6 Items
343. Foliage and Flowers of a Madagascar tree at SingaporeA tree of the same (Poinciana regia, Boj.) in the distance
481. Moon reflected in a turtle pool, SeychellesA view of St. Annes Island from the artists window at Mahe with an unbroken reflection of the moon in the turtle pool below, and a cocoanut palm in the foreground
336. Foliage and Flowers and a Pod of the Amaltas or Indian LaburnumThis showy tree (Cassia fistula, Linn.) is a native of India, but it has been introduced into the West Indies and elsewhere, whence its long cylindrical pods are imported into this country
441. Green-flowered Ixia, and other Cape SingularitiesThe blue-green Ixia viridiftora, Lam. is the most noteworthy in this selection of flowers, painted at Ceres. There is, or was
460. Ipomoea and Vavangue with Mahe Harbour in the distanceVangueria edulis, Vahl, or Vavangue, is a native of Madagascar, and now cultivated (and naturalised) in many other warm countries for the sake of its edible fruit. Observe the wasps nest upon it
324. An Orchid and ButterfliesThis orchid, Phajus bicolor, Lindl. is a native of Ceylon, whence it was introduced into the hothouses of this country in 1843
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