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Trunk Collection

Background imageTrunk Collection: 781. Poison Tree strangled by a Fig, Queensland

781. Poison Tree strangled by a Fig, Queensland
The central figure of this picture represents the skeleton-like trunk of a Fig Tree, which has nearly strangled the Poison Tree (Laportea, moroides, Wedd.)

Background imageTrunk Collection: 565. Palawan Trees, Sarawak, Borneo

565. Palawan Trees, Sarawak, Borneo
This tree ( Tristania Whiteana, Griff.) is easily recognised in the landscape, as i sheds its bark like an Arbutus, leaving the trunk a deep red

Background imageTrunk Collection: 28. Group of Sago-yielding Cycads in the Botanic Garden at Rio J

28. Group of Sago-yielding Cycads in the Botanic Garden at Rio J
Behind some Date Palms (Phoenix dactylifera, Linn.). In the right foreground is the trunk of a Camphor tree with Vanilla growing thereon. The cycad is Cycas circinalis, Linn

Background imageTrunk Collection: 567. Sago Palms in flower, with a glimpse of the river at Sarawa

567. Sago Palms in flower, with a glimpse of the river at Sarawa
The word Sagus is said to be derived from Sagu, which in the language of the Papuan race signifies bread, and is given to the Palm Metroxylon Sagu, Rottb

Background imageTrunk Collection: 546. Old Boat-house and Riverside Vegetation, Sarawak

546. Old Boat-house and Riverside Vegetation, Sarawak
Trunk of Cocoanut Palm, Areca and Sago Palms, both in fruit, Nipa, &c

Background imageTrunk Collection: 507. Cluster of Air-roots of a Dragon Tree, Teneriffe

507. Cluster of Air-roots of a Dragon Tree, Teneriffe
These thick air-roots gradually grow downwards and cover the whole trunk which has been gashed and hacked by the collectors of Dragons Blood

Background imageTrunk Collection: 205. Home of an Old Trapper in the Trunk of a Big Tree, Calavera

205. Home of an Old Trapper in the Trunk of a Big Tree, Calavera

Background imageTrunk Collection: 117. Scene in Dr. Lunds Garden at Lagoa Santa, Brazil

117. Scene in Dr. Lunds Garden at Lagoa Santa, Brazil
The large trunk in front covered with a Cactus (Cereus sp.), a large aroid (Philodendron sp.), and Orchids. On the left a Palm (Acrocomia sp)

Background imageTrunk Collection: Pinus nigra, sub sp. laricio

Pinus nigra, sub sp. laricio
PINACEAE, Pinus nigra, sub sp. laricio 197315509

Background imageTrunk Collection: Pachypodium lamerei

Pachypodium lamerei
Madagascar palm

Background imageTrunk Collection: Crataegus prunifolia

Crataegus prunifolia

Background imageTrunk Collection: Eucalyptus champaniana

Eucalyptus champaniana
bogong gum

Background imageTrunk Collection: Betula papyrifera

Betula papyrifera
paper birch

Background imageTrunk Collection: Betula costata

Betula costata
chinese birch

Background imageTrunk Collection: Eucalyptus perriniana

Eucalyptus perriniana
spinning gum

Background imageTrunk Collection: Quercus robur

Quercus robur
common oak

Background imageTrunk Collection: Catalpa fargesii

Catalpa fargesii
bark of the Golden Indian bean tree

Background imageTrunk Collection: Alnus glutinosa

Alnus glutinosa
Common Alder

Background imageTrunk Collection: Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp pauciflora

Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp pauciflora
snow gum

Background imageTrunk Collection: Fraxinus pensylvanica, Oleaceae

Fraxinus pensylvanica, Oleaceae
green ash

Background imageTrunk Collection: Acer davidii trunk

Acer davidii trunk
ACERACEAE Acer davidii 1994924SICH630 china

Background imageTrunk Collection: Fagus sylvatica

Fagus sylvatica

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