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Images Dated 25th January 2011

34 Items

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 79. View of the Old Gold Works at Morro Velho, Brazil

79. View of the Old Gold Works at Morro Velho, Brazil

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 20. The Permanent Snows from Santiago; Patagua in front with Humming Bird and Nest

20. The Permanent Snows from Santiago; Patagua in front with Humming Bird and Nest
Tricuspidaria dependens, Ruiz et Pav. the Patagua, is of the same family as our lime-tree. On the left, near the Patagua tree, and on the right, beyond the building

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 77. Wild Flowers at Morro Velho, Brazil

77. Wild Flowers at Morro Velho, Brazil
Bignonia venusta. Ker. and a Convolvulacea (Quamoclit Nationis Hook. ?), climbing over Luhea rufescens, St. Hil. a forest tree

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 16. Wild Flowers of Chanleon, Chili

16. Wild Flowers of Chanleon, Chili
Fuchsia macrostemon, Ruiz et Pav. on the right, is the wild parent of our hardy varieties; above it is the blue Puya with orange anthers, the orange balls of the not unfamiliar Buddleia globosa, Lam

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 47. Flowers of Datura and Humming Birds, Brazil

47. Flowers of Datura and Humming Birds, Brazil
Datura arborea, Linn. is a native of tropical America, and is commonly cultivated in other countries, as it grows like a rank weed

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 37. Flowers and Fruit of the Maricojas Passion Flower, Brazil

37. Flowers and Fruit of the Maricojas Passion Flower, Brazil
The fruit of this (Passiflora alata, Ait.) and several other species of the genus are edible. See 112

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 23. A Chilian Cactus in flower and its leafless Parasite in frui

23. A Chilian Cactus in flower and its leafless Parasite in frui
Referring to the various Chilian landscapes, we see that columnar cacti are a conspicuous feature. This, the-commonest species, is Cereus Quisco, Gay, which grows to a height of 1.5 to 20 feet

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 7. A Chilian Stinging Nettle and Male and Female Beetles

7. A Chilian Stinging Nettle and Male and Female Beetles
The Loasaceae, to which the present plant (Loasa acanthi-folia, Juss.) belongs, are a small family of about a dozen genera and 100 species, which, with the exception of one African species

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 43. Tijuca, Brazil, with a Palm in the foreground

43. Tijuca, Brazil, with a Palm in the foreground
The palm is apparently a species of Cocos, a considerable genus restricted to South America, except C. nucifera, the cocoa-nut

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 87. Group of Brazilian Forest Wild Flowers and Berries

87. Group of Brazilian Forest Wild Flowers and Berries
Lying in front, on the left, is a head of the handsome orange-red Amarantacea (Gomphrena officinalis, Mart.); above it a Melastomacea in fruit; the azure-blue flowers of a Stachytarpheta; the crimson

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 85. Side Avenue of Royal Palms at Botafoga, Brazil

85. Side Avenue of Royal Palms at Botafoga, Brazil
See the remarks under 63

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 73. Yellow Bignonia and Swallow-tail Butterflies with a view of

73. Yellow Bignonia and Swallow-tail Butterflies with a view of
Bignonia aequinoctialis, Linn. and Papilio thoas

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 72. Flowers of Hedychium, Botanic Gardens, Brazil

72. Flowers of Hedychium, Botanic Gardens, Brazil
The species of Hedychium are mostly very ornamental plants and their flowers are fragrant. They inhabit tropical Asia. That on the left is H. chrysoleucum, Hook. a species cultivated in, this country

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 93. Brazilian Orchids and other Epiphytes

93. Brazilian Orchids and other Epiphytes
The Orchids in flower are Cattleya intermedia, Grah. and Oncidium concolor, Hook. the latter below

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 92. Scotchman hugging a Creole, Brazil. 92. Scotchman hugging a Creole, Brazil

92. Scotchman hugging a Creole, Brazil. 92. Scotchman hugging a Creole, Brazil
A Palm in the embrace of the roots of a Fig tree. The tree that is now strangling the palm was at first the nurse child of the latter, and its history is this

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 91. Papaw Trees at Gongo, Brazil

91. Papaw Trees at Gongo, Brazil
The Papaw (carica Papaya, L.) is a tropical American tree now commonly cultivated in warm countries. Its stem is usually unbranched and grows about twenty feet high, bearing a crown of foliage

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 89. Peaches and Humming Birds, Brazil

89. Peaches and Humming Birds, Brazil
The peach is an introduced fruit in Brazil. It is here represented growing against a mat fence instead of a wall. Petasophora serrirostris is the name of the Humming Bird

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 84. Brazilian 0rchids

84. Brazilian 0rchids
The rosy-purple flowers are those of Cattleya Loddigesii, Lindl. which magnificent genus has its headquarters in Brazil; the other is Zygopetalulm intermedium, Lodd

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 82. Butterflies Road through Gongo Forest, Brazil

82. Butterflies Road through Gongo Forest, Brazil

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 78. Brazilian Orchids

78. Brazilian Orchids
A species of Zygopetalum ( Z. brachypetalum, Lindl.), with the orange-scarlet Comparettia coccinea, Lindl. in front

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 76. Group of Wild Meadow Flowers, of Brazil. Golden Banana and E

76. Group of Wild Meadow Flowers, of Brazil. Golden Banana and E
Among the flowers are a species of white Clusica (?), a Pleroma and Thunbergia alata, Boj. yellow with dark centre

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 75. View from the Sierra of Petropolis, Brazil

75. View from the Sierra of Petropolis, Brazil
The Bay of Rio, and its Islands, and Sugarloaf Mountain in the distanbe. This summit is 3000 feet above the sea, and is reached by a zigzag road of ten miles

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 74. The Iron Racks of Casa Branca, Brazil

74. The Iron Racks of Casa Branca, Brazil
They are 5000 feet above the level of the sea

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 71. Palm, Bamboos and India-rubber Trees in the, Botanic Garden

71. Palm, Bamboos and India-rubber Trees in the, Botanic Garden

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 70. Palma de Santa Rita, and Atlas Moth, Brazil

70. Palma de Santa Rita, and Atlas Moth, Brazil
The inflorescences of the Marica are so heavy that they fall to the ground on all sides; and the seeds germinate before they leave the pod, and send down their roots therefrom

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 65. Foliage and flowers of a climbing plant with royal palms

65. Foliage and flowers of a climbing plant with royal palms and Sugarloaf Mountain in the background, Brazil, 1880
This handsome climbing shrub (Roupellia grata, Wall.) is a native of Sierra Leone, and its flowers are very sweet scented. It is occasionally cultivated in this country

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 61. Organ Peak at Theresoplis and Bay of Rio below

61. Organ Peak at Theresoplis and Bay of Rio below

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: Marianne North

Marianne North
Kew B2B Art: Marianne North

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 90. Glimpse of Mr. Weilhorns House at Petropolis, Brazil

90. Glimpse of Mr. Weilhorns House at Petropolis, Brazil
The late owner of this house was a friend of Humboldt

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 88. Flowers of a Brazilian Forest Tree

88. Flowers of a Brazilian Forest Tree
Pachira margqinata, A. Juss. is related to the Baobab and the genera Bombax (247) and Eriodendron (632)

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 83. View from Mr. Weilhorns House, Petropolis, Brazil

83. View from Mr. Weilhorns House, Petropolis, Brazil

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 81. Brazilian Flowers

81. Brazilian Flowers
Begonia maculata, Raddi (syn. B.argyrostigma, Fisch.), the blue-berried Coccocypselum discolor, Hort. and Blue Bird (Coereba cyanea)

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil

80. Cocoera Palms and Bananas, Morro Velho, Brazil
The Falm (Acrocomia sp.) is a favourite nesting-place of birds, as its trunk is so armed with prickles that no climbing enemies attempt to reach them

Background imageImages Dated 25th January 2011: 69. Wild Flowers of Casa Branca, Brazil

69. Wild Flowers of Casa Branca, Brazil
The principal figure having longitudinally ribbed leaves and large blue- flowers is a Melastomacea (Plerorma sp.) with an orange-flowered Tillandsia and a species of Evolvulus behind

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