Mountains, California

Background imageRocks Collection: 74. The Iron Racks of Casa Branca, Brazil

74. The Iron Racks of Casa Branca, Brazil
They are 5000 feet above the level of the sea

Background imageRocks Collection: 48. Palm Trees and Boulders in the Bay of Rio, Brazil

48. Palm Trees and Boulders in the Bay of Rio, Brazil
Painted at Paquita; the Organ Mountains in the distance

Background imageRocks Collection: 40. Boulders, Fishermans Cottage and Tree hung with Air Plant

40. Boulders, Fishermans Cottage and Tree hung with Air Plant
Tillandsia usneoides, Linn. also called Old Mans Beard and Long Moss, as well as Air Plant, is a member of the Bromeliaceae (see 139 and 232)

Background imageRocks Collection: 485. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a common tree of the sea-sho

485. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a common tree of the sea-sho
A view from the rocks, with Ile Aride and a part of Curieuse in the distance. This tree (Cordia subcordata, Lam.) is common on the tropical shores of the Old World and throughout Polynesia

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