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Images Dated 30th June 2011

86 Items

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 639. Japanese Flowers

639. Japanese Flowers
Forsythia viridissima, Lindl (yellow), Azalea, Camellia, and Paeonia Moutan, Sims. The variegated foliage at the top is of Cleyera Fortunei, Hook. f

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 658. Distant View of Mount Fujiyama, Japan, and Wistaria

658. Distant View of Mount Fujiyama, Japan, and Wistaria
This beautiful, hardy, climbing shrub Wistaria chinensis, DC. is a native of China and Japan, and was introduced into this country about the year 1816

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed Pine

661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed Pine
The Japanese delight in dwarfing normally big trees; and they have brought the art to such a degree of perfection that they can keep them down to the size of the one represented to a very

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 671. Foliage of a Cinnamon and Atlas Moth

671. Foliage of a Cinnamon and Atlas Moth
The pea-like flower is Clitoria Ternatea, Linn. Observe the Caterpillar and Chrysalis of the Moth (Attacus sp)

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 638. Foliage and Fruit of Sterculia parviflora

638. Foliage and Fruit of Sterculia parviflora
The lower seed-vessels ripe and open, exposing the seeds to view. Each cluster of seed-vessels is the product of a single flower. See 281

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 697. Group of Wild Flowers of Java, from Tosari

697. Group of Wild Flowers of Java, from Tosari
These flowers were from an elevation of 6000 feet. The most noteworthy flower in the group is the fine large Forget-me-not in the centre

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 641. Japanese Chrysanthemums, cultivated in this country

641. Japanese Chrysanthemums, cultivated in this country

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 683. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Malayan Tree

683. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Malayan Tree
This is Saraca declinata, Miq. a member of the Leguminosae

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 676. Leaf-Insects and Stick-Insects

676. Leaf-Insects and Stick-Insects
The singular forms assumed by these insects have suggested the names leaf -insect, stick-insect, &c. and these names are most appropriate

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 640. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Eugenia, Sarawak, Borneo

640. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Eugenia, Sarawak, Borneo
Flowers of E. grandis, Wight, fruit of E. aquea, Burm. f

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Broadwalk planting with the Orangery

Broadwalk planting with the Orangery in the back ground

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Cambridge cottage garden

Cambridge cottage garden

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Helenium flowers

Helenium flowers
COMPOSITAE, Helenium flowers, Sahins Early Flowerer

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 696. Banana, American Aloe, and Cypress, in a Garden, Java

696. Banana, American Aloe, and Cypress, in a Garden, Java
This Banana, Musa coccinea, Roxb. does not bear an edible fruit. A gave americana, Linn. the American Aloe, is wholly different from the true Aloes of South Africa. See 383, 386, etc

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 684. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Sacred Lotus in Java

684. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Sacred Lotus in Java
The roots and seeds of Nelumbium speciosum, Willd. were eaten by the Egyptians in the time of Herodotus, as they are at the present time in India; but it long ago disappeared from Egypt-how long ago

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 665. Banyan Trees at Buitenzorg, Java

665. Banyan Trees at Buitenzorg, Java
Roots descend from the branches of this tree (Ficus bengalensis, L.), on all sides, and after penetrating the ground they enlarge and grow into stems three or four feet or more in girth

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: The Palm House

The Palm House with pink and grey formal bedding

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 699. Blauwater, Pasoeroewan, Java

699. Blauwater, Pasoeroewan, Java
An old Hindu Tank, whose Temple has disappeared; but its sacred monkeys are pensioned and petted by the Dutch Government

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 698. Two Swamp Plants of Java in Flower

698. Two Swamp Plants of Java in Flower
The snow-white flowers of the Costus speciosus, Sm. like those of most of its allies, are very fugitive, but the red bracts from which they spring are more durable. Cassia alata, Linn

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 695. Foliage and Flowers of a Forest Tree of Java

695. Foliage and Flowers of a Forest Tree of Java
Fagraea auriculata, Jack, is the name of the tree; and the bird (Megalaema sp.) is probably not a native of Java, though it was bought and painted there

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 694. Banyan Tree at Passu Gulah, near Diocia, Java

694. Banyan Tree at Passu Gulah, near Diocia, Java
A prisoner was formerly chained to the stone table for many years and employed his time rolling the two big stones around

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 693. Gardeners Cottage, Buitenzorg Botanic Garden Java

693. Gardeners Cottage, Buitenzorg Botanic Garden Java
It is hung with Bird Cages and shaded by trees covered with Rattan or Climbing Palms (Calamus sp.)

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 692. Ripe Fruit of Screw Pine, and sprig of sandal Wood

692. Ripe Fruit of Screw Pine, and sprig of sandal Wood
Pandanus tectorius, Sol. No. 571 shows the habit of growth of the Screw Pine. Consult the description of 246

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 688. Foliage and Flowers of the Clove, Fruit of the Mango, and Hindoo God of Wisdom, 1880

688. Foliage and Flowers of the Clove, Fruit of the Mango, and Hindoo God of Wisdom, 1880
Oil painting by Marianne North, 1880. The cloves of commerce are the unopened flower-buds, and the tree that produces them (Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb.) is a native of the Moluccas

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 686. Volcanoes from Temangong, with Sugar Palms in the foregroun

686. Volcanoes from Temangong, with Sugar Palms in the foregroun
The trunk of this palm (Arenga saccharifera, Lab.) when dead is hollow, and furnishes very durable underground water-pipes

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 682. Group of Palms, Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java

682. Group of Palms, Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 681. Climbing Aroid and Nest of White Sparrows, Java

681. Climbing Aroid and Nest of White Sparrows, Java
Rhaphidophora sp. and Padda orizivora

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 679. The Ardjuno Volcano from Tosari, Java

679. The Ardjuno Volcano from Tosari, Java
Tree Ferns and Casuarinas in the foreground

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 678. Bamboos and Cocoanut Palm

678. Bamboos and Cocoanut Palm
Carrion Crows watching Malays in a Butchery, Java

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 677. Old Banyan Trees at Buitenzorg, Java

677. Old Banyan Trees at Buitenzorg, Java
See the description of Ficus bengalensis, L. 293

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 675. Inflorescence of a Plant of the Ginger Family from Java

675. Inflorescence of a Plant of the Ginger Family from Java
The flowers are in dense clusters, which proceed from the trailing, partly underground stem; and the ripe seed-vessels are sweet and juicy like grapes. It is probably a species of Amomum

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 674. Hindu Idols and Frangipani Trees at Singosari, Java

674. Hindu Idols and Frangipani Trees at Singosari, Java
Plumeria acutifolia, Poir

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 673. Leaf and Inflorescence of a Gigantic Aroid, Java

673. Leaf and Inflorescence of a Gigantic Aroid, Java
Amorphophallus campanulatus, Blume, is a singular and striking object. Previous to the bursting of the spathe containing the spadix, which takes place suddenly about sunrise

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 672. A Javan Rhododendron and Ipomoea

672. A Javan Rhododendron and Ipomoea
The genus Rhododendron has a wide range in the Old World, from the Alps of Europe to China and Japan, and southward to Java, Borneo

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 670. The Talipot Palm in Flower and Fruit, and Wine Palm in flow

670. The Talipot Palm in Flower and Fruit, and Wine Palm in flow
Under 284 will be found an account of the mode of flowering of the Talipot Palm (Corypha Gebanga, Blume); and that of the Wine Palm (Caryota urens, Linn.) is equally curious

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 669. Japanese Persimmon or Kaki Fruit

669. Japanese Persimmon or Kaki Fruit
Several varieties of this fruit (Diospyros Kaki, Linn f.) are cultivated both in China and Japan; and some of them have been imported, and are now cultivated in the South of Europe

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 668. View from Malang, Java

668. View from Malang, Java
Mat Houses, and a large Tree in the foreground

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 667. Cascade at Tji Boddas, Java

667. Cascade at Tji Boddas, Java
Tree Ferns and Amomum plants in the foreground

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 666. Palms in the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java

666. Palms in the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java
In the centre are two small ones, having huge fan-shaped leaves. These are the famous Double Cocoanut, or Coco de Mer (Lodoicea sechellarum, Lab.), and they were then thirty years old

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 664. Java Flowers

664. Java Flowers
Agalmyla staminea, Blume, with an Orchid and the trailing Campanulacea (Pratia egoniaefolia, Lindl.) in front

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 663. Pawan Durfur

663. Pawan Durfur
Temple crushed by a large Cotton tree, Java

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 290. Pine-clad slopes of Nagkunda, North India, and view of the

290. Pine-clad slopes of Nagkunda, North India, and view of the
Taken from outside of the Artists paper window. In the foreground, on the right, is the top of a pine tree, clipped and trained so as to resemble a bank of turf from where the artist sat

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 660. Foliage and Flowers of an Indian climbing Evergreen Shrub

660. Foliage and Flowers of an Indian climbing Evergreen Shrub
At first sight this reminds one of the Himalayan Rhododendron Griffithianum, Wight. it is Beaumontia grandiflora, Wall. belonging to the Apocynaceae, and climbs to the tops of the highest trees

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 656. Small Temple of Maruyama at Kioto, Japan

656. Small Temple of Maruyama at Kioto, Japan
Cryptomeria japonica, Don, and bamboos in the background. The form of devotion practised at this temple consists in running round it one hundred times

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 653. The Hottomi Temple at Kioto, Japan

653. The Hottomi Temple at Kioto, Japan
A Pine tree trained as an espalier in front, and autumn tints in the back ground

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 651. Garden of the Nishihongwange Temple, Kioto, Japan

651. Garden of the Nishihongwange Temple, Kioto, Japan
Cycads (Cycads revoluta, Thunb.) and various dwarf plants on a rockery

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 648. Roadside View from Sindang Laya, Java

648. Roadside View from Sindang Laya, Java
A Durian tree (Durio zibethinus, DC.) may be seen on the left

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 647. View from the Artists Window at Buitenzorg, Java

647. View from the Artists Window at Buitenzorg, Java
Cocoanut Palms, Bananas, Breadfruit trees, and Coffee bushes. Clerodendron paniculatum, Linn. in flower on the left

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 646. The Gader Volcano, Java, from Sindang Laya

646. The Gader Volcano, Java, from Sindang Laya
A young Casuarina, and Datura arborea in the foreground with an Erythrina in flower and a Furcraea poling on the left

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 645. Two Flowering Shrubs of Java

645. Two Flowering Shrubs of Java
Strophanthus dichotomous, DC. and Lagerstroemia indica, L. The five-tailed corollas of the first are singular, as well as its large seed-vessel

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 644. A Clearing in the Forest of Tji Boddas, Java, with bank of

644. A Clearing in the Forest of Tji Boddas, Java, with bank of

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 643. Gate of the Temple of Kobe, Japan, and Wistaria

643. Gate of the Temple of Kobe, Japan, and Wistaria
Wistaria chinensis, Sieb. et Zucc. trained over the gateway, and a noble Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum Camphora, Nees) behind it

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 642. Rice Drying on the sea-shore near Yokohama, Japan

642. Rice Drying on the sea-shore near Yokohama, Japan

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 637. Plants of Sarawak

637. Plants of Sarawak
On the left the bold, longitudinally-ribbed foliage of a Melastomacea with a vine in fruit, the name of which we have not determined;

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 636. The Volcanoes of Merapi and Marbaboe, Java, from the top of Boro Bodoer

636. The Volcanoes of Merapi and Marbaboe, Java, from the top of Boro Bodoer
The rich plain at their feet covered with morning mist; the tops of the Cocoanut groves alone showing above it, and indicating the position of the numerous native villages

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 634. Foliage, Fruit, and Flowers of a Rose-apple, Java

634. Foliage, Fruit, and Flowers of a Rose-apple, Java
Fruit edible. This is probably a variety of Eugenia aquea, Burm. f

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 633. Rice Harvest, near Bandong, Java

633. Rice Harvest, near Bandong, Java
The working buffaloes, though very savage towards men, get fond of the boys who drive them and habitually sit on their backs

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 632. Young Leaves and Flowers and Fruit of Cotton tree

632. Young Leaves and Flowers and Fruit of Cotton tree
The seeds of Eriodendron anfractuosum, DC. are densely clothed with silky-white hair (Kapok), which is used to stuff pillows, &c.; in Java the trees themselves are used as telegraph posts

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 631. Flowers and Fruit of the Jamboa Boll, Java

631. Flowers and Fruit of the Jamboa Boll, Java
The fruit is sweet, like a pear, and is the product of a species of Eugenia of the section Jambosa

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Restored Marianne North Gallery Interior

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 691. Statue of Buddha

691. Statue of Buddha
From the Great Pyramid of Boro Bodo, Java. Poinsettia and Iris behind it

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 690. The Mosque of Bandong, Java

690. The Mosque of Bandong, Java
The large trees are Pterocarpus indicus, Willd. commonly planted for shade in Java

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 689. Mat Houses, Bandong, Java

689. Mat Houses, Bandong, Java
Palms and Datura arborea, L. in the left foreground

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 687. Foliage and Fruit of a small Screw Pine, Java

687. Foliage and Fruit of a small Screw Pine, Java

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 685. Idols and Temples at Brambanang, Java

685. Idols and Temples at Brambanang, Java

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 662. Young pitchers and ripe seed-vessels of a Pitcher Plant of

662. Young pitchers and ripe seed-vessels of a Pitcher Plant of

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co

659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co
On the left is Aucuba japonica, Thunb. bearing the familiar mottled leaves and a cluster of the red berries; a group of single and semi-double varieties of Camellia japonica, L

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co

659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co
On the left is Aucuba japonica, Thunb. bearing the familiar mottled leaves and a cluster of the red berries; a group of single and semi-double varieties of Camellia japonica, L

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 655. Interior of Chion-in Temple, Kioto, Japan

655. Interior of Chion-in Temple, Kioto, Japan

Background imageImages Dated 30th June 2011: 654. Temple over the Great Bell of Chion-in, Kioto, Japan

654. Temple over the Great Bell of Chion-in, Kioto, Japan
This bell is eighteen feet in diameter

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