6 Items
119. Foliage, flowers and fruit of the Nutmeg tree, and HummingThis Humming Bird (Mellisugaminima) is the smallest known. The genus Myristica is rather numerous in species, widely scattered in tropical regions, including America; but the present species
118. Foliage and Flowers of the Mahoe, JamaicaThe dark-coloured wood of this tree (Paritium elatum, G. Don) is most valuable. If not a variety of P. tiliaceum, Juss. it is very closely allied to it;
110. Night-Flowering Lily and Ferns, JamaicaThe " Lily" is a species of Crinum, of which there are many in tropical regions, growing chiefly on sandy sea-shores though this inhabits stony hills
117. Scene in Dr. Lunds Garden at Lagoa Santa, BrazilThe large trunk in front covered with a Cactus (Cereus sp.), a large aroid (Philodendron sp.), and Orchids. On the left a Palm (Acrocomia sp)
111. Jamaica Orchids growing on a branch of the Calabash treeThe most interesting of these orchids is the one hanging from the top, Dendrophylax funalis, Benth. (syn. Aeranthes funalis, Rchb. f)
109. Foliage and Double Flowers of the Sandal-wood BrambleThis elegant Bramble, Rubus rosaefolius, Smith, is commonly cultivated in warm countries, and widely spread in a wild state. Leaves sweet-scented, see 490
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