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Images Dated 9th March 2011

12 Items

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 240. Some of Mrs. Camerons Models, with Cocoanut and Teak Tree

240. Some of Mrs. Camerons Models, with Cocoanut and Teak Tree
The Teak trees are on the left

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 237. Gardening at Nainee Tal, India

237. Gardening at Nainee Tal, India
On the other side of the lake, below the Oak Trees, the Willows (Salix babylonica, L.) are seen that formerly shaded the Temple of a Goddess, now covered by a landslip

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 244. Singular Plants of the Dark Forests of Singapore and Borneo

244. Singular Plants of the Dark Forests of Singapore and Borneo
These highly curious organisms are members of a small family (the Burmanniaceae), related to the Orchidaceae. Some of them draw their nourishment from decaying vegetable matter

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 278. Michelia and Climber of Darjeeling, India

278. Michelia and Climber of Darjeeling, India
The tree is Michelia excelsa, Wall. a lofty congener of the Champak, and the climber is Porana grandiflora, Wall. which is remarkable in its family (Convolvulaceae) for being sweetscented

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 279. African Baobab Trees, a large Tamarind, the God Aiyanar and

279. African Baobab Trees, a large Tamarind, the God Aiyanar and
The god and his wives are supposed to take a ride every night, leaving good gifts at the houses of all who give them earthenware horses

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 280. Wild Flowers of Darjeeling, India

280. Wild Flowers of Darjeeling, India
Hanging above are the crimson flowers of Aeschynanthus bracteata, Wall. with Torenia asiatica. L. on the, right; the handsome Pleijone Wallichiana, Lindi

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 277. On the way from Tibet near Nagkunda, North India

277. On the way from Tibet near Nagkunda, North India
Sheep carrying their loads of tea and borax from Tibet into India. The trees are a kind of Fir (Picea Mlorinda, Link), and on the left Abies Pindrow, Spach

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 245. The Elephant Creeper of India

245. The Elephant Creeper of India
Leaves of this, (Argyreia speciosa, Sweet), are used by the natives in the preparation of poultices, and also in cutaneous diseases

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 243. Foliage and Flowers of two Indian Rhododendrons

243. Foliage and Flowers of two Indian Rhododendrons
The one having white flowers, R. Griffithianum, Wight, is better known in gardens under the more recent name of R. Auclclandii, Hook. f

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 242. Ceylon Pitcher Plant and Butterflies

242. Ceylon Pitcher Plant and Butterflies
Nepenthes distillatoria, Linn. and Papilio crino

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 239. Wild Flowers of Simla, India

239. Wild Flowers of Simla, India
Ladies Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium cordigerum, D. Don.), Violet (Viola serpens, Wall.), and Ophiopogon intermedius

Background imageImages Dated 9th March 2011: 238. Deodars and the Choor Mountain, from Nahl Dehra, India

238. Deodars and the Choor Mountain, from Nahl Dehra, India
The Deodar or India Cedar (Cedrus Deodara, Loud.) is one of the noblest trees of the mountains of North India. See remarks under 297

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