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Vine Collection

Background imageVine Collection: Epidendrum vanille, 1774

Epidendrum vanille, 1774
Illustration of Epidendrum vanille, currently accepted as Vanilla mexicana. The illustration is from La Botanique mise a la portee de tout le Monde by Nicolas Francois Regnault (1746-c.1810)

Background imageVine Collection: Vitis vinifera, 1846

Vitis vinifera, 1846
Illustration of Vitis vinifera, commonly known as grape vine or cultivated grape, from Pomologie Francaise by Antoine Poiteau, 1846

Background imageVine Collection: Ribes rubrum, Ribes nigrum, 1867

Ribes rubrum, Ribes nigrum, 1867
Illustration of Ribes rubrum and Ribes nigrum, commonly known as redcurrant and blackcurrant, from Gartenflora, volume 16, plate 562, 1867

Background imageVine Collection: Carica papaya, 1750-73

Carica papaya, 1750-73
Illustration of Carica papaya, commonly known as papaya or pawpaw, by Georg Dionysius Ehret, 1750-73. Illustration from Plantae Selectae by Christoph Jacob Trew, 1750-73

Background imageVine Collection: Passiflora edulis, 1818

Passiflora edulis, 1818
Illustration of Passiflora edulis, commonly known as passion fruit or purple granadilla, 1818. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 45, plate 1989

Background imageVine Collection: Momordica charantia, 1854

Momordica charantia, 1854
Illustration of Momordica charantia, commonly known as bitter melon, bitter gourd or balsam pear, from Flore des serres et des jardins de l Europe, 1854

Background imageVine Collection: Cucumis melo, 1737

Cucumis melo, 1737
Illustration of Cucumis melo, commonly known as melon, by Elizabeth Blackwell, from A Curious Herbal by Elizabeth Blackwell, 1737. Artwork from volume 2, plate 329

Background imageVine Collection: Passiflora caerulea (passion flower)

Passiflora caerulea (passion flower). Family:Passifloraceae

Background imageVine Collection: Cucumis sativus, cucumber

Cucumis sativus, cucumber. Joseph Jacob Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinal, Vol. 7, 1803. Tab. 698 t. 698

Background imageVine Collection: Passiflora caerulea

Passiflora caerulea (passion flower). Family:Passifloraceae

Background imageVine Collection: Tibouchina urvilleana, Glory Bush

Tibouchina urvilleana, Glory Bush, Growing inside the Temperate house at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Background imageVine Collection: Tibouchina Urvilleana

Tibouchina Urvilleana
053-82-00274, MELASTOMATACEAE, Tibouchina Urvilleana, Brazil

Background imageVine Collection: Metrosideros carminea

Metrosideros carminea, a climber from New Zealand

Background imageVine Collection: Ripening tomatoes on the vine

Ripening tomatoes on the vine, student vegetable plots, RBG Kew

Background imageVine Collection: Pinching out a tomato plant

Pinching out a tomato plant
Pinching out tomato plants, RBG Kew

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