831. Wild Flowers and Fruits of the Salinas, ChiliEchinocactus sp. in fruit, above it Ephedra andina, Poepp. in fruit, and a sprig of a white variety of the same in front, with the globular, green flower heads of Eryngiumn paniculatum, Cay
628. Wild Flowers of Sarawak, BorneoIn the centre the handsome Coelogyne asperata, Lindl. with the young inflorescences of a plant of the ginger family behind; Pitchers of a species of Nepenthes
Argema mittrei –Comet Moth - NE Argema mittreiButterflies and Moths
Ajuga reptans (bugle). Family: Lamiaceae
742. Wild Flowers of Victoria and New South WalesAt the back, two or three species of Stylidium, a large and curious genus almost entirely Australian, upwards of eighty species being known
576. Group of Wild Palms, Sarawak, BorneoAreca Catechu, L. (Betel) in flower, Arenga saccharifera, Labill. in fruit. Observe also Taro (Colocasia esculenta)
Didymoplexis pallens Griff. growing wild at the Kebun Raya, Bogor, Java. Orchid. Orchidaceae. (Syn. Apetalon Wight, Leucorchis Blume). Tribe: Gastrodieae
Knautia dipsacifoliawood scabious
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