6 Items
122. Peak of Casa Branca, with its Iron Rocks and Tree Lilies, BThe peak is 5000 feet high; and various arboreous species of Vellozia, or " Tree Lilies, " are characteristic of this sterile mountainous region
127. Foliage and Flowers of the Cinnamon TreeThis tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, B1.), whose fragrant aromatic bark is the cinnamon of commerce, is a native of Ceylon, but it is cultivated and has become wild in Jamaica
126. View from the Artists House in Jamaica, with Double RainboRose-Apple, and Bananas in the foreground
123. Foliage and Flowers of Alpinia nutans, and a pair of DoctorThe Alpinia is a native of Tropical Asia
121. A Bank of Quaresma and Trumpet Trees, BrazilQuaresma is a name given to a Melastomacea-Pleroma granulosum. For further particulars of the Trumpet Tree, see 823
125. Selection of cultivated Flowers, painted in JamaicaIn the vase, associated with the crimson flowers of one of the Coral trees (Erythrina sp.), is a panicle of the sweet-scented lilac and white flowers of Melia Azedarach, L
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