February Collection4 Items
March Collection2 Items
April Collection2 Items
June Collection3 Items
AugustMediterannean garden
September Collection7 Items
October Collection3 Items
Porpax elwesii (Rchb. f. ) KraenzlPorpax elwesii (Rchb. f.) Kraenzl. Orchid. Orchidaceae. (Synonym of Porpax elwesii (Rchb.f.) Rolfe)
Temperate House
Model of indigo factory, 1886RBG Kew: Economic Botany:catalogue number: 79733 Indigofera sp. Model of indigo factory, from 1886 Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London. LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE
Echinopsis spiniflora. Family: Cactaceae
Wakehurst Mansion. Wakehurst Place is a National Trust site, managed by Kew Gardens. It is situated in West Sussex, set in 465 acres of country estate and boasts ornamental gardens
Mediterannean garden
Borago officinalis (borage). Family: Boraginaceae
Necklace of spicesNecklace with beads of Coix, Dioclea, Adenanthera, Myristica and Mucuna - cinnamon bark, cloves and nutmeg. Sourced in Grenada, Spain. RBG Kew Economic Botany Collection, Catalogue Number: 78869
Wakehurst Place Mansion
Model of Indigo Factory, 1886RBG Kew: Economic Botany:catalogue number: 79733 Indigofera sp. Model of indigo factory, from 1886 Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London. LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE
Red PoppiesPapaver commutatum
OrangeryThe Orangery at Kew
sugar cubes
Corn crisps
Coffee, coffea. Rubiaceae family
Cocao beans and Chocolate
Blue Kew Vanda Yunan China* 003984LT purple sansaiBlue, Kew, Vanda, Yunan China* 003984LT, purple, sansai, PLA ORC V san 060225pl02
ORCHIDACEAE, Phragmipedium sedenii
ORCHIDACEAE. Dendrobium speciosumORCHIDACEAE, Dendrobium speciosum, King Orchid, 2000-3817 CLEM
Autumn Festival 2006 Display Kew Pumpkins Untitled KeyAutumn Festival 2006, Display, Kew, Pumpkins, Untitled Key, Water Lilly House, Yunan China* 003984LT, water, PAL Cra 061005pl102
Autumn Festival 2006 Display Kew Pumpkins Untitled KeyAutumn Festival 2006, Display, Kew, Pumpkins, Untitled Key, Water Lilly House, Yunan China* 003984LT, water, PAL Cra 061005pl096
mycology_lab, Jodrell
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