26 Items
169. Two Tropical American FlowersThe one having white flowers (Utricularia montana, Jacq.) is a congener of the Bladderworts of our ponds and ditches. It has a wide range of distribution
149. View over Port Royal, Jamaica, with Bamboos in the foregrou
186. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Citron, and ButterflyThe native country of the Citron (Citrus Medica, Risso) is not -known with certainty, though there is little doubt that it is some part of tropical Asia
170. Flowers of Jasmine Mango or Frangipani, BrazilA species of Plumeria, whose flowers come before the leaves, and when the latter appear a large caterpillar also often comes and eats them all up
161. View over Kingston and Port Royal from Craigton, JamaicaStar Apple Trees (Chrysophyllum Cainito, L.) intshe foreground, the fruit of which is represented in 107
181. View on the Flamsted Road, JamaicaMango tree in flower, Cabbage Palm, Bananas, and Bamboos
176. Great Cotton Tree, JamaicaBefore the discovery of the Californian Big Tree and the larger Gum Trees of Australia, this (Eriodendron anfractuosum, DC.) -was one of the tallest trees known
175. Study of Screw Pine
173. Under the Redwood Trees at Goerneville, CaliforniaConsult the description of 204
172. View from Spring Gardens, Buffs Bay, JamaicaCocoanut Palms, Bread Fruit Trees, and Trumpet Tree in the foreground
171. Locking into the Calaveras Grove of Big Trees, CaliforniaSee the description of 154
168. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Lignum Vitae, JamaicaLignum Vitae (Guaiacum officinale, L.) is an exceedingly hard wood, used for making pulley blocks, rulers, pestles, &c.; and the resin called gum guaiacum is an exudation from the stem
166. One of the Sources of the Roaring River, Jamaica. 166. One of the Sources of the Roaring River, JamaicaTrees of Grias cauliflora, L. embedded in stalagmites
156. Inflorescence and ripe Nuts of the Cocoanut PalmThe inflorescence of the Cocoanut (Cocos nucifera, Linn.) is a branched spadix bearing innumerable flowers, only a few of which are female and fertile, the rest containing only stamens
151. Flowers of a Brazilian Coral Tree and Vegetable MercuryErythrina sp. and Brunjelsia Hopoeana, Benth. (syn. F rqniscea loeana, Hook.). The latter is used medicinally, hence the popular name
148. Valley of Bamboos, near Bath, JamaicaThe arboreous grasses called Bamboos form a very prominent feature in the vegetation of most tropical countries, and more especially of tropical Asia, where the true Bamboos (i.e)
147. Cultivated Flowers; painted in JamaicaBelow on the left is a white-flowered Gardenia, and the showy scarlet Passiflora quadriglandulos, Rodsch. (syn. Tacsaonia sanquinea, DC.); above, Datura sanguinea, L. and Broughtonia sasnguinea, R
146. The Garden of Kings House, Spanish Town, JamaicaA tree of Spathodea campanulata, Beauv. &c. An inflorescence of the Spathodea, which is a native of west tropical Africa, is represented natural size in 165
145. Study of Banana and Trumpet Tree, JamaicaConsult the descriptions of 120 and 823
144. Bermuda Mount, JamaicaA Calabash Tree (Crescentia Cujete, L.) covered with Epiphytes, in the foreground, see 111
142. Ground Orchid, Carqueja and Giant Snail, BrazilEpistephium sclerophyllum, Lindl. Baccharis trimera, DC. and a Bulimus. The Carqueja, or Carqueja amargosa, is a curious member of the Compositae having wing like expansions on the stem in lieu of
141. Organ Peaks, seen over the morning mists from Theresopolis
174. Study of Cocoanut PalmSee 156 and 229
167. View of the Sandy River at Spanish Town, Jamaica
143. Brazilian Wild FlowersIn front on the bottom is the orange and red inflorescence of a species of Aphelandra; above it the lilac flowers of Lisianthus inflatus, Mart
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