Vanilla planifolia, 1805-1846Illustration of Vanilla planifolia from Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung Der in Der Arzneykunde Gebr├ñuchlichen Gew├ñchse : Wie Auch Aolcher, Welche mit Inhen Verwechselt Werden K├Ânnen
Vanilla planifolia, 1797-1814Illustration by Henry Charles Andrews (fl.1790s-1830) from Botanists Repository for New and Rare Plants, volume 8, plate 538, 1797-1814
Vanilla planifolia, 1835-1848Illustration from Rumphia: sive, Commentationes botanicae imprimis de plantis Indae Orientalis, tum penitus incognitis tum quae in libris Rheodii Rumphii, Roxburghii
Vanilla planifolia, 1891Hand painted lithograph of Vanilla planifolia by Matilda Smith, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 117, plate 7167
Vanilla planifolia, 1887Illustration from K├Âhlers Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen, 1887. Artwork from volume 2, plate 12
Vanilla planifolia, 1808Illustration from The Botanical Cabinet Consisting of Coloured Delineations of Plants, 1808. Artwork from volume 8 plate 733
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