11 Items
Solanum dulcamaraBotanic illustration of woody nightshade
Datura stramonium, 1863-1886Illustration of Datura stramonium from English botany, or Coloured Figures of British Plants, 1863-1886
Cicuta virosaBotanic illustration of water hemlock, aslo known as water crow-bane
Aconitum napellusbotanic illustration of monkshood
Solanum nigrumBotanic illustration of black nightshade
Atropa belladonna
Dahlia coccinea, 1804Illustration of Dahlia coccinea by Sydenham Edwards from Curtiss botanical magazine, vol 20, plate 762, 1804
Atropa belladonna - Deadly nightshadeBotanical illustration of deadly nightshade
Oenanthe crocatabotanic illustration of hemlock
Conium maculatumIllustration of Conium maculatum or common hemlock from English Botany, or Coloured Figures of British Plants, vol. 4, plate 629
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