12 Jul 2010Grass garden, winter
16 Jul 2010 Collection2 Items
26 Jul 2010 Collection9 Items
27 Jul 2010 Collection2 Items
Baobabs on the road between Niangoloko and Banfora
The result of three days seed collecting in SW. Burkina Faso
CNSF staff seed collecting from Pterocarpus erinaceus, Dinderesso15km from Bobo Dioulasso
AcerACERACEAE, Acer pseudoplatanus brilliantissimum, 190970201CLIB
Hands holding Combretum fragrans seeds
Plant portrait Combretum fragrans
Seed pods of Entada abyssinica, north of Banfora
Painting 104, Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Soursop, BrazilPainting captioned " Anona muricata, L. is a native, of the West Indies, where, as well as in continetal America and other countries, it is cultivated for its excellent fruit."
Acer campestre seeds and leaves
Vegetable plotDetail of horticulture students vegetable plot, with pansies, RBG Kew
Harvesting purple kohlrabi in the student vegetable plots, RBG Kew
Lettuces in vegetable plotLettuces in the student vegetable plots, RBG Kew
Planting out a lettuce, RBG KewPlanting out a plug plant of lettuce, RBG Kew
Grass garden, winterGrass garden in the snow, RBG Kew
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