13 Items
116. The Bog-walk, Jamaica, with Bread Fruit, Banana, Cocoanut
124. Leonotis nepetaefolia and Doctor Humming Birds, JamaicaThe noble herb here represented is a native of South Africa, and now a common " weed " in some tropical countries. Aithurus polytmus is the name of the bird in this and 123
128. Foliage and Flowers of the Loquat or Japanese Medlar, BraziThe Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica, Lindl.) is a native of China and Japan, and is closely related to our Medlar, bearing a singular edible fruit (see 155)
136. Pancratium caribaeum and a Passion Flower, Jamaica
132. Valley behind the Artists House at Gordontown, JamaicaDatura arborea, L. is the plant in the foreground
Arctostaphylos pungens kunthWood section of Arctostaphylos pungens kunth
Castanea pumilaWood section of Castanea pumila
120. Bananas and Orange Trees, a Palm and a Bush of Noche BuenaAs mentioned under 816 the Banana is one of the most striking types of tropical vegetation; and it is also one of the most important
112. Foliage, flowers, and fruit of the Granadilla, JamaicaThe fruit of several species and varieties of Passion Flower is edible; this is Passiflora macrocarpa, Mast. Seeds and pulp-in fact all the inside is eaten
108. Foliage and Flowers of a Brazilian Climbing Shrub and HummiThere are three or four species varieties of Bougainvillea, to which genus the climber belongs, all of them endemic in Brazil, though one or two are now commonly cultivated in warm countries
104. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Soursop, BrazilAnona muricata, L. is a native of the West Indies, where, as well as in continental America and other countries, it is cultivated for its excellent fruit
100. Flowers of another Kind of Coral Tree
96. Orchid and Humming Birds, BrazilOne of the numerous forms of the genus Cattleya-C. bicolor, Lindl. and a species of Chlorostilbon
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