648. Roadside View from Sindang Laya, JavaA Durian tree (Durio zibethinus, DC.) may be seen on the left
629. India-rubber trees at Buitenzorg, JavaFor some particulars respecting this tree (Ficus elastica, Roxb.) the reader is referred to the description of 260. It is a native of Assam in North India
625. Foliage and Flowers of a tree commonly cultivated in warm countriesSesbania grandiflora, Pers. var. coccinea, may be a native of the Malayan Archipelago and North Australia. The tender leaves, flowers
622. Another View of Papandayang, with Jak fruit Tree in the for
604. Foliage of the Gutta PerchaAll the true gutta percha imported from Singapore and the Malay Islands is the inspissated latex of this tree (Dichopsis Gutta, Benth.); many allied species afford a similar but inferior product
597. Foliage and Fruit of the Gourka or Goraka of IndiaThis tree (Garcinia dulcis, Roxb.), yields an inferior quality of gamboge. The fruit is hidden beneath the dense screen of foliage, and can only be seen by lifting it aside
596. Flowers and Fruit of Barringtonia, BorneoBarringtonia speciosa, Forst. is a tree of the Myrtle order, common on the sea-shore of the Malayan, Mascarene, and Polynesian Islands
582. Flowers and Fruit of the Doctors Tree, Sarawak, BorneoThis climber (Rourea sp.) is a member of the Connaraceae, a small family allied to the Leguminosae
575. Foliage and Fruit of a Forest Tree of JavaAmoora Aphanamixis, Schult. a member of the Meliaceae
542. View of Matang, BorneoAn Epiphyte (Ficus) twined around one of the trees in the foreground. These stranglers often survive alter their victims (the trees upon which they germinated and commenced life having rotted away)
517. Study of Olives, painted in ItalyThe Olive (Olea europaea, L.), is a tree of very slow growth, and is usually small; but it attains a great age, and some of the very old trees have trunks of enormous girth
501. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Capucin Tree of the SeycFor many years the seeds of the Capucin lay in our Museums; and, although it was evident that they belonged to some member of the Sapotacae
439. View on the Kowie River, with Trumpet Flower in frontPainted from Dr. Beckers Verandah, Port Alfred. Tecoma Mackenii, is the finest of the very few Bignoniaceae indigenous in South Africa. The bird perched thereon is Ploceus capensis
434. The South African Doornboom, and Fingo Huts, 1882Oil on paper by Marianne North, 1882. Many of the Acacias are formidably armed with spines, but perhaps none more so than Acacia horrida, Willd. the Doornboom or Thorn Tree of South Africa
426. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the South African Silver TreOn the right below is a head of female flowers, and above on the left a ripe cone, from which the dry plumed perianths are wafting away the seeds
425. View from the Steps of Table Mountain through a Wood of SilThe Silver Tree (Leucadendron (argenteum, R. Br.), characterises the vegetation of the slopes on the eastern side of Table Mountain, where alone it grows plentifully in a wild state
421. Tree Aloes and Mesembryanthemums above Van Staadens KlooAloe saponaria, Haw. is the stemless species, and the arboreous one is A. africana, Mill. or an allied species. Trailing on the ground is a species of Mesembryanthemurn; behind the Aloe
370. A Tree Euphorbia, NatalThis is E. grandidens, Haw. very much like E. abyssinica, Rausch, which Bruce figures so faithfully in his " Travels" that there is no mistaking its genus, though he stoutly maintained
347. Foliage and Flowers of a South African tree, beautiful butA common small tree or shrub, (Acokanthera venenata, G. Don) especially in the eastern subtropical parts of South Africa, and apparently extending northward into the tropics
337. Lane near SingaporeOn the left is an Areca Palm; and the small compact pyramidal tree in front of it is the Nutmeg, Myristica fragrant, Houtt. flowers and fruit of which. are represented in 119
332. Flowers of a Cassia, with Tree of the same in the distanceCassia nodosa, Hamilt. a native of tropical Asia, is exceptional in the colour of its flowers, nearly all the numerous species having yellow ones. The butterflies are Papilio bathycles
330. Foliage, Flowers, and Seed-Vessels of an Indian TreeAlbizzia Lebbek, Benth. Panel 151
328. Limestone Mountains of Sarawak. BorneoLeafless flowering branches of a tree (Sterculia sp.) of the region in front, and tree of the same glittering in the distance. Below, on the left, remains of its old seed-vessels
322. Bridge of Chittore in RajpootanaAilantus, glandulosa, , and tomb in the foreground
314. Foliage and Fruit of two Indian TreesThey are Acacia Catechu, Willd. having spikes of small yellow flowers, and Terminalia citrina, Roxb. The former is a sacred tree, and yields a very astringent substance by decoction
313. Foliage and Fruit of the MahwaBassia latifolia, Roxb. is a timber tree, interesting also on account of its being one of the few plants whose flowers are eaten by the human race
312. The AsokaSaraca indica, L. is an evergreen tree commonly planted in India for the beauty of its foliage and flowers, the latter reminding one at first sight of a Clerodendron or an Ixora rather than of a
309. Foliage, Flowers and Young Fruit of the MangoThe Mango (Mangifera indica, L.) is generally regarded as one of the most delicious tropical fruits, though there are many varieties, differing very much in quality
306. Foliage and Fruit of Fig Tree held Sacred by the HindoosIt is apparently Ficus glomerata, Roxb
302. Foliage and Fruit of Emblica officinalisA Euphor- biaceous tree, whose seeds are used medicinally. The fruit is sometimes preserved in vinegar or sugar
301. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Tree sacred to KrishnaThis is Mimusops Elengi, Linn. an odoriferous water is distilled from the flowers; the fruit is edible; and the astringent bark is used medicinally
300. Indian Coral Tree, 1878Indian coral tree (Erythrina variegata). Oil on board by Marianne North, 1878. The gorgeous flowers of this tree are often mentioned by Indian poets
298. The NeemThe Neem tree (Melia Azcadirachta, Linn.) is described by the poets as the type of all that is bitter; and its bark is said to be a fair substitute for Cinchona in cases of fever, &c
297. The Deodar or Indian CedarCedrus Deodara, Loud. forms large forests in the mountains of northern India, growing to a height of 50 to 100 feet and upwards, and yielding a valuable durable timber
272. Jain Tower and Temple at Chittore, IndiaA Fig tree growing on the top of the former and loosening the stones which were laid a thousand years ago. The tower is eighty feet high, and the Fig tree is sacred and must not be touched
269. Study of a Deodar, in full cone and clothed with a creeperThe creeper is probably Vitis himalayana, Brandis. Look at 283 and 297
262. African Baobab Tree in the Princesss Garden at Tanjore, InAdansonia digitata, Linn. the African Baobab, is remarkable for the gigantic proportions of its relatively short trunk, which sometimes, it is recorded
260. Avenue of Indian Rubber Trees at Peradeniya, CeylonFicus elastica, Roxb. is a native of Assam in Northern India, and is familiar to most people in this country in a small state; the evergreen with large glossy leaves so commonly grown in rooms being
238. Deodars and the Choor Mountain, from Nahl Dehra, IndiaThe Deodar or India Cedar (Cedrus Deodara, Loud.) is one of the noblest trees of the mountains of North India. See remarks under 297
Dalbergia abrahamii
233. Foliage and Flowers of an Indian TreeTecoma undulata, G. Don, is a most beautiful tree when its hanging branches are laden with flowers
207. An old Red Cedar on the rocks near West Manchester, MassachThis is one of the " Pencil Cedars, " though actually a Juniper(Junipersvirginiana, Linn.), which ranges from the West Indies and Florida to Hudsons Bay
199. Flowers of North American Trees and ShrubsThe Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera, L.), the False Akcacia or Locust Tree (Robinia Pseudacacia, L.), and the Calicoe Bush or Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia, L.)
188. Old Cypress or Juniper Tree, Nevada Mountains, California
152. The Bilimbi or Blimbing, JamaicaAverrhoa Bilimbi, L. is a small tree, native of the Malayan Islands, cultivated for its fruit, which makes good tarts; a cooling drink is also prepared from it
151. Flowers of a Brazilian Coral Tree and Vegetable MercuryErythrina sp. and Brunjelsia Hopoeana, Benth. (syn. F rqniscea loeana, Hook.). The latter is used medicinally, hence the popular name
146. The Garden of Kings House, Spanish Town, JamaicaA tree of Spathodea campanulata, Beauv. &c. An inflorescence of the Spathodea, which is a native of west tropical Africa, is represented natural size in 165
145. Study of Banana and Trumpet Tree, JamaicaConsult the descriptions of 120 and 823
92. Scotchman hugging a Creole, Brazil. 92. Scotchman hugging a Creole, BrazilA Palm in the embrace of the roots of a Fig tree. The tree that is now strangling the palm was at first the nurse child of the latter, and its history is this
65. Foliage and flowers of a climbing plant with royal palms and Sugarloaf Mountain in the background, Brazil, 1880This handsome climbing shrub (Roupellia grata, Wall.) is a native of Sierra Leone, and its flowers are very sweet scented. It is occasionally cultivated in this country
58. Study of the Travellers Tree of Madagascar in the Botanic GThis tree (Ravenala madagascariensis, Sonn.), is called the Travellers Friend, as its broad leaves collect the precipitated moisture which filters into its tightly-plaited sheaths;
40. Boulders, Fishermans Cottage and Tree hung with Air PlantTillandsia usneoides, Linn. also called Old Mans Beard and Long Moss, as well as Air Plant, is a member of the Bromeliaceae (see 139 and 232)
Picea maximowicziiPINACEAE, Picea maximowiczii, 1981
Wercklea flavovirensMALVACEAE, Wercklea flavovirens
Taxus baccataTAXACEAE, Taxus baccata, common yew, red berries
Acer campestre seeds and leaves
Acer capillipesKyushu maple or red snakebark maple
Acer monspessulanumMontpelier maple
Acer opalusACERACEAE, Acer opalus, 196910327
Close-upsKew B2B Trees and Shrubs: Close-ups
Magnolia heptapetawhite ornamental magnolia
Mediterannean garden
Pinus nigra, sub sp. laricioPINACEAE, Pinus nigra, sub sp. laricio 197315509
The Pagoda
The Pagoda at KewThe Pagoda
The Pagoda in snowy landscape
betula alleghaniensis
Taxodiumbald cypress
hippophae rhamnoidessea buckthorn
Gleditsia triacanthoshoney locust
Carpinus orientalisleaves of the oriental hornbeam
Chamaecyparis pisiferaSawara false cypress
fraxinus americana
Trees and Shrubs, Trees in the landscape, 040723 Abies koreana 006040723 Abies koreana 006
fraxius ornus, flowering ash
Crataegus monogyna
Catalpa bignonioidesIndian bean tree
Platanus leavesAutumn leaves of a Londn plane tree
Liriodendronautumn leaves of a Chinese tulip tree
Liquidambar styracifluasweet gum tree
Ilex pernyidwarf holly
Ilex aquifolium silver queenvariegated holly
Ilex aquifoliumcommon holly and red berries
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