21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili" Robble, " literally oak, is the name given to the common large-leaved Chilian " Beech" (Nothofagus obliqua, Mirb.)
planting bulbs on the Broadwalk
Barrons Tree TransplanterA 19th century horse drawn machine used to move trees up to 20m
Temperate HouseThe Temperate House in winter
The Lake
Kew GreenLate autum on Kew Green
Cattleya cernua aka Sophronitis cernua, 1896-1907Illustration of Cattleya cernua aka Sophronitis cernua from Dictionnaire Iconographique des Orchid├®es by Alfred Cogniaux, 1896-1907. Artwork from volume 11, plate 3
Eranthis hyemalis, 1787Illustration of Eranthis hyemalis, commonly known as winter aconite. Hand-coloured engraving on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1787. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 1, plate 3
Oxalis versicolor, 1791Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 5, plate 155
Iris reticulata, 1866Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1866. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 92, plate 5577
Calanthe vestita (Tropical calanthe), 1845-1883Illustration of Calanthe vestita, 1845-1883. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, vol. 13, page 32-33
Galanthus elwesii, 1875Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1875. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 101, plate 6166
Tree top walkway panoramaTree Top Walkway Panorama
Brassica oleracea Kamome Redornamental kale
Door to the Palm HouseDetail view of the door
The broadwalk
snow couplea snow sculpture
Winter robina robin in the snowy branches
A robin in winter
satyr sculpture
Gazebo on the mound, near Kew Palace
Footprints on the Secluded Garden brifge
a misty autumn day
Crocus in snow
Palm House silhouetteThe Palm House in winter
Jasminum nudiflorum (winter jasmine). Family: Oleaceae
Viburnum x bodnantense Dawn. Family: Adoxaceae (formerly Caprifoliaceae)
Palm House Pond, RBG Kew, winterPalm House Pond, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the snow. The iconic fountain depicts Hercules fighting the river god Achelous who has transformed into a serpent
Snowdrop, galanthus nivalisGalanthus nivalis, common snowdrop. Galanthus nivalis was described by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in his Species Plantarum in 1753, and given the specific epithet nivalis
treetop walkway in the mist
Galanthus elwesii var. monostictus
Temple of Aeolus
Brassica oleraceaornamental kale Kamome Red
Helleborus niger in the snow
Helleborus niger in snow, RBG Kew
Palm House in the snowWhite Greyhound of Richmond, sculpted by James Woodford on the east side of the Palm House
PagodaThe Pagoda in a fresh snowy landscape
early signs of daffodils on the Broadwalk
an early daffodil
an early cameiia
The Pagoda in snowy landscape
Sorbus torminalisSorbus in the snow
Ilex aquifoliumcommon holly and red berries
Trees and ShrubsKew B2B Trees and Shrubs
the Lake freezes
Palm House in snow, RBG Kew
Epimedium pinnatum leaves in frost, RBG Kew
Grass garden, winterGrass garden in the snow, RBG Kew
Trees in the landscapeKew B2B Trees and Shrubs: Trees in the landscape
cardiocrinum giganteum
Arboretum in winter
Stone Pine in the mistStone Pine
oak tree in the mist
Kew Gardens in the mist
Pink Orchidorchid on display at Kews orchid festival
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