Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarumIllustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut
Buddleia colvilei, Smith MVol 121, t. 7449, 1895, Buddleia colvilei, Smith M, Buddlejaceae
Buddleia crispa, Fitch WVol 80, t.4793, 1854, Buddleia crispa, Fitch Walter Hood, Buddlejaceae
Rhododendron macgregoriae1967-44903 EDIN, ERICACEAE, Rhododendron macgregoriae, New Guinea
Ipomoea horsfalliae var. briggsii1969-17744, CONVOVULACEAE, Ipomoea horsfalliae var. briggsii
Anemone hupehensis2009-1220 JOFW, RANUNCULACEAE, Anemone hupehensis
628. Wild Flowers of Sarawak, BorneoIn the centre the handsome Coelogyne asperata, Lindl. with the young inflorescences of a plant of the ginger family behind; Pitchers of a species of Nepenthes
Acacia retinodes1978-6209, FABACEAE, LEGUMINOSAE, MIMOSOIDEAE, Acacia retinodes, Australia
Commidendrum rugosum1970-4387 KENR, COMPOSITAE, Commidendrum rugosum
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