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Images Dated 2010

Images Dated 2010: January

January Collection
10 Items

Images Dated 2010: February

February Collection
7 Items

Images Dated 2010: March

March Collection
7 Items

Images Dated 2010: April

April Collection
17 Items

Images Dated 2010: May

May Collection
18 Items

Images Dated 2010: June

June Collection
3 Items

Images Dated 2010: July

July Collection
14 Items

Images Dated 2010: August

August Collection
3 Items

Images Dated 2010: September

September Collection
16 Items

Images Dated 2010: October

October Collection
5 Items

Images Dated 2010: November

November Collection
22 Items

Images Dated 2010: December

December Collection
7 Items

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 6. Seven Snowy Peaks seen from the Araucaria Forest, Chili

6. Seven Snowy Peaks seen from the Araucaria Forest, Chili
A view of the Cordilleras near Angole, with Burning Bush (Embothirium coccineum), an orange-coloured Ground Orchid (Chloraea sp.), the white-flowered Libertia ixioides, Spreng

Background imageImages Dated 2010: planting bulbs on the Broadwalk

planting bulbs on the Broadwalk

Background imageImages Dated 2010: New Zealand Flowers and fruit Marianne North Painting 721

New Zealand Flowers and fruit Marianne North Painting 721
The spherical plant in the foreground is a small specimen of the " Vegetable. Sheep" ( Raoulia eximia, Hook.f.)

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 488. Mandrinette and mountain home of the Pitcher Plant in the distance

488. Mandrinette and mountain home of the Pitcher Plant in the distance
A view from the artists window at Mr Estridges house; the harbour of Mahe below. The showy shrub here represented is Hibiscus liliiflorus, Cav

Background imageImages Dated 2010: The Blue Puya and Cactus at home in the Cordilleras by Marianne North

The Blue Puya and Cactus at home in the Cordilleras by Marianne North
The Blue Puya and Cactus at home in the Cordilleras, near Apoquindo, Chili

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 832 - Distant View of Santiago, Chili. from Apoquindo

832 - Distant View of Santiago, Chili. from Apoquindo
Distant View of Santiago, Chili. from Apoquindo. - Acacia bushes in the foreground

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) at Wakehurst, RBG Kew

Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) at Wakehurst, RBG Kew
The frozen vaults of the Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) at Wakehurst, RBG Kew

Background imageImages Dated 2010: The Palm House

The Palm House
Archival photograph of the Palm House

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Palm House and Parterre

Palm House and Parterre

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 192. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New York

192. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New York

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Barrons Tree Transplanter

Barrons Tree Transplanter
A 19th century horse drawn machine used to move trees up to 20m

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Painting 749

Painting 749
Two Australian Shrubs with Sydney Harbour below

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Painting 619

Painting 619
View of the Salak Volcano, Java, from Buitenzorg

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Seeds stored at the Millennium Seed Bank

Seeds stored at the Millennium Seed Bank
Seed storage in the vault of the Millennium Seed Bank (MSB)at RBG Kews Wakehurst site in West Sussex, UK, 2010. The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership is the largest ex situ plant conservation

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 5. Fern and Flowers bordering the river at Chanleon, Chili

5. Fern and Flowers bordering the river at Chanleon, Chili
Behind the robust fern (Lomarict procera, Spreng.) with rosy young fronds unfolding; on the right Tropaeolum tricolorum, Sweet, a showy sister of the Canary Creeper

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Wardian Case

Wardian Case
The Wardian case is a portable airtight, glass-lined greenhouse that was developed by Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward (1791-1868) for the transportation of plants

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum

Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum
Illustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 2. Common Tobacco

2. Common Tobacco
A plant belonging to the same-family as the Potato. Several other kinds of tobacco are culti-vated, but this kind (Nicotiana Tabacum)

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Trochetiopsis ebenus

Trochetiopsis ebenus
St Helena ebony

Background imageImages Dated 2010: The Palm House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

The Palm House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Archival photograph of The Palm House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Background imageImages Dated 2010: The result of three days seed collecting in SW. Burkina Faso

The result of three days seed collecting in SW. Burkina Faso

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Palm House Parterre

Palm House Parterre

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 570. Other Species of Pitcher Plants from Sarawak, Borneo

570. Other Species of Pitcher Plants from Sarawak, Borneo
Nepenthes Rafflesiana, Jack. one of the most ornamental of the genus originally introduced into Kew Gardens from Singapore in 1845. The one below is N. ampullacea, Jack

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 94. Oil Palm at Tijuca, Brazil

94. Oil Palm at Tijuca, Brazil

Background imageImages Dated 2010: History

Kew B2B History

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 448. View of the valley of Ceres, from Mitchells Pass, Cabbage 448

448. View of the valley of Ceres, from Mitchells Pass, Cabbage 448. View of the valley of Ceres, from Mitchells Pass
The plant is an Othonna (Compositae), and probably a variety of 0. amplexicaulis, Thunb.; its popular name refers to its thick fleshy leaves not to any culinary use

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Bluebells in woodland at Wakehurst place

Bluebells in woodland at Wakehurst place
Bluebells at Wakehurst place, Sussex. Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Palm House

Palm House

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Botanic

Kew B2B Art: Botanic

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Vanilla planifolia, 1858-1863

Vanilla planifolia, 1858-1863
Illustration from Darstellung und Beschreibung sämmtlicher in der Pharmacopoea borussica aufgeführten offizinellen Gewächse, 1858-1863, volume 3, plate 23b

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Vanilla planifolia, 1805-1846

Vanilla planifolia, 1805-1846
Illustration of Vanilla planifolia from Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung Der in Der Arzneykunde Gebr├ñuchlichen Gew├ñchse : Wie Auch Aolcher, Welche mit Inhen Verwechselt Werden K├Ânnen

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Cerbera manghas

Cerbera manghas - Koehlers " Medizinal Pflanzen"

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Dracaena bueana

Dracaena bueana, 19933430, Camaroon and Ghana, Data Deficient on IUCN Red List, possibly extinct in the wild

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Acacia anegadensis

Acacia anegadensis
Also known as pokemeboy, this plant is listed on the IUCN Red List as critically endangered due to residential and tourism development from Anegada in the British Virgin Islands

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Shirley Sherwood Gallery Interior

Shirley Sherwood Gallery Interior
gallery interior

Background imageImages Dated 2010: autumn colour

autumn colour

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Baobab & Sisal, near Berenty nature reserve, Adansonia Baobab & Sisal

Baobab & Sisal, near Berenty nature reserve, Adansonia Baobab & Sisal, near Berenty nature reserve, Adansonia
Baobab & Sisal, near Berenty nature reserve, Adansonia

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Bluebells in Bethlehem Wood

Bluebells in Bethlehem Wood, Wakehurst Place

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Medicago polymorpha seeds

Medicago polymorpha seeds
tooth bur-clover seeds

Background imageImages Dated 2010: CNSF staff seed collecting from Pterocarpus erinaceus, Dinderess

CNSF staff seed collecting from Pterocarpus erinaceus, Dinderesso15km from Bobo Dioulasso

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Butterflies and Moths

Butterflies and Moths

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Victoria Gate

Victoria Gate

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Victoria Gate

Victoria Gate

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Palm house door

Palm house door
Palm House Door

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Sorbus pseudofennica

Sorbus pseudofennica
ROSACEAE, Sorbus pseudofennica 19801818

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Sorbus eminens

Sorbus eminens
ROSACEAE, Sorbus eminens, 19741404

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Sorbus anglica

Sorbus anglica
ROSACEAE, Sorbus anglica 19806226

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Wahlenbergia angustifolia

Wahlenbergia angustifolia, 19794396, St Helena, small bellflower, endangered on IUCN Red List

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Carica jamaicensis

Carica jamaicensis
CARICACEAE, Carica jamaicensis, 20041713, a yellow flowering plant from Jamaica

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Brassica oleracea Kamome Red

Brassica oleracea Kamome Red
ornamental kale

Background imageImages Dated 2010: 191 Autumn tints in the White Mountains, New Hampshier, United States

191 Autumn tints in the White Mountains, New Hampshier, United States
The leaf-shedding trees of North AMerica assume more brilliant colours in autumn than the tree of Europe. This is jnot altogether due to climate

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Syon vista

Syon vista
Planted with holm oaks, Syon Vista is one of three vistas at Kew created by landscape designer William Andrews Nesfield during 1845 and 1846

Background imageImages Dated 2010: The broadwalk

The broadwalk

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Acer

ACERACEAE, Acer pseudoplatanus brilliantissimum, 190970201CLIB

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Hands holding Combretum fragrans seeds

Hands holding Combretum fragrans seeds

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Plant portrait Combretum fragrans

Plant portrait Combretum fragrans

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Baobabs on the road between Niangoloko and Banfora

Baobabs on the road between Niangoloko and Banfora

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Seed pods of Entada abyssinica, north of Banfora

Seed pods of Entada abyssinica, north of Banfora

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Painting 104, Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Soursop, Brazil

Painting 104, Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Soursop, Brazil
Painting captioned " Anona muricata, L. is a native, of the West Indies, where, as well as in continetal America and other countries, it is cultivated for its excellent fruit."

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Heliconius Charatonia Butterflies

Heliconius Charatonia Butterflies
Butterflies and Moths

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Argema mittrei –Comet Moth - NE Argema mittrei

Argema mittrei –Comet Moth - NE Argema mittrei
Butterflies and Moths

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Atlas moth

Atlas moth

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Tropical butterfly

Tropical butterfly

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Tropical butterflies at Kew

Tropical butterflies at Kew

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Tropical Extravaganza

Tropical Extravaganza

Background imageImages Dated 2010: daffodils


Background imageImages Dated 2010: Millennium Seed Bank Partnership Seeds

Millennium Seed Bank Partnership Seeds

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Hunter House

Hunter House
Old Herbarium entrance

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Hands with Bixa orellana seeds

Hands with Bixa orellana seeds

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Allium ursinum, Wild garlic flowers

Allium ursinum, Wild garlic flowers
Allium ursinum, wild garlic flowers. Family: Amaryllidaceae

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst

Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst
Moss on the roots of trees at the Francis Rose Reserve, Wakehurst Place. This is the first nature reserve devoted to cryptogams (mosses, lichens and ferns)

Background imageImages Dated 2010: Quercus xalapensis

Quercus xalapensis
FAGACEAE, Quercus xalapensis 19834534

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