15 Items
201. View of Lake Donner, Sierra NevadaThe Great Pacific Railway on the right
227. View from the top of the Waterfall at Ramboddy, CeylonDatura arborea, Bananas and Ironwood tree (Mesua ferrea, L.) in the foreground, and Rice and Tea Plantations in the distance
231. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of an African Tree painted in IThis tree (Kigelia pinnata, DO.), inhabits both the east and west sides of tropical Africa, and presents a most singular appearance when in fruit, the pods being sometimes two feet or more in length
212. North American Carnivorous PlantsPainted from plants grown in this garden. Behind, on the left, is Darlingtonia californica, Torr. with Sarracenia purpurea, L.. in front of it; S. fiara, L
213. Ghost of a Big Tree, Calaveras Grove, CaliforniaThis tree was barked up to a height of 116 feet, and the bark exhibited at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, until destroyed by fire a few years ago
224. Study of Cereals cultivated in Kumaon, IndiaAn old brass chatty, with a Cob of Maize or Indian Corn (Zea Mays, L.) lying in front. The purple brown and the green spikes hanging on the left are varieties of Millet (Setaria sp.)
Pandanus microcarpus
214. The Great Grisly Big Tree of the Mariposa Grove. 214. The Great Grisly Big Tree of the Mariposa GroveIt is ninety-three feet seven inches in girth at the base, and about sixty feet at eleven feet from the ground; and its first branch is six feet in diameter
209. The Yosemite Waterfall, CaliforniaBalsam Poplars (Populus trichocarpa, Torr. & Gr.) in the foreground. The Upper Yosemite Fall is stated to be about 1550 feet high; and below it the stream descends, by a series of cascades and falls
206. Another View of Lake Tahoe and Nevada Mountains, CaliforniaSee 195 and 202
197. On the Rocks, near West Manchester, Massachusetts
194. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New YorkIn front, on the left, is the singular Cancer Root, or Naked Broomrape (Aphyllon uniflorum, Torr. & Gr.), a root-para- site allied to our Broomrapes
216. Wild Flowers of Mussooree, IndiaAlthough wild the cactus (Echinopsis oxygona, Zuec.) and the little yellow Calceolaria are not indigenous in India. The Primulas are indigenous
215. Indian AlmondA tree of the same in the distance on the left. This tree (Terminalia Catappa, L.) is commonly planted in India for shade; and it is remarkable in its mode of branching
211. Autumn Tints, near Niagara, United States
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