13 Items
818. Red Water Lily of Southern IndiaThis is the Nymphaea Lotus, L. (N. rubra, Roxb.), and was painted at Cochin
723. View of Mount Earnshaw from the Island in Lake Wakatipe, New ZealandThe trees in the foreground having dense tufts of narrow leaves at the ends of the branches, and large clusters of dirty-white flowers, belong to the Liliaceous genus Cordyline
781. Poison Tree strangled by a Fig, QueenslandThe central figure of this picture represents the skeleton-like trunk of a Fig Tree, which has nearly strangled the Poison Tree (Laportea, moroides, Wedd.)
766. Flowers of the Flame-tree and yellow and black twiner, West AustraliaIn the distance Flame -trees, Nuytsia floribunda, R. Br. (see description of 761). Kennedya nigricans, Lindl. is remarkable for the very dark purple, almost black, of its flowers
741. Scene in a West Australian ForestLarge trees of the Black Butt and Red Gum (Eucalyptus calophylla), with undergrowth of Grass-trees (Xanthorrhoea), Banksia, Kingia, Macrozamia Fraseri, Miq. &c
823. View of the Sugarloaf Mountain from the Aqueduct Road, Rio JaneiroA Sloth feeding on a Trumpet Tree (Cecropia peltata, L.) in the foreground. The Trumpet Tree is so called because its hollow branches are used by the natives
749. Two Australian shrubs, with Sydney Harbour belowThe climber with pinnate leaves is Tecoma austrails, R. Br. and the other a species of Callistemon, probably C. lanceolatus, DC
731. Entrance to the Otira Gorge, New Zealand
770. View from Collaroy, New South Wales, looking towards the Liverpool DownsThe plain is dotted with Gum trees and the river bordered with Casuarinas, with blue and crimson Parrots (Aprosmictus erythropterus) in the branches of the Peppermint (Eucalyptus piperita, Sm)
738. View in the Brisbane Botanic GardenA Moreton Bay Pine (Araucaria Cunninghami, .Ait.) in the foreground and an American Tacsonia in front
806. Elephant Gate and Neem Tree at Chittore, IndiaChittor or Chittogurh in the North-West, on the River Birneh, is the ancient fortified capital of Rajpootana, formerly of great importance, and containing some fine architectural monuments
792. Plant and Animal Life at Mudgee, New South WalesWhite Gum Trees and Casuarina, in the centre, with Platypus (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus) in the water anti Native Bear (Phascolarctos cinereus) in a fork of the Gum Tree on the left
780. Branch of a Grevillea, and a View on the Swan River, West AustraliaThe branch bears both flowers and seed-vessels, and is probably Grevillea leucopteris, Meissn. Behind is a bush of the same, and a Red Gum Tree hung with a species of Loranthus
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